Major Daingerfield Dies: Passes Away without Knowledge of the Death of James R. Keene., Daily Racing Form, 1913-01-06


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MAJOR DAINGERFIELD DIES PASSES AWAY WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF THE DEATH OF JAMES R. KEENE. i Was Brother-in-Law and Manager of Latters Far- Euauei Thoroughbred Stud in Kentucky and Fore- | mor.t Anions Breeding Authorities of America. : 1 Lexington, Ky., Tin— ij 5. Maj. l-nxhall Alex-;nni. i Daingi nit hi. gentleman and scholar, soldier i Em toe southern cause, sportsman of the old school and 1 1 J-— t and forensgel among the mi of this roan try iii ihi- application i r the knowledge and science w In. • din-. tbormisblired runrdux horses, died ia St. i Jo | i - Uoxpital ;n Tlil — city at l2:::o oclock today. | l i i I i.i tag i liilii was 111.- brother in law of James • B Keen* and was the manager of tbal distinguished i.i i . ■ i and turfmans great stint of thoroughbred i. i -.-- .mil ii is ii -ml i-iiiii.iilrini tbal in- never kiiHv of li. Kn-iiis passing and thai be should have followed liim -ii soon iiiin the great beyond. Major Dnlugerflelds i-Hiiilil inn "li Friday wax such lliii be could n. it be told of Mr. Keen*?* death • i luiiij thereafter be sunk into uncoosciousncai and ■ reu steadily ureakei until the end. i ii,.- during the closing i, mi- wen- all ,i,i ii, I., i - i.i Major DaingernVlds grief stricken family, with the exception of Iii- eldeal sun. Alger i n .i — i-inni secretary of tbe Jockey iliih. whs bad remain I in Sen Iork to assist at the funeral • ■i in- mull-, .luiiii- B. k. . in-, -in Monday. Tin at Una i liysi -iau wan li David Barrow, of this « 1 1 y . itajor Daingerfields body was taken to the family idenee at Kingston Kami ihi- afternoon, Late tomorrow afternoon :i funeral cortege will wind it* way -Mi- Kn-si-ll Cave road Into the eitj to Christ ininii Cathedral, where Bishop Burton i! pre-ide ..mi- tbe simple ami impressive Episcopal oh-r«i|iiii- fine tbe .ii ml. Al S.30 tonaorrow evening tin-hod will be taken to Harrisonburg, V.i.. tbe old bowe » Major Daingerfleld, for Interment on Tnes ii.i Major Daiagertield was vice-chalnnaa of the Renin. k State Baring Commission and a meeting of i i- body, under Instructions from chairman Milton Voting, has been called by Seeretarj -I Pethem .iiiiin-i-ti iii he Ik-IiI here al noon tnmnrvnw. The • •her im inli i - are M1--1-. Johnson N. Camden, of djk ilI - .ml lie org I- l.un an. I Charles I". Winger, o Louisville. Appropriate, resoluthma will I.i- adopted. Maj.a Daingerfields iilm-ss began in tin- early in inicr in the form of an obstruction of tin- bladder described -1- tumoroos. Be went to Baltimore and was n-iii|ioi ai il benefited by an electrical absorption ti . .iim.-ni. He u.i- able to return t* Kentucky and remained until after the fall meeting at Latonia, when he wenl baeb t" Baltimore for ■ renewal of iii - treatment. This was less effective and the luriber complication of In-art trouble ensued, cans-lug the Baltimore physicians to abandon hope gome tin days ago wh.-nupon Major Daingerfleld «a-brooght home to die. Major Koxball A. Daingerfleld va- born on tbe Mh 1.1 February. 1839, at Westwood Farm. Boekiugham Cisjuty, Virginia, and resided there until nine y n-11 .,--. when with liis patents. Mr. and Mis. JLerej Parker Daingerfleld, lie moved to Boeksprins: l.ii in. ltatli County. Virginia, between Warm and Hot Springs, lion fashionable watering places, and lived ihere until in- was eighteen years of age. I ! « - then. in company wiiii bis sister, now Mrs. James K. Im-i-h. . n. in lo California to visit his brother Judge William r. Daingerfleld, of Shasta, where be re unified until tbe country was agog otrer the John i. . a 11 raid on Ha pcrs iTet ry. He fell thai war wan imminent and, believing thai be shmilii be hi Virginia when war would be declared, he burr! il liiiin. There being comparative i|iiii-t. be attended tin- Ian school .11 Lexington, Va., presided over i y Judge John Brockenltrough, during the se — km of I Ml ill. When, on A itil 17. 1881. tin Stat.- of Virginia seceded from the Union. Major DningerfleM and the in. niii.-i - .1 in- class in tin- law school took Urn required examinations and were admitted to the bar at Satini.iii the following day. On April 19, Major Haliigerfield started i.-i hi- home In Hath County. inn .-ii the waj met .1 cavalry i-ompany, In which hi. hiotlnt Roy was ;, meinlier, under orders from i Itovernor of Virginia to muster at Staunton. He braurlii ■ horse at Hot Springs, enlisted In that eoaa- iiaii niid in id.d 10 Iliillini. Barker County. W Va. where they were attacked by a force under «..■ til Kelly and where K0.1 Baingergeld lost a leg. mi , ,1 u -mil 10 in tin Brst limb sacrificed for ike 1 • -1 1 1 • -. ! • rai- can-.-. Mnj.r Daingerfleld w is a rigorous and bony ~;i1-1.. n- was orderlj and courier for Hen. Bobert 1 I..-.- ami slept many nights in that faanons wa ii-u- tent. Major Daingerfleld was promoted from private to captain of hi- company and then be was given ilu- rank "t major, but declined 10 leave his rompany to take command of another battalion. He wax five 1 me- wounded during the wai and wa* • in. 1 prisoner for a short while In ihe old Capital Prison at Washington. loin -I.-. - prior to ihe surrender of General Lee. l:iio, Daingerfleld received a wound through th;-right illicit and while still on crutches be was mar 1 ii-d to li - Henrietta Henderson Gray, of Becking bam County. Virginia, and they settled in Harrison burg, Va.. winre Major Daingerfleld practiced law an. 1 bred a r.-w horses, principally trotters, including .Hie r.11 - Sam IMidv. sin- of Mi— Woodford. until MUO, wlien he removed i" Culpepper and Insight the tair grounds ami a small farm adjoin-hi mhen hi- bred trotters until IMS, when in , 1 i-i.n im r. id- residence «-i- destroyed by tire. Shortly thereafter James I!. Keene took ■ lease an Castleton larni .mil in October. 1803, Major Dain . . 1 11 -id pemoved to that historic place near Lexina ion. K.. ami there 1.1 _au the work ami study ihat made him the master mater of thoroughbred hois. -in . Aniorii-a ami produced tin- galaxy "I great racers wImj Brought in, -ne ami fame to Mr. Keeue. In i tin- beginning Major Daingerfleld had no really excellent material for tin- exercise of his ideas of bleeding. Inn when War. -us Duly died and the Bitter t:....i Stud in Moutaua and the Apciflcld Stud in Kngiand were dhqiersed, Mr. Keene bought a nuni Ihi of excellent m.-ues :;m] broughl he migiltj Ii.iiiiiio int.. si-i i. ■• wiih them. l-nnn Unit period 1 tin- r.-al stat- began t" arrive at Castleton. Among tin- notables were Colin, considered by many lo be tm greatest Aim 1 eaii tlstrougbbred hor-.- of nil 1 in,,. ; lLiilot. Delhi, and Peter Pan, each of which [ ami iver siimmi.h i inmaudo, ihe greatest sen of l 10 and the favorite of nil «uh Majot Dulnger- tield: Disguise. Cap nnl Cell-, the only Amerv-nt: •v hred iiii to win the Kpsnm oaks: Celt". Superman nVl 1 1. 11 Sovelty. Sweep. Convoy, Petrnchio, White P9 h.ipel. Castleton. ami a h--L of othel migbtj go il horses. i-t lesser lights .1- compared with those Ju* ii.imi-d. Sysouhy. white foaled at Castletou • is 1, nit in England and he wa- one of tin- greatest horses in 1 in- history of tin- turf in this country. During the six years from 1003 to nun inclusive, tin- winnlugs of James I!. Keene on the turf in t:.:-i-iiiHii 1 y aggregated .237.0.10, which i- mere than 1 ant otbet man ever won in -i sner tsive rears. In IsiT Mr. Ki-.-m-s arluninga aggregated 87,342. Ihe great* 1 amount ever won in one rent by inj one 1.1 in in tie- history "i raring tin world over Ihe stallion- Hippodrome and ntfmiis, now in 1 Mr. Kceueb slud, W«TC Uie.l l.y Major fiaiiiKeiUel-l I 1 1 I and be entertained 1 regard for them n- tbe triumph of the breeder** an from the stanopoint of equine conformation. Major Daiagerdeid lm heea nini-li consulted hy breeders in all parts of the world, and he parti, i-1 in mauj breeding contests or auitiag contestr a 1 h mi- 0 111111, ,11 success. In 1818 Major Daingeriield was apfsdnted to niem hershlp on the Kent lick 5 State Baeing Commission hi Oov. Angustii* B. Wil-.u ami wa- a member of that body whs-u he died. Ju putmunbar, 1811, laame* It. Keene sold Castleton Iariii to David M T.o,,k. of New York, and some three mouth* later Major Daingerfleld leased Kingston Farm nearby and re moved with hi- wife and daughters Elisabeth. Bessie, Juliet and lay and son Keene thereto. The Keene hor--. bowtvar. amre only recent h re moved from Castleton to Kingston. In addition lo the daughter* I son named. Major Daingerfleld 1- survived bj hi- eldeal sou, Algernon Daingerfleld. assists at necretarj ol the J01 V club of New Iork, and Mis. Atila .Vol man. of Chiiaso. a daughter.

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Local Identifier: drf1913010601_1_2
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