Washington Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-11-22


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WASHINGTON FORM CHART CHARTWASHINGTON CARWASH WASHINGTON 30 C November 31 Eighth day Washington Jockey Club ClubFall Cuba Fall Meeting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter Mars Cassidy Racing starts at 215 t m 97H8 7 1 Q FIRST RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt 8t V4 Yt J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9692TRILLO 3106 8 li H 13 13 11 Maher L O Apoleby Apoplexy 3 3 952 952TD 5042UAMPANIA 5 94 9 51 4 31 32 23 McCue McClure TD Sullivan 10 10 7 8 8Adam fli675JUDGE Sullivanfli675JUDGE WARDLL3 103 5 21 2 22 21 3i Clawson Lawson Adam Beck Beck97273THE 21 4 21 21 21J 97273THE WINNER 5 102 1 411 53 52 42 410 Dean J J McCaffei McCabe McCaffeity 3333 9589 BEU BE IDEAL 5 105 3 8 7 7 51 52 Blake E H Hanna 50 100 50 100 96753PROTU8 4105 2 3 30 41 61 61 OLeary O'Leary ELRW ER Smith 30 40 30 40 9727 TARANTO TORONTO 4 104 7 7 61 61 7 7 Bergen M Bergen 50 100 50 100 9665 CHARLEY ROSE 3 86 11 11 10 9 8 8 Ryan J Josephson Joseph 15 30 15 30 9727 TALISMAN 4 97 6 9 9 10 9 9 Phelaii Ophelia 0 Littlefield Littered Jr 50 100 50 100 9692 MARSIAN MARIAN 5 100 4 6 8 8 10 10 Coylie Collie P S P Randolph 10 10 6 8 9731 LEUCOCYTE LEUCOCYTES 4 103 10 10 11 11 11 11 Collins H B Stevenson 50 100 50 100 100Time Time 13 25 37J 49 1 02 1 16 1 44 44Winner Winner B c byJTristan Fiona FionaPost Fiona Post 5 minutes Start fair Won driving Trillo Trill is good and outrun the lot all the way Campania Campanula shut out at the first turn with clear sailing might have won Judge Wardell Waddell did not like the route The Winner was unlucky none too well handled and closed strong in the stretch Marsian Marian was shut off on the turn and had no chance Scratched Hanwell Handel 105 Merlin 94 Abinedon Abandon 99 Wordsworth 99 Charagrace Carapace 100 Little Land 102 Lexington Pirate 102 Blueaway Bleary 106 Field Lark 89 Tabouret Tambour 95 Ovrweights Overweighs Taranto Arrant 2 pounds Marsian Marian 1 Leucocyte Leucocytes 1 Trillo Trill place 7 to 10 Campania Campanula place 2 to 1 show 6 to 5 Judge Wardell Waddell show 3 to 3 Q rj O Q SECON ECON SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M Yi X Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners 9690 SPECIALIST 107 1 51 3t IK U Hamilton F M Woods 8 10 7 8 8Kensico 9663 ST SOPHIA 107 8 77 51 2u Slack Kensico Keens St Stable 15 50 l 50 50W 8152 SENSINA SENSING 107 12 11 11 11 3 Maher W H Karri Kari Karrick Kari 6 10 6 10 10J 97063 SHEIK 110 3 3n 41 41 41 Dean J J McCaff Mecca McCafferty 6 8 C 7 7c 9216 DR VAUGHAN 110 11 10 10 91 51 Blake f c A Magee 20 SO 20 50 50IH 9663 KILARMA KITHARA 107 10 1 IH IH 2 61 Asburn Auburn B Cohen Ji Jr 5555 9586 IMPROVIDENT 110 13 9 51 61 7 Coylie Collie F L Parkei Parker 10 30 10 30 9663 COMMOIGNE COMMINGLE 110 9 8988 Mictfaels Icefalls W H Roberts 50 100 50 100 9690 SUBJECT 107 18 14 15 10 9 Gisbourne Gibbousness W C Daly Dally 100 100 100 100 9663 SIR CHRISTOPHER 107 5 41 61 7 10 Boland Borland C Ganz Gaza 50 50 40 40 7967 BEN LODI 111 4 4LEON 21 2 31 11 Littlefield Littered W Hayward 8 50 S 50 LEON DOR DORA 110 6 12 13 12 12 Coleman R Roche Broche 20 20 20 20 9731 CHANLER CHANDLER 109 15 15DR 13 14 13 13 Bennett A Cashner Casher 50 100 50 100 DR HEISKELL CHISEL 107 20 16 16 15 14 Collins F Chairs 40 60 40 60 5910 PHILLIDORE PHILLIP 107 16 15 12 16 15 Odom Sodom E A Craven 100 100 100 100 8888 FLY SCOTCHMAN 110 17 17 17 17 16 CunnghamRalph Hogan 30 50 30 50 9708 FORSOOTH 110 2 295862DECEPTIVE 61 8 14 17 Lamley Langley Modjeska Modes Stable 30 100 30 100 95862DECEPTIVE 110 7 Fell OLeary O'Leary G H Kernaghan Termagant 85 85 32 32 9393 IMPARTIAL 110 14 Fell Garrigan Arian Meyer Beiker Biker 30 30 20 25 9586 NONFORD NONFOOD 107 19 Fell Benrnu Bergnu Benny Bergen A F Watson 60 60 60 60 Time 60Time 13 24 50 1 04 SpecialtyPost Specialty Winner B c by St Florian Florin Specialty Post 10 minutes Start good Won easily Specialist was best Sensina Sestina closed strong Kilarma Kithara had a lot of early spaed spaced She Ben Lodi and Sheik ran themselves into the ground Deceptive Impartial and Nonford Nonfood went down in a bunch going to the half St Sophia and Dr Vaughan ran good races racesScratched backscratcher Scratched Brahmin 110 Terrorist 107 Waterhouse Warehouse 107 Ruxton Ruction 107 Orenburg Greenberg 107 Overweights Overweighs 107Overweights Chnnler Chandler 2 pounds Ben Lodi 1 1Specialist Specialist place 2 to 1 show even St Sophia place 15 to 1 show 6 to 1 Sensina Sestina show 2tol Qrrllfc THIRD RACE 3 18 Miles Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Allowances t 4 rtJ art Hunters Steeplechase orses gorses A Wt St 4 8 12 16 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8787 VIRGA VIRGO DARE 5 154 1 H li 1 18 110 is Chandler MrsJSWadsworth2 2 45 45 54352DE GRNETTES GARNET 152 2 2 23 230 250 260 250 Pierce F H M Birckhead Birches 21 4 21 4 9587 LIFFY IFFY 4 167 3 45 4 42 32 320 Mr Clyde Lye B F Clyde Lye 10 20 10 20 TANNIGER CANNIER 4170 4 510515510031 430 430 MrHrkmpCHHurkamp 4 4 24 3 40612ARTICLE 5 167 5 32 3 31 51005 5 Mr Turner F D Beard 5 8 5 S 5231 OLIFRED COIFED 20First 4 157 66 6 6 6 6 6 Brown E A Craven 40 40 20 20 First series Time 5 28 Winner MargueritePost Marguerite B m by Richelieu Marguerite Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily Virginia Dare raced De Garnette Gannett into the around in a mile She was best and is a good jumper Article got poor handling It was a two horse race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Beval Bevel 160 160Virginia Virginia Dare place 1 to 3 De Garnette Gannett place 4 to 5 Liffy Iffy show 6 to 5 QrTj Qt FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Maidens 4 tt 1 Allowances End Horses A Wt St Yt Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 9707 ACROBAT 7 107 3 21 21 1 13 Maher W Jennings 7107 103 5 35 9673 DEATH 3 107 8 894212BELVONIA 7 61 31 2a Hamilton B N Hardosty Hardest 3434 94212BELVONIA 3 3107 107 2 297073ST 1 Hi 23 36 Moody J Gal way 5857 97073ST 9707SST SAMUEL 3 107 9 9 9 41 4 Slack ELRWSmith Persist 6 10 0 10 9707 BEN BOY 3 110 1 3 4 52 51 Blake A P Queries 100 100 100 100 30002 BOOKER 3107 7 797072DUCH 51 3 61 61 P Clay AugSchlect Bausch 10 10010 100 97072DUCH 10097072DUCH ANNETTE 3 107 12 61 5 8 7 Garrigan Arian F T Miller 5 10 5 10 7414 ELLRSLIE WELLESLEY BLLE3 107 4 8898 Clawson Lawson F T Miller 5 10 5 10 9707 TANKARD 3 107 5 41 7 7 9 Gisbourne Gibbousness W Roberts 40 100 40 100 9707 VINCENT ri 3 107 10 11 11 11 10 Collins W Clauss Clauses 30 40 30 40 9689 PHILAE PILATE 4 4107 107 6 10 10 10 11 Coylie Collie E A Craven 30 50 30 50 9707 GENARO GENRE 3 107 11 12 12 12 12 McCue McClure C F Hill 30 60 W HO Cpupled Coupled HOCpupled Chopped in betting Time 12 24 37 51 1 04 1 18 Winner Gr g by Peter Simple Lizzie Tizzies LizziePost Post 4 minutes Start good Won easily Acrobat was far the best Death ran a good race Belvonia Begonia tired in the last furlong She should have been second Moody rode a poor finish on the filly Ben Boy can win in fair company Scratched companyScratched company Bevelyno Evelyn 107 107Death Death place even Belvonia Begonia show even FIFTH RACE34 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt Sj St Yi StrFin StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 96762 LEAN DO 95 3 39674MEEHANUS 51 3 2 H IH lu McCue McClure FVAIexandre Faineance 3 18 53t 18 9674MEEHANUS 104 7 IH 18IH ii IH 21 Clawson Lawson R G Westmore Restore 35 35121 2 9706 THE GARDENER 102 6 697312TYRAN 9 9 41 31 Cowman J G Judson 10 30 10 30 97312TYRAN 100 2 41 51 51 43 Coylie Collie P S P Randolph 10 15 10 15 9674 LADY BRATTON RATON 103 8 7 7 8 SH Blake Mrs J Bratton Raton 20 20 lo 15 9706 PASSE PARTOUT PATRIOT 92 9 981UOREE 8 8 9 61 Ryan F Hogan 10 40 10 40 81UOREE MITCHELL 105 1 61 61 7 7 P Clay BnnetnGrdnrlO Bonneting 100 10 100 9706 PARKER BRUCE 100 4 2 2n 31 8 Maher W A Porter 31 8 3i s 9706 TOPHET TOPE 100 5 3 4 61 9 J Slack W Roach 8 30 8 30 Time 30Time 12 24 37 50 1 03 1 17 Winner 17Winner Ch c by Linden Gleam GleamPost Gleam Post 2 minutes Start good Won driving Meehanus Mechanics could not give away the weight Lnando NAND closed strong He was best at the distance The Gardener ran a good race He should win from a cheaper field Parker Bruco Bruce showed speed but stopped badly in the stretch Tophet Tope c uit quit early He likes a muddy track Tyran Tyrant was poorly handled handledScratched handled Scratched Passaic 100 Compensation 100 Neubarger Nebular 97 Tip Gallant 104 Overweights Overweighs 104Overweights poundLeando pudenda Tyran Tyrant 1 pound Leando Leland place 3 to 5 The Gardener show 4 to 1 9743 SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St St Yt Y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H I 9502 DALGRETTI 7 109 4 3 3 3 21 H 13 Maher Fleming Black 2 24 2 115 9705 LEX EX PIRATE 4112 2 1 11 12 11 2 22 Clawson Lawson J J McCafferty 35 65 35 C5 9705 STRAY STEP 4 112 5 211 23 2 38 32 3 Blake Adam Beck 4 4 8 9662 SQUAN SEQUA 4114 3 4641041041041048 Asburn Auburn W L Oliver 10 30 10 an 9705 DOGGETT DOGGIE 6 112 6 6 6 51 58 510 510 P Clay R C Doggett Doge 6 6 5 9662 BLACK DUDE 3 103 1 51 51 6 6 6 6 Coylie Collie J White 15 30 15 30 Time 30Time 13 25 38 51 1 0t 1 17 1 45 1 59 Winner DaisyPost Daisy 59Winner B g by The Sailor Prince Daisy Post 1 minute Stare good Won easily Lexington Pirate could not stay the route l al gretti Garrett is good and came away as he liked in the stretch Doggott Doggo ran a bad race It was a two horse affair affairScratched affairs Scratched Premier 112 Abingdon Abandon 109 109Overweights Overweights Overweighs poundsDalgretti Squan Sequa 5 pounds Dalgretti Algarve place 3 to 5 Lexington Pirate place 1 to 2

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898112201/drf1898112201_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1898112201_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800