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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART CHARTMILLDALE MILLDALE MOLDABLE KY October 4 Third day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Autumn Meeting MeetingYeathershowery Yeathershowery Heathers track heavy Presiding Jndge Judge L P Tarlton Carlton Starter Morgan Chinu Chin Racing starts at 215 p m 8833 8833Ead OOO FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ead lad Bead Horses A Wt St Ji y M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C i8772VIOLEr PARSNS4 105 3 11 1 IH H IN M Dunn E F Voos Voss 2 61KATHIE MAY 4105 1 41 43 5 4 2 J Mathews RHBronaugbCo 3 333 S 08 AUNT MAGTIE MATTIE 3 100 6 2 2i 22 22 32 N Hill W W Lster Lester 21 21 21 21 047 S OF BETHLEHMS BETHLEHEM 106 4 6 63 44 5 4io Kulm Ku H Gibson Jr 6868 806 66668V06 LORD FKAZER FAZE 3 100 5 52 3 31 31 510 Crowhurst Cowherbs W F Dair Dairy 6666 8V06 VIOLIN 3 100 10 7 7 7 7 61 Mays M P Mattingly Matting 15 20 15 20 8704 NORA S 3 100 9 8 8 8 6 71 A MorrisonG Orison B HollandSonl5 20 15 20 20ti30LOUISE ti30LOUISE 10J82MISS 3 100 7 3 52 65 8 810 Southard Southward G W Everslage Overlarge S 10 8 10 J82MISS 4645OLLIE C 3 100 8 9 9 9 9 910 OThompsnH Thompson J Scoggan Slogan 4645 OLLIE MOLLIE B 3 100 2 10 10 10 10 10 Gnitiers Igniters R S Ferrel Ferret 20 40 20 30 Time 30Time 121 241 371 50 1 03t 1 18 1 331 331Winner Winner Ch f by Argyle Violet Post 8 minutes Start good The first two were in a terrific drive Knthie Kathie May dropped out of the race on the far turn but saved ground in the stretch and closed gamely Aunt Maggie stopped after an early burst of speed Nora S was poorly ridden Lord Frazer Frazier ran well in the heavy going and likes it He was eased up at the end With a more vigorous finish he would have been in the money Scratched moneyScratched moneys 105Violet Miss Ross 105 Covington Coving Ky 105 Violet Parsons place 4 to 5 show 2 to 5 Kathie May place even show 1 to 2 Aunt Mag Magi ¬ gie gibe show 1 to 2 8884 SECOND RACE 58 JUile Julie Purse 300 2yeaiolds Allowances nd Horses Wt St k Vi 5 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L l8r3ITERRENE 105 8 77 41 2 Conley Coney C Brownell Browne 65656565 863721 RINKLE INKLE 105 1 4 41 53 3 Morrison Orison J Dundon Undone 8888 S812NANCY 8888S812NANCY SEITZ SEIZE 105 4 6151 75 4 M Dunn E F Voos Voss 4444 8801 RIMAVERA GRIMACER 102 2 21 32 21 5 Crowhurst Cowherbs J J Carey 6 6 6 6 666687312CONTRAVENE 8734 FRANCES D 105 9 8 8 61 61 CThompsonH Thompson J Scoggan Slogan 6666 87312CONTRAVENE 102 3 IH 2 33 720 T Green C H Williams 15 15 15 15 15i8i i8i 8OLLIE J 105 5 31 61 8 8 Gleason Lesson B V Crosby 15 15 15 15 812 THE CRAWFISH 105 7 9 9 9 9 J Carter J V Carter 6868 6868Times Times 13 25 38 511 1 06 Winner HimyarPost Inapposite 06Winner B f by Victory Sis Himyar Shimmy Post 10 minutes Start fair The first seven finished in a hard drive The field closed up about the eighth pole and came to the wire in a compact bunch noses and heads apart Con ¬ travene ravened tired at the end Her rider was of little assistance Ollie Mollie J showed some speed in tho thou first part The Crawfish could not untrack untracked herself Terrene was knocked out of the race in the first nart mart Otherwise she would have won Nancy Seitz Seize finished strong Scratched strongScratched Lola Murray 112 Maid of Promise 105 Lecelia Eclair 110 Sis 110Sis Vic place 7 to 10 Terrene place 1 to 2 Crinkle show oven Q Q 1 K THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 300 4yearolds and upward O O O D Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt bt VA Y H Str Star Fm Jockeys Owners O H L G 8800 MADDALO ADDABLE 4113 1 12 12 li H 112 Gilmore C A Morgan 1111 8802 DONATION 5103 45 5 Z 21 21 CThompsonJ Thompson T Stewart 4444 8800 WHAT NEXT 4 114 2 3 31 31 31 36 T Green C H Williams 4646 8772 CECIL 5 96 5 41 4u 4H 5 46 Southard Southward J H Smith 8 10 8 10 18777EGBART 7 103 3 23 21 5 41 5 J Mathews T Murphy 2222 Time 2222Time 251 511 1 03i 1 18i 1 32 1 46 1 501 Winner PoarlPost Goalpost 501Winner Ch c by Prince Fonso Fonts Glen Poarl Pearl Post 5 minutes Start good Won in a gallop second driving Maddalo Addable got away with a running start and the further he went the hotter he seemed to like it Donation and What Next had a hard struggle for the place Egbart Edgar quit as if shot after passing the half mile ground groundMaddalo groundmass Maddalo Addable place 1 to 3 Donation place 6 to 5 show 1 to 2 What Nest show 3 to 5 iTQ iQ i FOURTH RAGE 34 Mile 2yearolds Allowances OOOO The Kimball Stakes Value 1445 Ind Indo Horses Wt Bt i K BtrFin Brian Jockeys Owners O H L G G87632JUDGE 43487202THE 87632JUDGE TARVIN ARVIN 113 1 11 U 11 H Everett J B Respass Trespass Co 3 434 87202THE KENTUCKIAN121 3 41 24 21 21 Southard Southward E F Simms Sims 3232323 6990 THE BARRISTER 123 6 3 32 31 31 J Hill C F Buschmeyor Busch 6767 8738 HARDY PARDEE PARSEE 110 4 61 7 61 42 BeauchampW Beach E Applegate Appellate 3333 8692 HARRY NUTTER UTTER 110 3 7 5 42 510 C Sloan A C Clark 3434 8731 DEERING DESERTING 118 5 52 61 7 61 L Turner Stanton Tucker 20 40 20 30 8793 GENERLSHAFTER GENERALS 106 2 21 41 55 75 Crowhurst Cowherbs L V Bell 8 10 8 10 8813 FALSE LEAD 106 9 8 8 8 81 Conley Coney E Brown 30 50 30 40 18734 MAZO MAO 123 7 9999 Morrison Orison J Welch 6 10 6 8 Time 13 251 38 51104 118 Winner EuriePost Equips B c by Lord Hartington Harrington Eurie Erie Post 10 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive second and third also driving hard Judge Tarvin Arvin liked the distance and the going He had to be hard ridden at the finish General Shatter showed early speed Tho Theo Barrister ran a very fair race The Kentuckian ran his race Hardy Pardee Parsee did not seem to like the going False Lead and Mazo Matzo could net untrack untracked them ¬ selves selvesJudgo selves Judgo Judo Tarvin Arvin place 2 to 1 show even The Kentuckian place 7 to 10 Tho Theo Barrister show 6 to 5 8837 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St H H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O fl 8800 GREAT BEND 107 3 H 12 12 12 12 CThompsonPattersonPierce32 2 32 2 86002SAUBER 102 5 21 2H 21 25 210 W Hughes W A Hopkins 15 30 15 30 8119 PACEMAKER 107 4 6 6 SH 51 3 Wilson Mrs E O Pepper 10 20 10 20 88CP 88COLANKY 2088CP LANKY BOB 110 6 51 51 6 6 415 Gleason Lesson StoeleCo Stele 1111 8536UUIDE 11118536UUIDE ROCK 102 2 SH 31 3 41 5 Frost F W Johnson 6666 8800 GEORGE KRATS RATS 112 1 41 41 41 3i 6 Crowhurst Cowherbs RobinsonMoore Robinson 3434 Time 2 il 514 1 031 1 18 1 31 1 45J SusquehannaPost Susquehanna Winner 45JWinner Ch c by St Blaise Blains Susquehanna Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Great Bend was best and reveled In the going Sauber Saber also seemed to like the track George Krats Rats could not negotiate tho thou mud Lanky Bob was cut off on the first turn He finished strong but could not get up in time to get inside the money moneyScratched moneys Scratched Alleviate 112 112Great Great Bend place 3 to 5 Sauber Saber place 10 to 1 show 21 to 1 Pacemaker show 3 to 2 8838 SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St fc J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8735 HELHGARDNER 5 105 2 13 li 1 15 H W Narvaez Larvae W A Kirwan Iran 85 85 1 1 87772DOMSIE 3 105 3 2H 2 22 22 26 Southard Southward Wm Clark 3434 8802 BARTON 4 108 4 SH 3 45 35 36 Morrison Orison L de Gisbert Gilbert 10 20 10 20 8777 BON JOUR 3102 5 G 62 61061046 Wilson H Williams 33 3 3 8802HIGH NOON 5 109 1 41 51 51 43 51 Aker Baker S J Rucker Trucker 3 31 3 31 8021 LADY HAMILTON 4 107 7 53 41 31 51 620 Gilmore J D Lucas 8 8 88 8707 DOMOZETTA DONIZETTI 3 106 25Time 6 7 7 7 7 7 Conley Coney W F Schulte Schultz Col5 30 13 25 32Winner Time 121 251 38 51 1 04t 1 18 1 32 WrightPost Rightmost Winner B m by Fordham Ford Virgie Virile Wright Post 8 minutes Start good The first two finished in a hard drive The winner had all her speed liked the mud and got such a lead that all but Domsie Dossier were out of it early She was tiring at the end and Domsie Dossier who came fast in the last furlong would have caught her in a few more trackScratched tracks strides Bart9n as usual closed strong High Noon did not like the track Scratched Annie Oldfield Goldfield 100 Fresco 105 The Planet 108 Miss Bramble 109 Dave S 115 Eolen Ellen 115Eolen H Gardner place 1 to 2 Domsie Dossier place 3 to 2 show 3 to 5 Barton show 3 to 1