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TIJUANA FORM CHART. TIJUANA, MEX.. SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1917 One hundredth day. Lower California Jockey Tub. Win-tor Meeting of 112 days or moie. 15 books on. 1 Weather clear. Presiding Judge. C. II. Pettingill. Starter. Edward Tribe. Racing Secretary. Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago t.nje 4:00 p. m.. "Indicates apprentice allowance. K FIRST RACK— 3-4 Mile. Dee. 20. 1910- 1:11-- — 3— 111. 1 Purse S400. 3 yc.ii --olds 3/ /TC O and upward. Selling. Net value to winner .s3HI : second. .- ; third. 5. Index Horses AWtSt U jj jj Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 ~C P S _ 31S78 ESTIMABLE w5112 3 V 2: 1» l*i E .Martin Lea Angeles Stable 3 31 3-2 3-5 31954:BLUE CAP wr. 4 112 4 f 4r, 4i 2 AV Kefamy R McCoy I 2 7-M9-5 31954BEN ..MINCE wit «i 112 f» I I H : :1 R Pauley K T .Miller 15 28 S 4 30725 AUGUSTUS HEINZE v i lOti S 7 1 93 51 4.1 McBrideW Fish.-r 20 25 10 5 31H70 ORAKGE BLOSSOM w 7 111 1 1* lJ V 5-i A Pickens A I P McDonald I H 4 3 32004 BRIGHOUSE w i :is 5 :: :,- 23 t: J Metcaif L Becker 1 1-2 82035 .1UIN HUR1E we. 7 111 2 6*1 5 7l 71 G AlexaJrSan Francisco Stables In I 2 3192! ROBERT LEE w 4 193 7 G" 7*18 8 P Stevens L A Blaalngame 5 G 2 1 Time. 234S. 4745. 1:14 Track fast. Winner — Kr. m. by Peep oDny — Estimate trained by G. W. Dodge; bred by Mr. A. L. Ante. Went to post at 2:05. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easilv: second and third driving. RSTIMAItLI raced in closest pursuit to the stretch, then moved up rapidly and. taking the lead in the last eighth, wen easing UU. Bid F. CAP raced close up from the start and made a fast finish. BEN QUIJJCE closed a big gap and finished with a rush. AUGUSTUS HEINZE ran in improving form. ORANGE Rl.OSSOM tired after setting a fast pace to the stretch. BRIGHOUSE quit. s, ratcfaed 31029 -Curlicue. 103. Qf ri/1 a-t SECOND RACE— 8 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, l.»Ki -1:05%— 3— 118. Purse S4T 0. 3-year- fj 5_rTcO olds and upward. Selling. Net v.ilu ■ ti» winner S:.00: second. si;5: third. 35 IndTx Horses AWtSt 4 Str Fiu Jockeys Owners 6"~C~~P S 3l947,JBARTON w 11 4 1ni 8 2»J 2*J 2* 1= R Harton G Sadlo 4 1; 2 1 8 1958 FRANCIS w f 191 4 81 :" 8* 21 A JohnaonG l.vmi 1 s-5 3-5 31573 SANTI AGO WHITE w 4 168 I I I 84] W Kelsay California Stable !5 28 I SI 998* LADY ROWENA 3 38 2 V V 51 4.1 A Alexdrad Alexjindra 1 7 2 8-fi 31856 THIRTY SEVEN w 4 105 :i 4*1 4*] 4- 51 E Rice E J Ramsey I 12 5 3J 31030 l.VCIA u 1 88 7 s 7" 7 -1 s MeGraw K J OConnel 18 IS I 3 3174SLJTTLE JAKE wu 7 113 1 1- l" 1- 7 AV .1 tiRn.I H Adams 2 8-5 7-184-3 .•;i95fi BELLE C w 1 87 5 7l S 8 I J .ruber K Snence 38 40 15 I 31907 OLD COIN wit 7 110 AVheehd. A Pickers J I Parker 2". 31 .-5 ;-5 Tune. 24. 482., . 1:02-:,, 1:98H Track fast. Winner B. g. by Marthmeal 1I.— Three Per cut trained by P. I. Williams; bred by Air. .1. W. Fuller. Went to post at 2:30. At |xist 8 minutes Start good and slow. AVen natty; second and third driving. BARTON, alter racing in closest puriutt, caught I.1TTLF JAKE tiring in the stretch and won going away. FUWCIS raced an and lahnwd gumoly. 8AXTIAUO WHITE closed a big gap. LADY ROWENA srae shut oSI s,,n alter the •tart, but Bahtaed lose up. LITTLE JAKE quit badly after setting a Cssl pace to the h;st eighth. Scratched 31684Oaklaod, lK: 31929 Fclicitor. 100: 32004 Privet Petal, 110. Overweights -Santiago White. 2 pounds; Thirty Sevi 11, 2. 3W/"i/f 7 THIRD HACK -3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. lflS 1:11%— 8— 110. Cat.iliua 1 t i -.ip. Pm jH "~X I X4d0. : year ..Ids ;in l upward. Net value 1 i winner 63*9; second. MS; 1 lii:--l. J68B . "index Horata AWtgt 4 J4_%_gtorFjg Jockeys Owners" O Q_JP 8 :;19«7 MAID BACON wi 3 108 S 6* 6* 61 l" II MthewsH Morris 8 • 2 1 31H4-1 SHELL DO « IM I 3* *J 4] 2* A Pickens J Petter :: 4 I ■" 7 M 31M7SAYONARRA v 4 119 2 I • | 2 H H W Kelsay I QtrtucJr I 1 I l-l :;i:iK» TOKAY wb 5 112 1 H H 6 8*1 C YaiiDun.I W Fuller -1 B-l 4 ;". S1SS4*DEL1VRR w 4 198 7 7- I* 8*161 R Hartondoldleaf Stable E G 2 1 81SS7 SPOKANE QUEEN wM G 1 1 U ■ C Cross r A Stout I 7 -■ 6-8 SttSS SILVER MOON v 7 102 1 4, 7- 7- 7 S McGraw C Reed M 12 I 8] l31700TRLLANH WBfM 0 S 8 8 8 E Smith Sherman and Clark 10 S 3 8-5 Time. 24, 473/5, 1:13%. Track fast. Winner — Ch. f. by Tony IS. m« r - Ovicdo trained by 8. W. I.illennan : bred by Mr. F. .1. Pan*. t Went to Mat at 2:59, At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the s.une. MAUD BACON began slowly and was outpaced to the stretch bat, finishing witli a territie burst of speed, cot up to win in the last str kit. SHELL 1M ran her usual fast race and made ■ game finish. BAVONABRA ran in rioseet pursuit and finished resolutely. TOKAY finished fast. DELIVEB was pnlle.l ui. on the backstretch. then closed a SAP and tired in the stretch. SPOKANE QUEEN set a Kieat pace to the last eighth and tired aajchiy. . A O IOIKTII RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June Si, Utt-1:4.".— S— 110. First Running Coro-/t*LJ 3i nado Selling Stakes. Value .r 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to n. r SI. 200: s.ccn.l. 00: third. SIOO. "Index Horses AWtSt U VI % Str Fin Jockeys Owners C P S SISMOLD BROOM vr. 5 115 7 71 5 2- 1*1 V W Kelsay Boston 8-6 7-S S-i 1-3 31t7SCOMMAURETTA wG M S 6; i| H ::1 8*1 T Hunt K Spence f3 :: • 1 1-2 3I9H7-CONNING TOWER w 5 US 1 1*1 V l1 3| :■"•£ H Shillins . I Shilling 4 ::. 7-5 7-10 3 -J 005 1HII.1XA w 4 1110 t! 4 8* 8* 4- 4- A AlexdraW Walker 10 12 4 I 31019 -LAHORE w rl 115 4 8 8 7 7« PJW Mnders.T L Paul 6 8 I 6-C :;!! «« HOCN1R Wl 3 111 1 2 4" 4" Bj 8 C Hunt K Spence t:; :;.. 1 1-2 3 1944* MISS FANNIE wM9 :; 8* 5-1 6*1 9" 71 W McInreF, H Kane I 7 B. i-i S1S79 GUIDE POST «ra 7 111 S 5" 7-i 8 S I C Jones R P Dickinson 8 12 5 8] f Coupled in betting: no separate place or show betting. Time. 25Vi, 49%, 1:14%, 1:40%, 1:47. Track fast. Winnei — 1!. g, bv I.rooinstick — Hose of Dawn trained by C. Buxton; bred by Mr. Harrv Pavne Whitney. Went to post at 3:21. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. OLD ItKOOM was shut off at the start and again on the first turn, but moved into second place on the backstretcli and. taking the lead in the homestretch, won easing up. "OMMATHKTTA closed a gap in the last half and out-tayed CONNING TOWER for second place. The latter set a fast pace to the homestretch, but failed to stay the route. DOLIXA was outpaced, but ran well throughout. LAHORE finished g.nuel. IIOCMK tired badly. Q dsTayf O ro™ RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. MBS— 1:99 1 98. Purse 00. 3 -year-olds and Q £Jrk %J upward. Selling. Net value to winner 839S; second. .Stio : third. 838. J ndcx Horses AWtSt U i 3n Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S 31 749 ZAMLOOH wit 5 107 5 2; 2J 8* li 1-i A Johnsor.C Polk 4 5 2 1 31984 THOLT FLY ws 4 101 2 :.- 8" 8] 2l 8] R HartunK C Griffith 10 12 G 2 SlS5S*ROT amSMI I 7,; 8» i1! V V C V.inDun.1 W Fuller M 12 5 2 31977*WA8ATCH aaCMI I 4»1 4 4*141 4i F NowmanO L Fostt r 8 10 4 2 32094 LACKROSE Wltlll 4 IJ V V S3 B C Jones R P Dickinson 8-5 1 ;; -5 1-3 3l7«-i MISS FIELDER w 5 110 7 i* 1- ~-l 7 C- C Cross L Stone 10 10 4 2 32U07 PO.iOLIXK w 4 10:: 1 8- 8! 8*| S 7i C Hunt K Spence 10 12 5 2 . :!1 ! .- ."» -CHR1STOPHIXE WlfNI S ! I I I 8-.1. R Pauley E T Miller I 7 3] t-6 31!55PATSV MACK wn 6 112 :! 51 5-15; 81 !» W JlcInreE J Ramsey 5 0 2 1 Time. 25%, 49%, 1:15%, 1:42%. Track fast. Winner — Br. g. by General Robert: — YVooien trained by S. Folk; bred by Mr. O. I.. Rogers!. Went to post at 3:45. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Was easily; second and third driving. ZAMLOCH raced . lo e up and. after being saved to the stretch, drew out with ease and won going a w.i v. TROUT FLY was a forward contender from the start and finished gamely. ROY made up ground in the last half and finished fast. WASATCH raced wide on al! the turns. LACKROSE quit after set-ling the pace to the homestretch. Scratched— 3l 37» Hey Shannon II.. 110. QOrfxH SIXTH RACE 1 1-S Miles. Maj 27. WIS— 1:54%— «— 199. Pane S400. O UOU and upward. Silling. Net value to winner 9999; second. MBj third. 3JS. ~_Index Horses AWtSt % ,2 3/i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O Q I S 3~1089_LAST_SPARK wtt 5 M9 •; 1- 1" 1; 1*1 1*1 W Keis.iy II A Cotton 6 7 2 1 32033 JOHN WALTERS VI i M8 5 8*1 9 8*1 V T- A JobnsonB J Creighton 10 12 5 2 :5I»65CAPT. DRUSE wit 8 112 2 37 8*13* S*| W MclnroC Henry 2i :; 1 1-2 £19S9MAUDIE am 4 MS 7 57 B* 4 4". 4 F Stevens V A Wright 6 7 2. 1 33997* PRINCESS JANICE WB S Wi ■. 4n 4] 6*1 9* Bl C Hunt K Spence 4-5 7-101-3 out 31!8! LOMA «r9Mi I 71 8*1 8* 81 8* W Taylor W N* Meadows 50 15 8 3 33991 OLOMER ansa 4JM 1 8 8 71 7- 73 W Ormes F George 10 10 4 2 31977 MARK G. arB 4 VM I 8* 7-888 E Ric I J Ramsey 8 10 4 2 Tun-. 2G. 51. 1:16%. 1:43%. 1:56%. Track fast. Winner — Ch. g. by Martimas — Flicker trained BJ Y. B. Scott; bred by Batata of Mr. William Heiidrie. Went to at 4:11. At post 2 minutes. Start straggling and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. LAST SPARK raced into the lead quickly and. siting the pace to the end. won under restraint. JOHN WALTERS raced in closest pursuit and made a game finish. CAPT. DRU8E was a forward contender from start to finish. M.UDIK ran fairly well. PRINCESS JANICE ran poorly and had no mishaps. Scratched 33098 Ouster, MS. On rwcights-lilomer. 1 pound.