Work-Outs Of Canadian Horses., Daily Racing Form, 1913-07-03

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WORKOUTS OF CANADIAN HORSES Hamilton Out July 2 This mornings work nuts over the Hamilton track took place outside the dogs and were as follows Ardclon Mile in 148 Is good Barnegat Mile in 115 breezing Is good Beehive Half mile in 51 Acts good Blackford Mile In 148 breezing Counterpart Half mile in 51 Acts good Dynamo Threequarters in 118 Works better betterthan than he races Early Light Threequarters in 118 Shows no noimprovement improvement improvementElwah Elwah Mile in 148 Is good Grosvenor Threequarters iu 118 Is good Hamilton Mile in 145 breezing Hawthorn Mile in 145 Has his speed but is islight light in flesh Jt e Knight Fiveeighths iu breezing Has Hasbad bad legs legsJust Just Y Half mile in 51 Acts good Leochares Fiveeighths in 105 cantering i Seveneighths in 1UJ cantering Is fit jd jdMaid Maid of Frome Threequarters iu 118 Shows Showsno no improvement Mediator Fiveeighths in 100 Far from bis bisgood good form formMiss Miss Waters Half mile iu 51 Ordinary Muff Seveneighths in 13 breezing is good Noble Grand Fiveeighths in 10 Needs plenty plentyof of work workOrbed Orbed Lad Mile in 14S Going along slowly Promoter Thwqujirlers iu 11S Ordinary Hudoiro Mile in 145 breezing Had goodwcight goodwcightup up upSatyr Satyr Threeeighths in 3S breezing Sun Queen Threequarters In 118 Is good Terrible Bill Mile in 148 Is good Visible Fiveeighths iu 100 Is at his best

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