Third Race [3rd Douglas Park, Daily Racing Form, 1913-05-30

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THIRB RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 04 WILHITE br s By Radford Determination W G Yanke 5402 Churchill 34 Irlfifehvy 4i 11 5 21 I Borel 12 SMarlon ThcrGHl WWondcr N331 Churchill 34 l13fast 245 108 4 31 3 J Borel 15 Auioret Bine Thistle The Reach Reachli S10G I xington 34 l14fast 35 111 3 3 37Ji li Ink ioftus a I Holder Transport Tliesieres 7Ji Lexington 31 l13fast 325 110 3 2 27SS3 2 21 Borel 12 Tlieresa Gill Just Ited Polls 7SS3 Lexington 34 117 hvy 15 112 S 3 21 11 Borel 12 Bose of Jeddaii All Bed Bash Bash4s 7374 Juarez 34 l13Vfast 3 107 8 7 4s 1 J Callahan 0 Angelus FGUogan Ed Adams 7343 Juarez 34 114 good 710 108 3 2 272SO 31 31 Moleswh FGHogan QuidNunc Angclus 72SO Juarez 34 1132 fast 21 107 7 5 570S7 4h 23 J Callahan S Marsand Edm Adams Balrona 70S7 Juarez 34 1132 fast 10 112 7 4 4AMORET 22i 2nK Borel 9 Cosgrovc Balronln Tim Judge JudgeBy AMORET b s 6 117 117S351 By Hastings Aurata J M Goode S351 Churchill 34 l13fast 9J 110 3 3 3K2i9 iu li J Hanover ir IJlue Thistle AVilliite The Keach K2i9 Churchill a t l07hvy 11 114 10 S SS071 G1 GJ Ituxton 10 LLightning Copiiertn THeacli S071 Lexington 34 l13fast 225 114 2 3 2i 33J Ituxton H Lady Lightning Oroen Gilpy 7904 I xington 31 l17hvy 7110 107 2 2 21 35J Buxton Con Dclivy JDockcry Bonanza 7807 Lexington 5t f 109 hvy 7 113 5 5 5 ° 55 Buxton 0 M Thorpe ConDellvery C Jones 7352 Charleston 34 l14fast 2 107 4 5 PullupBuxton 7 Sliackletou Voltliorpe Coptown 411 Charleston 31 l14fast S 114 3 2 2tfit 51 4 i Buxton S Tarts Iloffman Theresa Gill tfit Charleston 51 f 110 hvy 35 115 2 2 Ih 2 Butwell 5 Progressive Chemulpo B Queen 20l Charleston 34 1154 fast 21 114 2 3 3715S 3nk 45 Ford 7 LordWells GoIdCap Copi crtown 715S Charleston 31 1101 mud 85 112 2 1 170SO 37 Z Butwell 5 Carlton G Republican Font 70SO Charleston 34 114 good 95 108 4 2 2THERESA 2 l k Butwell G SUerwood CAshmeade Chryola ChryolaBy THERESA GILL b f 3 95 95Sid By Out of Reach Consuelo II C T Woithington Sid Churchill 31 llChvy 125 M 10 5 5S311 S SS Kederis 12 WJlliite S Marion W Wonder S311 Churchill 34 Il4slow 145 105 1 3 3Si51 2S 2k Goose 14 APatrieia BHolder W Wonder Si51 Churchill 34 l13fast 2 100 J7 4 4S17S IS WonderIS 23 Vandsen 14 Al Blocii Detour Gerrard S17S Churcliill 34 l13Vfast 175 K1 0 7 Gii 5 J AV W TlorK LLiglitning 15 Thistle J Bunn 7999 lexington 31 l13fast 85 100 t 1 17X1 11 1 1 Kederis 12 Williite Just Red Polls 7X1 Charlcsfn CJ f lOSfast 910 94 3 2 21 21 Ford 0 Bet Sue Grosvenor Progressive 7317 Charleston l15Vfgoodll10 Sfi 2 1 174fit 12 I2 Snider 7 Copporlown Nimbus Gardenia 74fit Charleston 34 l14fast 4i SC 4 31 32i Ford 8 Tarts Hoffman Amoret 7410 Charleston 31 l14fast 1 92 2 1 1JAMES I6 1 Ford G KthelbglL UHGray Cterpart CterpartBy JAMES DOCKERY br c 4 10G 10G7M4 By Bannockburn Revoke Graves Innes 7M4 Lexington 31 l17hvy 104 107 G G GC010 32 2 = Dislimon C on Delivery Amoret Bonanzi C010 Jamestown 7S 129 hvy 85 10S 4 3 3 3CfilO 2 2 Butwell 7 Sohngo Continental Work Lad CfilO Jamesfn 1 11G 1474 fast 4 108 1 1 1 H I1 B Martin 7 Dynamite Apiaster Col Cook OVI5 Jamesfn 1 11G 147 J fast 20 104 244 244IBS 42 32J Buxton S Hilarious Blaekford AVork Lad IBS lameatown 78 1281 fast 20 100 2 10 10 104S2G G1 3 Connolly 12 Kn Deck Qn Mark Haldeman 4S2G Lexington 34 116 slow2310 105 10 10 10 1013lGoose 10 UrEmma GoldAgnes York Lad 4751 Lexington 34 114 fast 85 103 G 7 743CS 53 4s B Steele 8 GAgnes Bonanza A Stnrtevant 43CS Hamilton 1 11G 14G2 fast H 103 5 4 2 22 2 Teabann C The Rump Floral Day Napier 4278 Hamilton 1 11G 1503 hvy 3 100 G 3 3 I2 21 E Martin 7 War Horn Caliph Husky Lad 2G02 Lsville Im70y l44jt fast 4310 110 332 21 22 C Peak 11 Spg Board Comrs Touch Grlf 2400 Lsville 1 11G 1462 fast 34 95 4 4 3 32 2J R Connor 7 Star OByan Grif Sleeth SleethBy COPPERTOWN blk gr 6 106 106S427 By Kenilworth Mitten F Browni S427 Churchill 51 f l07slow 4710 105 G 3 3S3S4 22 2J J Hanoverl4 Back Bay Ced Brook Jean Gray S3S4 Churchill 34 l15hvy 1920 111 3 5 5S299 42 5 Loftus S Diniuesne TlieGradcr Praetorian S299 aiurchill 5i f lOShvy 71 10S 1 5 4 2 Kirschm 10 L lightning The Reach B Bar 27 Churchill 34 l13fast 3S 107 10 10 10Til 71 74 Kirschm 11 C on Delivery Merrlck SilkDaV Til jVpestown 1 l43good 8 10 3 2 2 41 5llJWolfe 8 El Oro FredMulbolland Mud Sill 7727 JinSvstown 31 l14fast 6 107 7 5 57C77 57C77 S SillS SiRobbins 1 BDippcr UMessiige Dble Five 7C77 Jamesn 1 11G l4Sfast S 97 5 1 1 17G33 17G3S 3s 3 J Snider 8 L Wiggins F Mnlliolland Frog 7G3S J Jnicstown nicstown 1 l41fast G 9S 3 2 1 17MS 3i Frog3i 5 J Wolfe 7 CUerryola L Wiggins Setback 7MS Chilrleston 7S 1 28good 31 103 1 1 1 11 2 Wolfe 5 Towton Field Ella Grane Font 7503 Charleston 34 l14fast 31 102 4 4 47i 3ll Font3ll 3i Drcyer S Viley Nimbus Towton Field 7i 2 Charleston 34 l14fast 7 107 1 1 22 33 Dreyer 7 Slikieton Voltliorpe KMessavo 7517 Charleston 34 l15Vsgood 15 103 5 5 5OHAPULTEPEC 21 21 Dreyer 7 Theresa GilK Nimbus Garden In InBy OHAPULTEPEC b h 8 115 By Geroiatoln Oraciosity J H Mead 8275 Churchill 34 l13mud 10 112 G 71 7 ° J J Dussnll Lady Lightning Strong Merrlck 8227 Churchill 34 l13V4fast G 11G 5 52 42 Goose 11 C on Delivery Merrlck SilkDay S153 Churchill 34 l13fast 20 117 S 4h SilkDay4h 44J J Hanover 13 Fltoberts LLiglitng GofUphlr 7546 Juarez 34 l13fast 41 110 4 1i 1 Estep 5 FuHoiig WIntergreen WWitcli 7377 Juarez 31 113 fast 12 115 2 2 I1 Burgame S Cosjrrove Mimorioso ChasGoetz 7310 Juarez 34 l12fnst 7 113 5 4nfc 81S Burgame 8 rpright Winning Witch Enlield 72fX Juarez 34 113 fast 115 114 G G G = l C Peak G Dominica Jllsslean Goldflnn 6941 Juarez 34 112 fast 32 112 7 42 4 = 1 J Henry S rBRohson Mimorioso Goldfn G912 Juarez 34 114 J slow 13 108 10 5n 32 J Henry 10 PZareta Fl Roberts E Bryson GS03 Juarez 34 1134 fast S5 103 2 2n 2 Buxton 5 TThomas I Gentleman Upright UprightBy HELENE bm 5 By Hermii Bellane F D Weir CM Latonia 1 12 232 fast 14 G 6 W W Tlor G Rudolfo C Holloway HPrivatO f324 Uatonia 1 31G 2011 livy 11 97 1 5 5 5ft 21 2 W W Tlor Col Hollottay Mud Sill Mockler ft Latonia 34114 fast 4710 107 11 3 3G17G C 7 ° J J McCabe 12 TI Uobson Etlielda GofOphlr G17G Latonia 1 1lfi 151 J hvy 3110 100 1 1 2 2fiOSfl I1 2i J McCabe G 1 Baker Crossover Dutch Rock fiOSfl Uitonla 1 11G 150 mud 425 105 332 2 25 T McCabe S FDuster GMarclimt Crossver 5917 Churchill 1 1S l52g fast 215 100 4 G 5 5SIR 35 3 J J McCabe i Mud Sill Dick Baker MyFellow MyFellowBy SIR MARION br c 4 105 105SI02 By Orsini Lady Marion J W Darby SI02 Churchill 34 llGhvy 57 111 3 1 1KM l 2 Musgrve 12 VilIiile Tlier Gill W Wonder KM Churchill 5 f l0flfast 87 HD 4 4 4lft 4S Mnsgrve G FHoberts L Llghtiig BrookfM 7 JfdeGrace 31 l14fast 9 110 5 4 47S53 7i 75J Musgrve 10 Kdith Inez Patrick S Horace K 7S53 IIdiGrace 5 f 106 fast SO 114 1 4 G GlMusgrve K Ahleliaran Virile Discovery 3283 Lntonla 31 1132 fast 235 165 3 3 3HUSKY 41 51 McCahey 11 Igloo Polly D M B Eiihanks EiihanksBy HUSKY LAD ch g 5 109 109SKIS By Hermis Braw Lass W F Cisco SKIS Churrhl 1 11C llShvy 30 107 5 3 2 2S31G 9 922 AV Andress Milton B Man Mack Just Red S31G Churrfil 1 11G l17good 7 lOil 111 111S277 5 5 C Peak 7 Dick Baker Sleetli Oreen S277 Churclil 1 11G l49mutl 5 JOS 1 1 1 1TfiOfi I3 I3 Goose 7 Dick Baker BCbance Bcantifid TfiOfi Charlen Im70y 148 iriud 1110 1QS 3 3 5 5 522Uj ose 5 Armor Law Wiggins Leamene 7340 Charleston 1 l43 gooa 5 103 G 4 3 371S1 41 5SJ Buxton G Spellbound Col Cook Hoffman 71S1 Charleston 78 129 fast 385 III 531 li Hoffmanli 2 Goose G ILHutcliIson RTIGray SwHill 7430 Cliarleston 7S l2Sslov 4 107 111 2h SwHill2h 4 = Goose 7 Col Cook Spellbound Miss Jonuli 7420 Charlen 1 11G l4Sfast 21 107 3 1 1 1CEDAR 22 2 Goose S Supervisor Azo New River CEDAR BROOK b g 3 103 103S127 By Cederstrome Diamond Flush C A Matlock S127 Churchill 51 f l07slow fid 100 1 4 4SIOJ 4l Matlock4l ° 1 Goose 14 Buk Bay Coptown Jean Grav SIOJ Churchill 34 l10hvy SI 107 2 2 2S251 7 S03 W Andress12 Williite SirMarion TheresiaGill S251 Churchill 34 l13fast fid 101 4 G G7I5 Si 9lGross 14 Al BIdcli Theresa Gill Detour 7I5 Ixxington 31 l14 fast 84 103 3 1 17SS3 71 10 Gross 12 Rose of Icddah Martre Ethcliln 7SS3 l ixington 31 117 hvy fid 103 9 10 105JOl 10 H28 Gross 12 Wllliito Rose of Jeddah All Bid 5JOl DouglasPk 51 f l10g hvy 2S 111 5 7 7KIVA 7 7C2 Fain 7 Terrible Bill Inqiiieta Ballyshe BallysheBy KIVA b f 3 96 96S4U3 By Sempronius Sevilla L M Morris S4U3 Douglas 34 113 fast 9 9S 1 1 41 51 J McCabe 10 Batik Bay Chartier Moisant 8275 Churchill 34 l13mud 44 99 5 5 5S17S S Slu Kederis 11 i ady Lightning Strong Merrlck S17S Churchill 31 l13fast 14 97 5 G 101 11 Karrick 13 LLigbtning B Thistle 1 Bunn 7SG7 Lexington 51 f 1C9 hvy 14 93 S 71 72 W W Tlor I MThorpe GonDelivcrv C Jones 740T Juarez 51fl05fast 135103 4 1 = 21 Gross 7 Truly Lewln Ancestors AncestorsInk 73S1 Juarez 34 lJ24fefast 65 IDG 3 Ink 53 Gross 7 Ancestors Dynamo Connauejht 7315 Juarez 51 f 110 hvy 21 101 C 43 512JGroth G Wcyanoke Fitzgerald V Righta 7243 Juarez 34 115 good 45 101 4 in Rightain 2uk Groth 5 Idle Tale Rooster VestedRights 720C Juarez 51 f 1OSJ good 4 9C 4 3Ji VestedRights3Ji 13 J McCabe 7 Par Boy CbasGoetz SAlvcKCOt 7074 Juarez 34 1122 fast 12 99 3 in 41 Carter 7 Pnn Xareta Truly El Palomar 700Ti Juarez 51 f 107 fast 15 107 4 1 I1 J McCabe 10 Pampinea TCinder MKatchm LITTLE BAKER b g 3 By Knight of the Thistle Flora Dora GMMillorl 8402 Churchill 31 l16hvy fid 971 4 11 ll JKarrick 12 Williite Sir Marion Tlier Gill 43SO Windsor 5S 1001 fast 100 102 S S S131F Adams S Leochares Volita Tankard

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Local Identifier: drf1913053001_5_1
Library of Congress Record: