Work-Outs From East And West, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-27

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WORKOUTS FROM EAST AND WEST 564 HAVRE 1E GRACE Md April 20 Todays training gallops here were as follows Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile559Chevalier 559Chevalier 31 400Mollio Barnes 3 3551Exploslve 551Exploslve 38 510Murphy 33 33503GIoomy 503GIoomy Gus 38 331Kedland 3 3500Iiidolcnce 500Iiidolcnce 40 559Sir Clarence 38 38Joseph Joseph P Levy 37 Scintillate 30 30514Lady 514Lady Stella 39 r5 Sheba 40 40500Momenlum 500Momenlum 3J 513Vuleanite 38 38Half Half Mile 553Artful Dodger 40 rC0Padua 51 7pii r Coy at at52Bourbon 500Rubidium 52Bourbon Gold r 0 50 Slar Voter VBcniiington i 50 55SSweep Up II 40 40 5rSerapis 51 40 451Sailing B 51 Kate Brnmniel 4 4a 538Tiin Son 40 40510Trantula a lLille Maiidie 51 51iLidy 510Trantula 40 iLidy Emmclinc5l Emmclinc5l01Mastcr 414Touch Me Not5t 01Mastcr Jack 50 83Uranium 50 550Martha Luckett 502Xealot 48 48502Old 502Old Dad H51 H51Five Five Eighths Milo Milo502Citizcn 502Citizcn 103 550FairIy 108 108503Dark 503Dark Hill 105 550Langhorne 101 101ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile500Anlicipatn 500Anlicipatn 110 5011C o t Hlhorl10 Hlhorl10502Biff 502Biff Bang 118 427Our Boots 117 11750Duke 50Duke John 110 559lnccj f Comol20 Comol20502Krult 502Krult Cake 111 520Rancocas 110 110502Gohlen 502Gohlen Flint 110 550Shandon 117 430Genie AV 110 502SIippery Elm 117 117503Horeb 503Horeb 117 502Afenal Joy 115 115558Kinglhig 558Kinglhig H 117 117Ono Ono Mile Mile559Attorney 559Attorney 148 451Mumbo Jumbol40 Jumbol40502Boniface 502Boniface 142 502Motor Cop 147 147315Black 315Black Thong 14S 550Night Raider 145 145Donnelly Donnelly 147 411Night AVind 144 144500Dr 500Dr Clark 145 501Piratc McGcc 148 557Domingo 148557Domingo 114 5ilSea Sinner 148 503Exterminator 148503Exterminator 140 550Tan II 145 500Fair 145500Fair AVay 144 55SVivc M cGce 140 G 3Gath 148 148400Gipsy 558 War Plume 140 400Gipsy Lad 140 550AVar Machine 152 500Gcorgic 142 503AVood Violet 145 145GUIGain GUIGain de Causel40 03Smart Money IISV SCOMilkmaid 145 550T McTaggtl45 I Vulcanize ran out but was going fast Murphy is going along slowly and not quite ready Tan Son and Tmntiila showed speed both fit and ready Serapis was cantering Kate Brnmmel sliowed more speed than usual and may be expected to run a good race soon Star Voter was cantering Fort Bliss is good and ready Citizen showed speed and may bo a good maiden Fruit Cake quit badly in her last nice she may have been short but in the work this morning she finished fast Golden Flint worked with Fruit Cake but could never keep up Boniface ran well all the way Wood Violet worked well Milkmaid was only cantering Night Raider and Dr Clark cantered Tom McTaggart appeared to tire Domingo showed more speed than usual and may run a good race next time LEXINGTON Ky April 20 The following were the workouts lit the local track today Weather clear track muddy ThreeEighths Mile 512Ablaze 38 Lady Astor 37 4 10Acclaim 41 41502Blaek 502Moliora 37 f 502Blaek Rock 41 502 Peggy Eaton 40 40Sweepy Grand Son 30 Sweepy 42 520Gcneral llaig 38 520True Friend 38 Happy Lady 40 Half Mile Adop Daughter51 52T C Stone 33 1Aph Aph StoneAph 52 512Lord Allen 517Blaise Bhiisc 53 5i2MadiIavelli 5i2MadiIavelliBetter 501Bcttor Better Still 53 281Melvin 52 501Bengalcse 52501Bengalcse 50 442Tugs 537 513Capital 537513Capital City 55 4SlWoodtrap 55 441Dresdeii 53 502WiIlow Tree 54 528Dancing 54528Dancing Spray 53 527 Yellow Blossom51 Blossom51FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile332Prccss 332Prccss Royall07 501Mabel G 111 111ThrceQuartcrs ThrceQuartcrs Mile Mile501Ace 501Ace High 122 43tSof Pleasurel10 Pleasurel105L0liinna 5L0liinna Roma 121 510Tokay 123 503La FoiKlre 123 501T Col Bawnl23 Bawnl23440M 440M Fontaine 123 501Virgo 5C3ld Chap 121 OVJWadss LastlllJ 503Romany 124 124One One Milo 432Pluribus 148 501Simonite a51

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Local Identifier: drf1921042701_2_7
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