Judge Murphy In Stand At Jefferson: Will Again Preside Over Jefferson Park Meeting at New Orleans--Many Horses Arrive., Daily Racing Form, 1918-11-09


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J JUDGE MURPHY IN STAND AT JEFFERSON Ji i Will Again Preside Over Jefferson Park Meeting at New Orleans Many Horses Arrive ArriveNew New Orleans La November 8 Announcement was made today by tlie board of directors of the Jcfferoii Parish Fair Association that Joseph A Murphy has again licen named presiding judge of Jefferson Park Judge Murphy who also presides at Itowie will leave Itowie November 21 and return to New Orleans the day before Jefferson Park opens November 23 Arrangements between G I Itryan part owner of Jefferson and J F OHara of Itowie have been made for Judge Murphy release from the Maryland track trackJudge Judge Murphys appointment at Jefferson elimi ¬ nates any possible chance of confliction in dates Iwtween Jefferson Park and the Fair C rounds wliere Judge Murphy is presiding steward and general manager Mr Murphy will leave tomorrow for Howie where he will officiate from November 14 to Xovember 20 20A A stream of horses and horsemen is pouring into New Orleans Both tracks have been deluged witli requests for stall reservations Signs of peace in RurojK lias led both local track managements to 1 hope J W Coffrotli might see his way clear to open Tijuana this coming winter and thus take many hundred of thoroughbreds from New Orleans AN it stands now it l oks as if 1500 or more thoroughbreds will he here and that is entirely UK much for one meeting The Fair Grounds track iccommodatcs 800 and Jefferson Park i0 It is hard to see what will become of the ones which ome without asking for reservations

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1918110901/drf1918110901_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1918110901_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800