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ANTI-RACING BILLS PASS AT ALBANY. New York. May 26. — Two anti-race track bills were paused at Albany, one by the Senate and the oth.-r by the Assembly. Both will now go to the governor for his signature. The Senate suspended its rules ami passed the Perkins bill to repeal that section of the business cor|Kirat ious law exempting directors of racing associations from liability for gambling at race tracks. This measure was strenuously imposed by tin- racing associations, but Senator Agnew won the final battle, the bill being ■aaaai 2S to IS. Similar bills by Senator Agnew bad previously passed Seriate but had been held : up iu the Assembly Committee on Rules. In order to pass the Perkins measure. Senator Agnew had the Senate rules snspeiided and the Senate Codes Commit t-e discharged Iroui further consideration of the bill. The Assembly passed the Agnew bill making it a iieual offense to make Imok orally of otherwise bv a vote of 02 to 45. Tie- racinir officials at Belmont Park evinced no desire to talk about the passage and effect of the Mb which passed todav. Philip .1. Dvvyer. president of the Brooklyn Jockey Club, whose meeting begin-; on Tuesday next, was the only one who would talk iml tie Mil.-taitce of what lie said m that he did not know just the bills meant, but that be wmil-l go on lining until be found out. It had liecn feared that passage of the liability bill would result in the closing of the gates at some of the tracks, but there is a ajaai cjiance that the questions involved will Is- fought out in the courts. Many learned lawyers are of the opinion that both 1 bills are unconstitutional. The bill holding the owners and directors liable for betting done on their courses with or without 1 Hieir consent «H the one most opi osc l and feared. Iin.-r it the directors can Is- indicted, but first it will be ■jMMMfy to arrest and convict a so-called 1 layer U-lore there can Ik- any evidence against the directors. oral lietting such as prevails now lias been adjudged legal by every i ourt liefore which the question has come. How the authorities will get around , the proposition of holding owners and directors liable for something that has been declared legal I r. mains to !«• seen.