Dufferin Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-01

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■————-— — — — — _— . S— — — — — — — — — , DUFFERIN PARK FORM CHART. TORONTO, ONT., Wednesday, May 30, 1917.— DufTerin Rark. First day. Metropolitan Racing Association. Spring Meeting of 7 days. 12 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, Ed Cede. Starter, Frank Mc-Giaty. Racing Secretary, W. R. Norvell. 33266 First Race— Alx.ut 5-S Mile. Rurse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner, 45; second. 0; third, 5. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. P!. SSlgg Spirella 11:! 1 N Murg.r I B 1! BS17S Si mpsilla IK 2 J Howard 3-2 3-2 :i-5 32921 Treowea x Jrts 1 r Chaaa 6 G a 32900 Frisky 115 4= T Navlor :i 3 l" 33131 Bessaata MB ;V W Hinphy s S 3 SSlSZJessup Burn 11.1 6 R Hartv 3 3. C5 29««1 Yankee Lady 113 7» N Foibn 10 12 4 29721 Mimioo 113 Si J Drever 10 10 4 33026 Little Ford MB M ; torev fi 7 ■ 33138 Mi.s.s Shot spj sj ji ChappeU 15 20 7~ Time. 1:02S. Track fast. Show odtls Spirella. 1: Senipsilla. 13: TieoWCa, 6 r : Frisky, 1-2: Bessaata, 3-2: Jessap Rum. S-S; Yankee Lady, 2; Mhaico, 2; Little Ford, 3-2; Miss Shot. 3. Winner — A. G. Stamps b. m. 7. by Cesarion Right Wild trained by A. O. Stamps; bred by Mr. I. II. Wheatcroft. Went to ]K.st at 2:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driv-iiiL. Overweights — Ressanta, 5 pounds; Miss Shot, 5; Little Ford. 2; Treoweii, 3. 33267 Second Race About 5 K Mile. Purse ., . 3 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner. 4B; second. 0; third. 5. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 32X79 Rubicon H. US V R Lowe 13 ID 4 33171 Dot IL 110 21 .1 Howard fi « J 33 136 -Ha Penny 114 If L Gray 4 4 2 31569 Miss Jean 1M A A Cssujr 3 4 2 29782 Tankard MS El J Deav*p*t fi « 2 331i8Sal. ODay 113 ti N Foden S-S 3-2 t-i 32940 Inez lln 7] C Cross 10 X 4 33 1 68 a i berry Hollo 105 S R Rvan I fi L 33005 M. CenevievcllO !••■ W llinphy C. fi 2 Impress bd in N Burger 20 15 6 lime. 1:013 5. Track fast. Show odds Rubicon II. , 2; Dot II. , 1: HaPcnnv. 1: Miss Jean. 1: Tankard. 1: Sallie ODay. 1-3; Inez. 2: Cherry Relle. 1; Miss Ooiioviovo, 1; Impress. 3. Winner I. Howells 1 h. S. ley Kuhioon fit— ■ trained by D. ilowll; bred by Miss R. Lani-an. Went to post at 2:8*. At post 2 minutes. Start g I anil slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Old weights Cherry Relle, 5 pounds; HalVnny. 2: Tankarl. 3; Impress, 1. 33268 Third Race — About 6 1 2 Furlongs. Parse fStt. I year olds and upward. Selling. .Net value to winner. AB; second. S70; third. 5. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. Rl. 33003 3 1.illv Stuart H." 1- R Hartv 2J I | 33131 Swede Sam 115 2 W Hinphy 4 a 2 32 100 K. staniieid 113 31 C Gross 10 M 1 SSlS2J.C.CantrUI US L B Wnlsfm i i z 33058 Zodiac IK. Sl J Dreyer G 1 3-2 32883 Phil Mi.hr US 61 l» Baaer ti fi 2 33133 B. of the Knlb! 7" R Lowe 2] S] 1 33131 -II. Walb.mk US 8" II Tulh tt 7" 8 3 29781 .IW. •Slna 11a !».. . I Deavpt 10 12 29750 William W. IB 10 F Jenkins 20 20 S rime. 1:27. Track fast. Show odds Hilly Stuart. 1; Swede Sam. 1: Kitty Stanfichl. 2; J. C. .-i nt rill. 1; Zodiac. 2 3; Pail hfehr, 1: Relle of the Kitchen. 1-li; llenrv Wal-bank. ;; 2: J. W. OShea. 2: William W.. 4 Winner J. W. Pinkhams br. g. fi. by Out of Reach Coaaaehj II. trained by J. W. Pinkhani; bred by Mr. F. A. Forsythel. Went to post at 3:L . At post J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. 33269 Fourth Race- About 5 *i Mile. Purse ?:;.",. 4 year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner. . 24..; second. |7f ; third. 5. Dnl. Hois.-. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. Pi. 32940 Moller IIS I- N Taylor 21 :: 1 32110 Muzantl 112 V .1 Dominickfi i " 3302«l. Caprh us 113 S» M Foden 2 3 1 32879 Rob. Mant.ll 112 4- C Cross S E 2 32942 -tiarl 115 V R Lowe ;; :; l 32879 Chstmas BvelM S* C White E fi 2 30254 Litth.stHebel 110 7 .1 Howard fi I 2 33055 lb. las KlamellO s". R Rvan PI .". A 32310 Col. McNsb 112 H" II Chappell 2c 2t s" 2h7S9*Aaiasemont 112 in J Steele bi 12 4 Time. 1:01. Track fast. Slow odds— Moller, 2-5; Muzanti. 3 2; Lady Capri- r— ■— — — — — ... ... . — — clous, 1-2; Robt. M.intell, 1; Carl, 1-2: Christmas Eve, I; Littlest Rebel. 3 2; Heclas Flame, 3-2; Col. McNab. 4; Amazement, 2. Winner— C. T. Deckers b. g. 7, by Marts Santa — Arthesia trained by G. W. Crippeu; bred by Mr. George C. Bennett. Went to post at 3:40. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. 33270 Fifth Stags 1 1-10 Miles. Purse 50. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner. 15; second. 0; third. 5. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. Joekev. Op. CI. IV. 33059 Flying Feet MS V .1 Dominiek 2. 3 2 2-3 33171 "apt. Fdks Ml 211. N Burger 6 7 2 33012 Harwood MB 3 A Casey I B] 6-5 33137 S. Stalwart 1M| 4" B Lowe 10 10 4 33133-Flying Tom 101 6= H Chappell 2 4 3-2 3292« Ataboy Kf.t V YV Hinphy 3 2*. 1 32382 Manioc 11". 7 J Steele 6 6 2 Time. 1:55. Track fast. Show odds Flying Feet. 2-5: apt. Freilricks. 1; Harwood, B S; Hcsiper Stalwart, 2; Flving Tom, 2-3: Ataboy, 3 5: Manioc. 1. Winner A. flesis b. g, 9, by Woolsthorpe — Winged Sandals trained by W. Rurke; bred bf Mr. I. II. Whoatomfll. Went to post at 4:0d. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Overweights— Semper Stalwart, 1C. pounds; Capt. Freilricks, 1. 33271 Sixth Race About 5-S Mile. Purse S350. 3 year -olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner, 45; second. 70; third. 5. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 33098D inklnnd MS 1 , Warren S-S S-S S-S 33099 ITUIotaoa MS 2". R Lowe 2. I fi-5 32814 Silv. Shapiro 107 3 A Casey 4~ 4 2 30215 Miss Frances 110 41 J Howard 0 7 3 33172 V. Patterson los B N Foden 10 li 2 32705 I.achie 101 r, N Burger 10 12 4 33031-Fleiha Negrs M 71. J Drever 3 4 3 2 28948 Tboracliffe M8 S J Dminlck 20 15 6 Time. 1:02. Track fast. Show odds Oakland. 1 4: Tillotson, 3 5; Silvey Shapiro. 1; Miss Frau.-es. 3-2: Frank Patterson, 0-5; Peachie. 2: Flecha Negra. 2-3; ThornelilTe. 3. Winner R. Ripleys l.lk. g. S. by Reaivatclior — I.avena trained by W. H. Funston; bred bv .Mr. O. A. P.iaiichi. Went to post at 4:32. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Overweights — Peachie. 2 pounds; Silvey Shapiro, 1. 33272 Seventh Race Alx.ut i-S Mile. Purse 50. ■1 year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner. 15; second. 0; third. 5. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. lackey. Op. CI. PI. 3294 1 Bennadiao in l- N Taylor 2 :: S-S 33098 Doc. Kendall HI 2* C White Hi S 3 32915 I.olala HI :: 1 Warren 2 3 fi-5 33102 Lord WeOs 111 I .1 D.avpt 7 7 3 33108 Minnie K. IBS S" W Ilinphv 3 1 2 32925 Prime Mover lis fit J Howard E 5 2 33030 |Mary Emily luo 7 8 WobaVas. S fi 2 33103 Louise Paul 113 S11 N Burger 10 10 1 33000 Cordon IIS !f- H Watts 3 1 2 33171 Uancing Star 111 M H Cbapp.ll 2S M S Time. lSj. Track fast. Show odds P.ermudian. 3 5: Doctor Kendall. 3 2; Bolala. 3 5: I.rd Wells. 3-2: Minnie I.. 1: Prim. Mover, 1: Mary Emily. 1: Louise Paul. 2; Gordon, 1: Dancing Star. 4. Winner W. Klings b. g. ! by. Peter QataCS — Rose Mar.jorie trained by W. Kling; Itred by .Mr. J. B. Camden. Went to post at 1:55. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights— Dancing Star. 5 pounds. 33273 Eighth Race About 7 -S Mile. Purse S35U. 4 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner. 15; second. 0; third, 5. Did. Hone, Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. I. PI. 3292 1* Frost v Face Ml l1 .1 Dreyer S «1 2 329 11-old.anobile Ml 2* .1 Howard Z 2. 1 33111 Bogart IP. " D Baaer ■•■ 31 3-2 32940f. MeF.rran 113 I N Taylor 2. 31 1 32900 Double Bass 113 E* H Watts 10 7 M 33172 Ocean Prince 11:: fi". S Wolstm 3 3 fi-5 3 3 O00 Louise Stone 103 ",- J Dniinkl. S 7 3 28082 Consoler 105 8 1 Corey 15 15 5 Time. 1:33. Track fast. Show odds Frosty Pace, 1; OMsssobile, 1-2; R -gart, 3 5: Charley McFerran. 1-2: Double Bsss, 1; hi an Prince. 3 5: Louise Stone. 1; Consoler. ■-"•. Winiier I. II. Moodys b. g. 5. by Isidor-White Frost trained by J. BL Moody; bred by Mr. R. H. Aadersoa. Went to post at 5:27. At post 0 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won easily; second and third hiving. Si ratched— 33031 Tssatasashar, loo.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917060101/drf1917060101_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1917060101_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800