Spirited Toronto Racing: Fruit Cake An Easy Winner Of The Long Established Woodstock Plate.; Charlie Leydecker Captures the Juvenile Stakes with Ease--Runes Wins the Queens Hotel Cup in a Hot Finish with Iron Cross II., Daily Racing Form, 1917-05-22


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SPIRITED TORONTO RACING rHUIT CAKE AN FASY WIUU OF THE LONG ESTABLISHED WOODSTOCK PLATE. Charlio LcydccUer Captures the Juvenile Stakes with East — Kunos Wins tho Queens Hotel Cup in a Hot Finish with Iron Cross II. Toronto. Out.. May ii. The Woodstock Plata of :i mile and :i!i eighth with ,000 added and the Juvenile Stakes :ii fear and ■ half fartoaga to which was add. d 02,000, wore provided as f-; i::re races by tkc Ontario lackey club this afteraaoa. Fruit Cake v.ou tin- former and Charlie Lydcck.-r the latter. Both carried 117 poaads aad both nude raaaway affairs of their races, winning easily by teas asarglaa. Added attentions were the Athol Btff ale chat and the Qaeeaa Hotel Cap. The thirty third running of the Woodstock Plata took place taday aad its history since 1Mb js j|,.r. nhewa: Year. Winner. Wt. Jockey. Y.il. Time. 100B Toacorder 127 B. Walsh... ,400 1:.":m, 1900 Kutii W 112 Farrow 1,470 !:." 1907 Maiachaace 117 htcDasiel .. 1.910 1:50% 1908 Montcl.iif 109 Goldstein .. 1,830 1:57 1900 Day Fisher 112 Meatry I.lso :i 55% 1919 Raaives 112 ;. Funis .. 1,920 1:35% 1911 /.ct!s U7 C. II. shirs. 2.090 1:54% 1912 light O W Life 117 Louie berry.. 1,745 1:55% 1911 Ktabaraa 117 . Turner... 1.799 1 :•"• ■■- 191 1 David Craig U7 .1. Hanover. 2..".or. 1:34% 1913 Common.!,,;! 125 P. Jackson. 2,430 1:54% 1910 Bwmreeea 112 L. McAtee.. 295 1:58 1911 Pratt Cake 117 E. Hayaes. 2,543 1:54% Hich-dssa fields went to the l os hj ■ majority of the races ami int -re-ting coatesta were in order. Berth Bea was fractioas whea solas to the jK.st in the JaveaUe stales ami directly after be left the paddock began baching ami aaaeated toefcej Crum|i. The latter was kicked aadrr the chin anil was unable to rid and L.i kes ems substituted. The cult ran tieea ia the race aad was never prosnteeat. A. !. I!u;npi Ley. Jr. rode his own horse Ma t tin:. .;: to victory la the Athol Steeplechase, la the earlj running he saved his imiiint. bat when ready, quickly raced lata aa easy l ad and at the finish ...:i with apaed in reserve froaa the favorite hlastcrfal. Runes Second Victory in Queens Hotel Cup. Unties cam" from behiad ami ran by Tea Cnrfdj in the Qaeeaa Hotel u .. It was his second Barren sive victory in this race and. aii-ordiiiL to the conditions ef the race, tie cap h ■• roe the prwp- erty of Mr. Wattersoa, owner of the Ifiraaol stable. The foreign bred three-year-old Iron Cross II. fia- isla i! with a rash sad forced Uiies to a hard drive to last lom: enough to heal him oat by a Beck. Tea Caddy was a tiring third. Qad Bryaa was aa a: rival front Maryland. Mis mission here is to close ■ deal with the i p!e who itre building the aew track at TboracliaTe, to laataU the matael systeas, as operated at the Bowie track and of which Mr. Iryan i- the Sweater. He will i-in.-, in lure for a few days before retaining south. B. Ibdmes was an arrival from Oklahoau this morning, where be araa associated in the Butaage meiit ef mmbm* awetiags held in that stab-. Joha Bice ami iwen Party have formed a circuit arhich ineiudes :i nim days me.: in- at Clareaaoore, a ten days meeting at I mil peadem e aad a serea-daya aaeetiag at veartta. Cfctreaiaorc is located about tweaty two milea from Oklahoma, while Independence is across the Baa from Kansas City. J. C. Stevens is the starter oa the circuit. Joha Bice, Owen • try. Hoyden Waters ami B. Holmes booked at the Clap aaaare meetings. Heflmes brings back the new; that Hoyden Wat. is, win, at a soot tabid with W. Creek-more in the owaerahip of a farm at CseTeyville, Kansas, has a number ,,f goad looking yearUaca by the Bock Sand st allien 1a I naoiir, which ha par- efeaaed of J. w. Dedrkk. Kul Parr was aa arrival froaa BbIIbbmbv this aaarahag aad will l»- here for the remainder of taw meeting. J. Slanchie is looking after the ongagi monts of jockeys Cooper and Meriaaee for the present asei tiag. Fountain Fay, which won the lliato Selling Stakes on Saturday, was gelded last October ami achooted over tLe jumps all winter at Willis Wilsons place. near Onkvillc. He looks good sad runs kindly. Which means that she should be a useful plater this jour. c. Baas, ateretary .f the CoaaaaadM Park Jockey Tub. whs an arrival from Ottawa this morning. He is hen- in the interest of the stakes to he run at his meeting, which tloacd this afteraaoa. E. W. Moore received word froai Louisville that the five yearlings he iias at Belle Meade are Being watt. In the aaaahec is a bay cott by *— ngnl Bottle Sue; b bay by Assagai — Bracktowa Hell, a ehaataat filly l y Tony Beaten Princess Paasaoaa, a hay colt by Judge Wright — Clara Carlo and a bay filly hy Assagai. Lewis Garth announced that he will dispose of the horses he broach t to Canada by auction iu the pad-dack at the track aa Wednesday. Walter 0. Parmer to Retire as a Breeder. Walter O. Farmer is another horseman to announce his retirement from the turf aa a breeder. Last fall Mr. Farmer purchased the home place at Belle Meade and his failure to obtain any more land lias resulted in his determination to dispose of aU of his stock. He had forty-five mares, twenty -fcix yearlings Bad twenty-seven weanlings. The yearlings will be sold at Saratoga in August and the broodmares and weanlings at Lexington next fall. The stallions Assagai and Dr. Boots will also be disposed of. The following is the list of officials for the meeting: Francis Nelson, steward to represent Canadian Baring Associations; judge. Pater Clinch; starter. A. B. Dade; clerk of the scales. Joseph McLennan; assistant. Mallen; timers, has. Boyle and Josh Daaae; paddock judge. P. II. Elmore; patrol judges, F. H. Elmore and Wm. Martin; physician, J. E. Elliott. M. D. ; clerk of the course, W. F. Fraser; stewards, Wm. Hendrie, Colin Campbell. A. E. Dyment and Frank Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. Livingston of the Rancocas Farm, New Jersey, were among the visitors Saturday to see the Kings Flate run. The Livingstons stiil retain their breeding establishment at ColMiurg. where Tartarean, winner of the Kings Plata of 1915 was bred. Jockey E. Haynes will ride as a free lance at Continued on second pace. SPIRITED TORONTO RACING. Continued from first page. Toronto, but In -ginning with the Montreal meeting Dr. J. S. Tyreo will bare first call on his services. Steeplechase jooki-y Archibald, who arrived from Raw York, has made an application for a license. He will probably ride the horses that J. Graver is training. The license committee of th" Canadian Billing Associations met Saturday afternoon ami passed on applications made by a number of trainers ami ■Men. Joseph McLeaaaa distributed among Hie horsemen the conditions books for tin Dorval and Ottawa nice tings. Samuel Murray Plake, who is in charge of Hal information window at Woodbine, is a veteran of the Northwestern .Mounted Police and of the Indian Rebellion of 1MB,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917052201/drf1917052201_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1917052201_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800