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FBOITLtift FBOITLtiftIN IN Bjxy the bourbon ffiatls registered KNTOCWr 5TRAK5HT BOURBON WHJSW for your yourassured assured satisfaction satisfactionNext Next time you buy bourbon look for the label Old Foresters serial number means every drop of this fine bonded bourbon every step in its production is carefully checked and recorded your assurance of confbnnance to our unchang ¬ fit STIUC I AI IdTTltB II IIHtOWNFORMANOISTlLLERS ing standard of perfection HtOWNFORMANOISTlLLERS CORPORATION Why dont you enjoy this rich hearty bourbon V iOVlSVIttt II KEITICST tonight Do7 and youll know why our label sin ¬ cerely says There is nothing better in the market OLD FORESTER RBOH WHISKY BOTTLED IN BOND 100 PROOF BROWNFORMAN DISTILLERS CORPORATION LOUISVILLE IN KENTUCKY