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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART CHARTMILtDALE MILtDALE Moldable Ky Octoboi Octopi 12 Tenth day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Autumn Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge L P Tarlton Carlton Starter Morgan Chinn Chin Racing starts at 215 p m 3fQfT FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt 8t St M Yt Vt 5s StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8S60 SUYDAM SUDAN 4 1051 8 31 34 31 1 11 13 12 Conley Coney Schulto Schultz Vance 6767 2826 RASTUd Restudy 3 102 10 52 55 3 31 31 23 CThompsnT Thompson H Coloman Coleman 5555 8860 CECIL 5 99 4 41 4i 41 2 288803ARCTURUS 21 21 32 Southard Southward J H Smith 6666 88803ARCTURUS 3 3105 105 1 U 11 21 4 41 42 41 J Mathews G L Wainscott Wainscot 3333 8134 ADA ADAM RUSSELL 3 3107 107 2 6 7 7 7 51 Britton Briton Q C Hollo Hollow 10 15 10 15 8916 LIBATION 3 99 6 7 8 8 51 61 Crowhurst Cowherbs A B Dade 3 16 53 165 8964 RUSH FIELDS 4 102 9 9 9 9 61 71 Guitiers Guiltier J Charles 12 15 12 15 8941 SUE NELL 3 102 12 10 10 10 8 85 M Dunn Wells Co 5656 7773 FRANK WAGNER 3 99 11 11 11 11 9 93 W Roberts A G Stout 15 25 15 20 87113ABEREQATE 3 105 3 8 12 12 10 105 C Graham Tierney Etienne Innes Inanes 6 8 8880 MA ANGELINE ANGELINA 3102 7 21 H 5111 115 Kuhn WLRKLewis4 545 8809 POSSUM 31041512 6 6112 128 Aker Baker S Williams 10 12 10 12 8635 FRISCO BEN 3 105 13 13 13 13 13 13 N Hill R J Hynes Haynes 12 20 12 15 15Time Time 13 25J 38 52 1 06J 1 191 1 34i 34iWinner Winner B c by Rotherhill Arterially Silva PJana Juana PJanaPost Jalaps Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Buy dam ran a much improved race and relished the going Rastus Roasts ran a good race and will be dangerous hereafter Arcturus Actuaries is of little account at present Libation needs a letup Ma Angeline Angelina did not perform up to her notch Cecl Cecil will soon do doOverweights Overweights Overweighs Suydam Sudan 31 pounds Rush Fields 3 Possum 21 Frisco Ben 3 3Suydara Suydara Sumatra place 21 to 1 show 6 to 5 Rastus Roasts place 2 to 1 show even Cecil show even 8988 S1 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St H H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 0 8318 OLD FOX 110 6 52 52 14 l J Hill W J Donohue Downpour 5555 8876 ERNESPIE HERESIES 110 3 3 3 41 22 Vandusen Bandsmen W H May Son 4 5 4 5 88582 PAT GARRETT 107 4 2 21 52 31 Southard Southward J H Smith 21 3 21 3 8927 DOLLIE DOLLIED REGENT 100 2 4 44 31 42 M Dunn R Rome 21 13521 135 8900 EASTAB EAST ROOKS 1051 5 7 7 61 5 Conley Coney S Williams 8 10 8 10 8879 BANNIE ANNIE 107 8 61 6 7 62 N Hill W T Sellers 6 10 6 8 8927 PROTECT 100 1 1 IH 22 7 Crowhurst Cowherbs E C Brown 4444 8876 ROCKLAND ROLLAND 103 7 8 8 8 85 CThompsnL Thompson P Tarlton Carlton Co 10 10 10 10 10LADY LADY HOLLER 100 10 10 9 9 91 Kuhn J B Respass Trespass 10 20 10 20 8900 LA FAYETTE FAYE 110 9 9 10 10 10 Hinkey Hinkle J F Grefer Refer 6868 6868Time Time 13 251 38 514 106 106Winner Winner B c by Pardee Parsee Reecho ReechoPost Recompose Post 10 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Old Fox was best and the best ridden Einespie Inspire closed Ftrong Strong and Pat Garrett made his usual strong finish Dollie Dollied Re ¬ gent tired Protect quit after going half a mile mileScratched Scratched Minnie Stoue Stouter 100 Vox Ox 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs poundsOld pounds Eastabrooks Casebooks 21 pounds Old Fox place 2 to 1 show even Ernespie Heresies place 2 to 1 show even Pat Garrett show 1 to 2 8989 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt Bt M Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8916 THE DOCTOR 3 101 7 24 23 14 14 1 Southard Southward Wm Webb 1111 111188593JAMBOREE 88593JAMBOREE 7 1044 2 31 3 35 310 22 Aker Baker W F Dajr Dar 6666 8925 HELH EL GARDNER 5 110 3 i IH 23 23 32 W Narvaez Larvae W A Kirwan Iran 65656565 8946 ROYAL CHOICE 5 108 1 42 48 410 41 410 M Dunn R Rome 8888 8859 JACK BRADLEY 6 105 5 65 68 65 52 510 HarshbrgrFosterBrumfieldl5 20 15 20 74893BLE OF CORSICA 3 102 6 7 7 7 7 61 CThompsonC Thompson H Williams 6868 8923CAIUS 4 110 4 5 54 52 65 7 Conley Coney W H Robinson 10 10 10 10 10Time Time 134 264 391 524 1 06i 1 20 1 32i 1 48 Winner B g by Bersan Berman Lulan Allan LulanPost Post 8 minutes Start good Won easily second the same The winner was much the best in the going He wheeled at the start but caught the field and after racing Helen H Gardner off her feet came away without much trouble Helen H Gardner quit when Jamboree who came very strong in the stretch got to her There were virtually only three horses in the race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher McFarland II 105 Rout 105 105Overweights poundsThe pounds Overweights Overweighs Jamboree 24 pounds The Doctor place 1 to 3 Jamboree place 2 to 1 show even 8990 F FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M W StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8923 ALBERTVALE ALBERTA 4105 4 2 2 21014 13 Aker Baker E T Graves Graves82793REY 32323232 82793REY DEL MAR 81021212 7 34 35 21 W Narvaez Larvae C Rice Co Co8880MUNT 10 20 10 20 8880MUNT MAGGIE 3102 3 15 1 12 25 38 Kuhn W W Lister Blister 4545 8941 LENA MEYERS MEYER 3 102 1 5n 8 7 41 4 Crowhurst Cowherbs S L Forsythe Forsythia 4545 8904 HOWITZER 3 99 7 7 61 61 7 52 Nutt Mutt G G Moshier Mushier 8928 FRESCO 5 107 2 31 44 44 51 62 Conley Coney Ramsey Re 8776 LONETA LONE 4 1C2 8 8 51 54 61 72 Southard Southward W H May 89463 J1ORDECAI 310510 6 31 8 8 82 J Bill W R Griffin 4545 8964 SAMOVAR 4 102 9 9 9 9 9 98 G Taylor R K Pitman 15 20 15 20 8776 ELNOR ELMO HOLMES 3 1054 6 42 10 10 10 102 fiarr farr L J Haas Has 5656 8662 DUNCAN BELL 4 99 5 10 11 11 11 llio Clio T Green C H Williams 10 15 10 15 8198 FLOTOW FLOAT 4 102 11 11 12 12 12 12 Wilson E C Brown 10 15 10 15 Time 15Time 13 25i 384 514 1 05 1 19 1 33h Winner 33hWinner B c by Albert Montvale Mountable MontvalePost Mountable Post 5tniuutes Start fair Won easily second driving Albertvale Alberta came away from the others in ttlo Otto stretch and won as he pleased Rey Frey del Mar ran kindly in the going which was to his liking Aunt Maggie was pumped out racing with the winner winnerScratd winners Scratd Crated d Osmon Olson 105 105Overwfcfghts Overwfcfghts Overweighs Eleanor Holmes 34 pounds poundsAlbertvale Albertvale Alberta place 3 to 5 Rey Frey del Mar place 8 to 1 show 3 to 1 Aunt Maggie show even 8991 FIF FIFO FIFTH BACE ACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances lad Horses A Wt at H V4 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8905 THE GRINDER 105 4 34 33 22 ISK IS Morrison Orison W J Speirs Piers Co 3 4 3 4 8915 PRETTY ROSIE ROSE 105 3 21 2 14 24 Conley Coney Furst Furs Bros Brows 4545 8173 RAPAELLO RAPHAEL 100 6 51 44 41 3 G Taylor G H Whitney 6666 8836 FALSE LEAD 100 7 77 61 41 J Hill E Brown 5555 8945 RICE 107 8 64 64 51 54 ShacklfordRutledeeStovensS 10 5 10 8900 FLYING WORD 10010 10 8 7 61 Knhn Khan F P Thompson 10 10 10 10 8813 PEESS PEES KIMBALL 110 2 13 11 38 71 FThomp Fathom = onC conc Williams 10 10 10 10 1089152UNDUE 89152UNDUE 110 5 8 9 8 85 fcouthard courtyard Wells Co 24 4 24 3 3HEADLEY HEADLEY HEADILY 100 9 9 10 9 95 J Mathews E P Simms Sims 10 20 10 20 20DR DR GRAVES 110 1 42 5110 10 Vandusen Bandsmen J V Carter 6611 6611Time Time 13 254 38i 52 1 064 064Wiuner Wiuner Winner Ch c by Deceiver Miss Uharmer Harmer UharmerPost Harmer Post 10 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive The Grinder stumbled in the stretch But for that he would have won further off Pretty fiosie filose was the next best He is very speedy but hard to get away from the post The others are of little account and wiJl will have to seek easier game t ot out of the maiden class Dr Graves supposed to be a good thing was always out ¬ run Rafaello Rafael came strong at the finish finishScratched finishes Scratched Golden Edge 100 Bob Salter 110 110The The Grinder place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Pretty Rosie Rose place 2 to 1 show even Rafaello Rafael show even 8992 SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling A Wt St K X StrFin Strafing Jockeys 89663TOLE SIMMONS 3 105 4 21 2 32 24 1 J Mathews J F Grefer Refer 85 2 85 2 88332KATHIE MAY 4 102 3 41 42 24 31 2 Southard Southward RHBronaughCo3 434 88782MISS BRAMBLE 4 1091 2 U 14 14 14 31 Vaudusen Audience T E Davis 2222 8944 HIGH NOON 5107 1 SH SH 54 42 42 Morrison Orison SJRuckpr 6666 66668645ASTOR 8645ASTOR 3 104 5 51 SH 41 55 58 J Hill LockhrtRodmn2 11 52 115 1156787OSRIC 6787OSRIC II 4 102 6 6 6 6 6 6 Frost C C Maffitt Afflict 10 10 10 10 10Time Time 134 25J38J 524 105411811344 105411811344Winner Winner Br g by King Galop Gallop Wo Wa WaPost Apostle Post 3 minutes Start good The first four finished in a terrific drive They came down the stretch in line and the winner was in doubt until almost the last stride It was a beautiful fin ¬ ish dish The question of place was a very close one Astor and Osric Ostrich II were never in the race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Ray B 102 Mazeppa Marzipan 102 Viscount 102 Ramiro II 102 Barton 10i Domsie Dossier 110 110Overweights Overweights Overweighs Tole Stole Simmons 3 pouads pounds Miss Bramble 24 Astor 2 2Tole Tole Stole Simmons place 4 to 5 Kathie May place 8 to 5 show 7 to 10