New York Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1910-06-11


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NEW YORK FORM CHART. GRAVESKND. GRAVESEND. N. Y.. FRIDAY. JUNE 10. 1910. -Tenth day. Brooklyn Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 15 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Judge. C. J. Fitzgerald. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Pacing Secretary. F. Rehberger. Racing starts at 2::10 p in. Chicago time 1 :.o p. m.l. W indicates whip, S spurs. P. blinkers. Fig-ir s in parentlieses following the dist.-in -.- of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse uid weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. A//QQ FIRST HACK 5-8 Mile. fSSftftl— Sft%— 2-»0. 1 00 added. 2 year olds. Fillies. •_f//00 Selling. Ret value to winner 8888. hal Horses AWtlISt/i i V Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H C f S BBSS PICKANINNY wrs 99 10 I V V » l1" A Thomas M L Schwartz $,1033421 »038*UGO w 101 11 2 23 2* 9 2" Hvland J Hynes 10 10 10 4 2 »:i:iiKASH w 91 7 :l 8*18*181 :il Van BotenP Dunn- 7 7 « 2 1 s:l7.-.:: ISAP.KL CASSE wit 99 S S $ 5. 1J 43 McCahc-v II L Shaw 10 ■ 12 .". Ll 8*8*8 THE HAGUE w 103 U 9 fi" f •"•- 1 A Walsh W Q Yanke I S fi I 1 gW18SYZYaY a 111 - 6 10 10 9J BJ V Powers 1 Reif «4 7 6 I 1 BB88*]fI8S JONAH m 91 14 7 7i 6- 7- 74 Moore SilverDrookFarm •". X I I S-5 •Tin VALERIE w 1 S tl 10 9! Rj $• $ 1 A Lang It P Carman 30 40 40 15 S s!!k;s KINDA w 10:: ♦; 11 V U 10 9.. Gross tl W Perry 15 20 M 6 3 s.M7:i OSSABAR w 99 I 4 A- fj 6 10 J Glass T ff O Prion 10 12 10 4 1 888M HIO00 wk 101 1 1 11 11 11 11° F brother M J Cromwell 10 10 7 8j 7 I exa8 BU8Y Miss a 102 1 H n 13 l 12" J RcM T Naertaa 4 « I 2 1 s.HUi-2 KIL1.ARNEY ROSE WB 99 E 11 14 11 13 135 Iral J L McGinnis 30 HO 60 20 10 ma hfUSKMELON w 105 I 5 S 9 14 14 E Dugan William Oarth 12 20 15 6 3 Time. 12%. 24VS. 36. 48%, 1:01%. Track muddy. inner — B. f. by Cesarion— Al Lone I trained by J. W. May I. Went to post at 2:.!1. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won cantering: second and third driving. PICKANINNY, off fast, seemed favored by the going and the result was never in doubt. ICO wis atwaja in closest pursuit and doing his best at The end. CRASH finished resolutely. The last four at the start am; little chance. The winner was entered for ,000; no bid. Scratched— 88180 Nora Kmma. loi : 08008 Quincv Delle. 102: Janet. 09. Overweights—Valerie. 2 pounds: Rimla. .",: Mi-o. 2: Dusy Miss. ::. QnnQ/1 SECOND RACK— 1 1-16 Milet. 188888— 1:45%-4—124. 00 added. 3-year-olds and *J_JJtJri: upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10. tad Horses AWtPPSt % Vz V* Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II 0 V S tttSl ARDRI w 5 111 6 1 1- !■ |* T 1* ft Davis F Regan fi-5 3-2 7-5 1- 1-4 S9937*FRANK PlRCELL wit 3 93 1 1 41 9 33 2?. 23 Van DotenMissAMMarrone 1 1S-513-54-5 2-3 S9911 LORD STANHOPE wn 6 105 2 2 2" 33 2» 3- 3= A Thomas c F Clark 10 15 12 4 I sl.STiclOI.DEN LEGEND wit 4 107 3 ti 5l Jok 41 4- 4-1 Clement J F Carroll 15 15 12 4 2 *MH P.ELLEVIEW w 7 105 4 7 7 7 •»■ • »h A Lang Beverw vi kStable 10 20 15 5 2 Mis WANDER w 4 103 7 t fi* fi10 53 5- •*• Q Garner A Wilson 4 6 41 8-5 7-10 BB01 DE P.CRGO WB I 10S I S S S 8 7a 7 Queen J J Sheridan 100 100 60 20 10 8*807 INTRINSIC wn 3 93 5 3 3- 41 7 S 8 McCahey W I! Jennings 10 15 12 4 S-5 Time. 11%. 23%, 36%, 49%. 1:02%, 1:16. 1:43%. 1:49%. Track muddy. Winner — II. g. by Jiganteuni — Miss Doone trained by F. Regain. Went to |«.st at 2:50. At iiost ". minutes. Start fttadL WOa easily: second and third driving. ARDRI moved Into the lead qe.ieklv and was rated in front all the wav. finished gamely and could have won farther away. FRANK PlRCELL ran forwirdly throughout and hnished fist. LORD STANHOPE was also a, forward contender all the wav and showed a good turn of s| ccd. OOLDF.N LEGEND mad.- up ground. RKLI, F.VIF.W finished well and tan aa if improving. INTRINSIC was prominent for three quarters, but failed to stay. The winner was entered fin .io : no bid. Scratched— 00010 St. Joseph. 105: 8U065*Slr Cleges. 105: SD802 Sandrian. 1«: S1KMU5 Roekstone. 105: 83081 "Harlem Maid. 101: §0783 Cowdin. 107: 88813 Jupiter Joe, 188; 88880 Check, 100: 70520 Albani. 101. overweights- Intrinsic. 1 pound. £k/~V/|Q pj THIRD RACK— 5-8 Mile. 188888—88%— 2— 80. 00 added. 2 year -olds. Handicap. tjyjyJtJtJ Net value to winner 40. tad Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P | f895A6ROUKD THE WORLD* 115 I 1 I1 |« I4 t* A Walsh W 1 Yanke | :, 7 51 1-imi -jiout 89893 FEATHER DUSTER wit KB I i fi 4. 5 2« C H ShiFgM L Schwartz 8 15 12 3 1 W7CZECS w 112 5 3 0 .". V 3" Q Garner Newcasth-Stable 7 I 2J 11-53 5 out S8M0*ANTENOR w 109 « 2 8* 8* f 45 E Dugan G J Kraus 4 5 4 fi-5 I 3 SBM8 MR. GOLIOHTLY W8M " fi B fi fi 5 A Iing M J Cromwell -_i 26 i0 7 8] 89728WARRLER w 104 1 I V V 4". fi Phillips Quincy Stable 20 61 60 Jl U Time. 13. 24%, 36%. 49. 1:02. Track muddy. Winner— Ch. f. bv Lp-kford Nellie Itly tr.-ined by 8f. 8. Yanke i. Went to p »st at 3:21. At nost .*! minutes. Start gHxl. Won easily: second and third driving. ROINf* THE WORLD, a very fast lilly. raced through into the lead in the first furlong and. drawing far away. won in ti canter. FEATHER DISTKR w.:s outpaced in tin- early running, but closed a big gap and finished very resolutely. 7.KFS made up ground, but was tiring at the end. ANTENOB had no mishaps and quit after chasing tlie pacemaker closelv for three furlongs. WARBLES showed speed, but failed to stav. Scratched -XOOK.aM.ochiel. 108; 80006 Whist. K5; 80033*Craab. 88; 88888 Oamitlet. 07. Overwighls Feather Duster. ."■ tioiimls: Wurbler. 1. C«/WQ/ FOI RTH RACK— About 3-4 Mile li!5 feet short i. OS »:;4— 1 :0su: -5—122. i Patchouli© •JUUOU Stakes. Value ..5IN». :!-year elils and upward. Selling. Net value to winner ,150. Did Horses AWtPPSti ■; % Str Fin Jix-keys Owners O H C P S •JOMTIM PIPPIN w 4 108 1 I ln 1- 1 I3 S Davis M J Cromwell I I 5 8-5 4 5 8*933 TWILIGHT QlEEN w 4 9»; fi 5 4J 4- 4s -". A Thomas F A Forsytha 8 12 10 3 «-5 lh*S41KX HORT ll 9S I 3 2- 2" !• Il J Glass Oneck Stable 8-5 2 ll-l02-5out 89633 HEN LOYAL w 3 97 2 4 3= 3» V 410 r Garner L Kahn « M I 2J 1 S9K89 BESOM wn 5 111 I I 5" 5" 5" 5 V Powers P S P Randolph 7 12 10 4 7-5 S980S«FALCADA wu 5 93 5 « ti fi K « Van P.otenR T Wilson Jr 3. 5 5 8-5 7-10 Time. 11%. 23. 35%, 48. 1:00%. 1:10%. Track muddy. Winner— P.. g. bv Woolsthorpc Oretcheii. bv Luke RIackburn train, d by II. Ritesi. Winl to i»est at 8:48. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily: -eeonii and third driving. TIM PIPIIN was favored by the going, went Into the lead with a rush and. setting a fast pace from tie atari. easily won all Ihe wav. TWILIGHT QUEEN saved ground on the stretch turn ami linished v.-ry game!*. COHORT had no mishaps and showed s| I. but was tiring as if short at the end. BEE LOYAL ran weft, but was humped at the head of the stf-leli and finish. d tiring. BESOM and FAI.CADA lioth ran v.-rv bad races. The winner was entered for ,000; no bid. Scratched S!i7SOi Marv Davis. HO; 80083* Polite Lew. !I7: 80083 Trance. H 7: 80836 Cam peon. I05: 80801 Prince Hal. Ill; 80756-Mexoaaa. M; 88081 OaBer Slave. 80: 80801-Pretend. 107: S»:55.J-Tubal. VfJ; 88813 Casque. HE. Overweights Resom. 1 pound. OnnQ7 FIFTH RACK 1 1-4 Miles. 77110 2:0.:-. 3 122.1 1910.shO0 added. :; year olds and up-t/"l" "f I ward. Handicap. Net value to winner 10. hid Horses AWtPPSt St V4 0j - 4 Str Fin latlljl Owners O H C I I R9S91XPRBTBND a I 104 1 1 ]h 1* 1- 1" V I* G Garner T jaoaahaw I -i I g 1 J oat 890REYBOtIRN « it 3 104 3 I V 8*1 21 :" -• :" J Redd WFAMolhoHaad 1 ; 3A t out S97S4 SCPERSTlTKiN wn 5 97 2 2 4s 4« 4- 4- 5 :;h .1 Glass W L Maupin I M M I 4-5 v« KILLIECRANKIE W « M 4 I 5 E 5 5 4- 4 Nicolai W C Daly 81 KB 48 K 4 K9BC7 DORANTE VB 8 111 - 8* ". ft* 33 ft* 5 V Powers F A F..rsvthe 8-5 8-3 7-9 I i out Time. 23. 35. 47%. 1:01. 1:14%, 1:28. 1:41%. 2:08%. Track muddy. Winner — Ch. g. bv Oohlen Mnitn Protein e trained bv T. Welshi. Went to |»ost at 4:OS. At post 2 niinules. Start good Won cantering: second and third .hiving. PRETEND, at home in the going, was driven through the Brat qaarter to bold hi- i«.~ir i.»n next lo the rail. but soon ran into a long lead and the result was never afterwards in doubt. BEYBOlBN went wide of tin first turn and lost several lengths, but was always second heat. ST FF.RS lTTlON finished resolutely. DORANTE quit badly after making a challenge on the far turn. Overweights BapcratlttoB. 1 pound; Killiecrankie. 5 Durante. 3. /~ww» Q SIXTH RACE About 84 Mile 185 feel ahart. Cos--. 5 122.1 8400 added. »|t It lOO .; year olds. Selling. Net value to m 1 1 17 ». Did Batata AWtPPSt , 14 ., str Phi Jaeheye Oaraeta » B C P s as ■: KOI. I. IE LEVY w 111 II 1 I 1 1- Is H BhilsG M Odom : ". 1-5 3-5 I lout 89907 it i.-si-; 1 X w 11 loj s 1 -ii ! -; t* : II Qaraer B T M Keever M Ii II 1 I B9R31 WOOLCA8TA a 97 I ■". I :;. 8] i1 1 Ohtaa i. E Watkiaa M N 7 1 xms:i--o km a his • 7 ;; 8* V 4i J Reel J J M ormlck 1" IS la 5 I R9892 SANDRIAN hi: Hih 5 9 s s | • ",■ PhllUpa Quiocj Stable M IS II i 1 s:us:: HITDAS SISTER " ■* b S 3 41. »". . Thomaa Mr 1 x II N t 1 vicnii; ll.WNAH w M 7 s 9 9s 7 Moore G 1 K IS : H9S05 GYPSY GIRL w M 3 II 7- 7l 7l 8* Nicolai W C 0 Nicolai 60 so 84 -"• ci. II MAN aa 98 12 I a] Si ■ ■ - IJcCahey K Bchorte 3o H lo U *. vvi-st BEGIS « in" 1 1- 1" b M BB E l ug;iu .1 K BarthHI 8 IS IS i I S9969 SHAWNEE a Ml ti M 11 11 11 II1 Lang .1 R Marquette Ji NO 300 lot LEONTINE w 112 1 ti II 1- 1- 1- Minim J; Bmacr i NO 10$ 39 1- rime. 11»5. 23 35. 48. 1:01. 1:11. Track muddy. Winner Br. f. by Golden Minim Kklicul. trained lo : M. Odoaa Went P. nost at 1:37. At post 1 minute- St 1 it •- 1. Won ,.i-i!v secood and tbiid the same. I-01. 1. IF LEV] oatclaaaed the uthera aad II aae tmta 1 mater f.i her ill Ihe way. BOSSKAIB moved up mi -.nest paraail quick 1] and ea«b baM second place waf woou s 1 . cioseil an early gap iml aaaac on areB in the stiet.-h. o i:M «as closing up ai the eiel HI DAS S1STEB showed indeed, but .put b.i.lL. The winner, entered for *2 .ihmi. wan bid up to Et.OOS and I .iibl in. Scratched 1...II. | .-M.iv KM; s: 777 Shannon, DW; s!i.5.":i Gilpy, 103; S0033 Bine Crest. 07; -I |..i icon, loi : Sen..-. 1 108. Overweights WuolciiMa. 1 pound; O Km. 1: St. Regis. 1; Shawnee. 2. l.eoiitlue. 1.

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Local Identifier: drf1910061101_1_8
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