New Orleans Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, April 11., Daily Racing Form, 1908-04-11


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New Orleans Entries and Past Performances for Saturday April 11 WEATHEE CLEAR TBACK FAST Handicapped for a fast track NEW ORLEANSENTRIES ORLEANSENTRIESFair Fair Grounds For differences in weight add or deduct 5 points to the pound An extra good riders average worth is 3 pounds Racing starts at 230 p m XRuns well In mwl Superior mud runner runnerFirst First Bace 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record C772C 59s 3 100 100Ind Ind Horses Rec A Wt Hdcp 74185 BROUGHAM ioi ii2x725 741852 Lena Lech 101 95X715 74185 Irrigator 103 X 705 705741S5 741S5 Transform OS 700 74201 Alice 1015 104XC90 74185 My Lady Frances 95XOS5 95XOS5Second Second Bace 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record 60000 103 4 112 74183 Masquerade 1075 3 90 725 74045 Kscntchcen 100 G111X720 G111X72074045s 74045s E T Shipp 1005 3 98 X 715 74224 Deuce 5100X715 74203 Moyca 109 4100X700 4100X700Third Third Baco 34 Mile Mile3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 43082 1121 3 107 10774224s 74224s Frontenac 112 810SX723 74090 Charlie Kastnian llli 5103X720 74148 Ynddo 41030715 741S7 Hannibal Bey 113 010TX710 74205 Birdslayer S 105X710 74094 Meadowbrecze 112J 5110X710 73041 Cock Sure 114 5103X705 741SO Bertha B 113 5 105 705 7W3SS Miss Dclancy 113J 3 93 705 74094 Alencoiv 113 0 98X700 7418 Orlnntlot l14s 3 P9X700 7371 Tosean l14g S 100 700 73SSG2 Impertinence l15i 4100X025 Fourth Eace 1 11G Miles New Orleans City Railways Handicap 1000 added added3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Track record 07201 1452 0 104 74207 = Royal Ben 140 4 90X730 74121 Green Seal 145J 4 110 745 Ind Horses Rec A Wt 74009 Carthage 140 5 112 74015 Banridge 3 SS Fifth Bace 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap Track record 43082 1121 5 107 107740G93 740G93 Cooney 1C 113 4105X 74017 Prince Ahmed 112 4 112 720 74180 Blagg 112 411GX720 411GX720741SG 741SG Al Mnller 112J S 100 720 74224 3105X7137414G Frlzctte 114J 3105X713 7414G Kianiesha II 114 5 S4X700 S4X700Sixth Sixth Bace 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track recordr 07201 1432 6 104 74207 Judge Treen 4 99X723 74225 Rebel Queen 3 90 713 74225 Bucket Brigade 14S 90 710 74207 Conde 5109X705 74123 4107X700740G7 Knight of Ivanhoe 4107X700 740G7 Florence N 3 90X700 742023 Bewitched 3 85X700 73993 Dick Redd o 107 XC95 74207 You Win 3 104 693 74220 Milshora 4102XG90 74220 Wise Hand 137 4 XCOO 74202 Gee Whiz 392XC90 74108 95XCSO741CS Our Boy 3 95XCSO 741CS Jennies Beau l30t 3 90XCSO 74201 Vansel 3 95XG73 95XG73Seventh Seventh Bace 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 07201 1451 G 104 104741GG3 741GG3 Lady Esther l4Si 3 102 X723 74149 Melantre 3 90X720 74202 The Thorn 148 3 92X720 710741SS 74098 Louise Macfarlan 14SJ 0105 710 741SS Druid l45g G 107 703 74200 Lord Dixon 140 G104X695 742022 Blue Lee 3 90XG90 741472 Goldway 147J 5109XCS5 74220 Piinky 1491 4104XGSO 74200 Iinsticker 1 5104XCSO 74202 Biinrida 1 4SJ 3 90 X CSO 74200 41O1XG7574222s Jack Itrattou 41O1XG75 74222s Mr Peabody 4104X075 7112X070741SS 74207 Clifton Forge 7112X070 741SS John McBride 117 5104X003 5104X003The showthe The figures under Roe in above entries show the best time made by the horse at the distance distancesince since January 1 1900

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Local Identifier: drf1908041101_3_2
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