Fifth Race [5th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1921-05-21

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FIFTH RACE 1 14 Mile Kentucky Handicap RyearoIdM ami np npward ward May 1JH4 S 5 3 114 114ETHEL ETHEL ForgetTrainer GRAY br f 4 110 By Hessian Sweet Marjoram by Diana Forget Trainer J C Milam Owner Montfort Jones 51216 Churclil 1 14 204 204sfast = sfast 35 110 2 1 1 1 I3 1 M Garner 5 DancinKSpy TippoSahib Legal 54202 Cluirchl 1 116 145 fast 11 113 13 13 12 K 111 3 N Barrett 13 Ginger Upset Dancingtfpray 541 541S1 SI Church 1 1 l39 slow 12 107 3 3 2 2 1 1J M Garner 5 IIKColcman Alula MGaffncy 54063 Church 1 1 l3GVbfast 45 107 li C 6 4 = 2i N Barrett 7 Ilspiin MIIynes Distinction 3937 Lexton 1 1S l52slow 1710 114 1 3 3 2 2 M Garner 5 GenHaig SofPIeas Sdragonll 53885 Lex1 ton 1 l40Kgood 12 105 5 5 G 5 11 M Garner 5 IIEColeman Inquiry Travesty 1 31C 156 fast 6 105 3 4 4 42 4 S Wida 7 Cleopatra Blue Wrack Blaisea 4S5S5 Sartoga 34 112 fast 85 105 12 11 4i 2 L McAtee 15 La Rablee The Nephew Sekket 49355 Sartoga 1 14 2074hvy 7 25 21 E Sande 5 Cleopatra Edwina Marianne 49180 Sartoga 1 138 fast 95 104 4 4 4 2 22 L McAtee 4 Dinna Care Marianne Feodor SANDS OF PLEASURE b g 8 103 103Trainer By Fair Play Golden Sand by Bock Sand Trainer J M Goode Owner J M Goode C42CS Churchl 1 l3Gfast 10 21 1J J D Mney 5 Flags Furbelow Brookliolt 54202 Churchl 1 11G 145 fast 40 104 9 11 11 11 10 10T J D MneylS Ginger Upset DancingSpray 54143 Churchl 1 l40hvy 5 105 4 3 3 2 22 1 D Mney 5 PauUVeidel NanLee Wood trap 64003 Lex ton 1 14 209hvy 7 105 G G 5 5R937 2 2ii j Gruber 7 BreadMan Joiiett DancSpray DancSpray3l R937 Lex ton 1 18 l52slow 4 113 2 4 4 45378G 3l S ° l J Gruber 5 GenHaig EthGray Sdragonll 5378G Lexton 1 116 l4Gslow 19 IOC 9 11 10 91 9 J Gruber 12 Best 1al Ginger 1luribua 01424 Churchl 2 330fast G 108 1 G G GG1397 4 21 J Gruber 5 Pif Jr Minto II Legal G1397 Churchl 1 129 fast G 113 8 8 S 3 1i J Gruber 8 Kinburn Iictor Legal G1341 Churchl 1 18 lG3 fast 135 110 3 G G 5 5 41 H Kins 6 Minto II Claymore Woodtrap WoodtrapIt G12S4 Churchl 1 18 l5Gmud 225 103 5 5 3 1 3 It 2 ° H King 5 Wooiltrap Sterling Kingfisher UPSET ch c 4 124 124Trainer By Whisk Broom II Pankhurst by Voter Voter2J Trainer James Rowe Owner H P Whitney 54202 Churchl 1 11G 145 fast C5 122 6 G 3 2 2 24S540 2J 2 C KummerlS Ginger DancingSpray BungaB 4S540 Sartoga 1 14 201fast J85 J23 3 3 3 3 I I4MJ10 2 ° 2 = 1 J Rods ez 3 Man o War John P Grler 4MJ10 Latonla 1 12 232 fast 35 12G 2 4 3 3 I3 I J Rodgez 8 Gladiator Ethel Gray PncePal 47S28 Belmont 1 14 209mud 115 1071 G 2 2 2 31 4 j E Ambrse t PJones Bntface Extrminutor 47311 Pimlico 1 18 l51fa t 345 122 1 3 3 3 J 22 2 i J Rodgez 0 Man o War Wildair KTluusn 47117 Churchl 1 14 209 slow 85 126 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 J Rodgezl7 Paul Jones On Watch Damask 46925 HdeGce Im70yl47mud 1 124 4 2 1 1 Ink ink c Kummer 7 War Mask DukeJolm CleanGone 43737 Belmont 34 at lllfast C 120 4 4 4 t t43CG1 B1 61 T Rice 10 MoWar JPGrier Dominique 43CG1 Belmont 78 st l24fast 1 125 4 435 2l 22 W Knapp 0 Cleopatra DrClark DavHarum 43570 Saratoga 24 113 slow 8 125 6 8 6 6 6 W Knapp 8 MoWar Cleopatra Constancy GINGER ch c 5 116 116Trainer By Coy Lad Lucky Wave by Canard Trainer K Spence Owner W E Applegate 51202 Churchl 1 116 145 fast 50 112 2 2 2 3 3l 1 T Murray 13 Upset DancingSpray BungaB 54122 Churchl 1 11G 148 mud 25 115 2 3 3 4 4 4 T Murray 4 BelgQuecn BunBuck Bettina KfflG9 Lexton 1 l42mud 710 115 1 2 2 2 Il 1 E Pool 4 Flags Distinction WbirlingDun G27SG Lexton 1 11G l46slow 5 112 2 1 1 1 li 2 T Murray 12 Bestlal Pluribus Woodtrap G121G Latonla 1 142 hvy 1 108 1 1 1 1 Il 1 H Lunsfd Frank W Dodpe Bread Man 51135 Latonia 34 lllfast 3710 115 1 45 41 35 F Wilson C MarjHynes HiGloud HlCost 0103C Latonla 1 11G 144 fast 14 108 1 2 3 2 2COGS1 2 22 II King 6 On Watcli King Gorin Sway COGS1 Latonla 1 l37fast 3910 106 1 1 1 1 2n 2Dk A Collins 5 Sway Minto II King Gorin GOGH Latonia 34 lllfast 6 110 8 99 9 72 N Barrett 10 Angon Miss Jemima Flags 50533 Latonia 1 116 l44fast 22 110 2 2 2 2 2 2l N Barrett 11 BSignal King Gorin Minto II BEHAVE YOURSELF br c 3 113 By Marathon Miss Ringlets by Handball Trainer H J Thompson Owner E B Bradley 310G5 Churchl 1 14 204ysfast 9 126 9 S S 6 IX 1 lii C Tmpsonl B Servant Prudery Tryster 938 Lexton 1 18 l54slow 3110 12G 143 3 21 2 21 D Connlly BlkServt TJncVelo LnardoII 37SG Lexton 1 11G l4Gslow 115 106 G 51 G = i C Thpsonl2 Best Pal Ginger Pluribus 51340 Churchl 1 l38fast 3110 122322 2 3i 31 L Lyke G Tryster GreyLag BrotlierBatch BrotlierBatchIl 51002 Latonla 1 l38fast 65 114 3 2 2 2 Il 1 1DOG13 1s L Lyke 10 McGooilwin BrotberB Rangoon DOG13 Latonia 51 f l06fast 5 111 4 2 2 22 lt E Pool 12 Muskallonge ColBaker Ggvay GgvayG1 50351 Lexton 55 f l07fast 4110 1091 4 4 4 5 G1 J 551 L Lyke 10 Bettina Coyne Ben Valet Valet2h 4 7fO Sartoga ol f l07slow 9G 115 6 4 3 2b i L Lyke 11 Atala SportingBlood OThierry 49451 Sartoga 34 l13faat C 115 5 G 7 71 G = 2 L Lyke 14 Dartmoor Grey Lag Bennont 4784G Latonla 41 f 54fast 12 115 5 7 61 4 4BREAD 4 L Lyke 10 WSide LoughRed Muskallong BREAD MAN b c 4 108 B BTrainer By Golden Maxim Evelyn Doris by Ben Brush Brush3i Trainer F Rector Owner O B Potts 54003 Ixxton 1 14 2ODhvy G IOCS C 7 7 5 31 1 1537SG It H Garner 7 SofPlsnre Joiiett DancSpray 537SG Lexton 1 11G l4Gslow 25 107 4 7 7 G 62 G5 E Pollard 12 Best Pal Ginger Pluribus 53242 Havana 1 1S 151 fast 3i 118 9 4 3 2 21 i 21 W Crump 12 AttaBoyll WalIIall MatIdol 53070 Havana 1 18 l51fast 8 112 9 8 8 8 G1 1 1GJs97 Il U L caster 9 Matinee Idol Herron Wai Hall GJs97 Havana 1 18 l5 fast 8 115 10 9 9 9 81 C C62C79 Gi R McDott 10 Sp Clean MayHouse MatIdol 62C79 Havana 1 14 203fast C US 11 9 8 7 5 C J Carmodyl2 Herroii Sea 1rince Rancher 52432 Havana 1 13 l55 ood 2 118 6 G 4 4 31 2 2DANCING 2n J Butwell C Bally Docod Mutnbo Jumbo DANCING SPRAY br m 6 100 B BTrainer By Rapid Water Alberta H by Handspring Trainer J H Baker Owner Treacy Walker Walker5424G 5424G Churchl 1 14 204fast 3310 101 1 2 2 2 22 2C G Fields i EtlielGrny TipiwSaltib Ixgal 54202 Churchl 1 116 145 fast 52f 9GU2 10 10 C Ca rS J McCoy 13 Ginger Upset BungaBuck 54003 Lexton 1 14 209hvy 21 98 3 3 1 1 1J 4J J McCoy 7 BMan SoflMeasure Jonett 63 75 Lexton 1 116 l47hvy 8 100 4 4 4 4 G5 J JG37SC r T Jarvis 7 Gen Haig Woodtrap MasBill G37SC Lexton 1 11G l4Gslow 5 99 10 10 11 11 11s 1 ll T Jarvis 12 Best Pal Ginger Pluribus EiSSG FGnds 3l 21 T Jarvis S Romany St Isidore Capt Mac E27S6 PGnds 1 116 146 fast 20 10G G G 2 2 2i 2 T Jarvis 7 StIsidore TWitcbet GenUaig G2C03 PGnds Im70y 143 fast 8 106 5 G 5 5 5 Gs T Jarvis 5 CapMac St Isidore Gen Haig G2519 KG mis 1 l39V fast 910 107 C 6 1 Il 1 T Jarvis G TailorMaid MMaxim Inquiry PAUL WEIDEL br c 4 By Golden Maxim Lady Lexington by Hastings Trainer M Lowenstein Owner M J Lowenstein 54202 Churchl 1 11G 145 fast 7 113 G 8 G 4ii 65 G Stack 13 Ginger Upset DancingSpray 54143 Churchl 1 l40Mhvy 1110 112 2 2 1 1640GG 1 = 1s G Stack 5 SoflMeasure NanLee Wtltrap 640GG Churchl 34 lllfast 38 108 7 C 52 2 G Stack HClotid CbiaTenn M Jemima 4 to lielmont Gl f l17Hifast 15 106 1 C C4ti73 6 C8 G Stack 0 Audacious BSignal LUrigliton 4ti73 Kwrth 1 11G l47fast 1310 130 1 1 1 14SS98 2s 21 G Stack 7 My Dear Estero Dresden 4SS98 Windsor 1 l3Sfast 1310 122 1 1 1 1 Il G Stack 5 Claymore Besthoff Dresden DresdenG3 47111 Windsor 1 1S 201 hvy 5 108 G 1 1 G3 5 G Stack 8 SlipElm TPorter Extcrnator 48623 FtErie 1 14 207 hvy 310 123 2 1 1 1 1 J McTagt 4 Bestlioff Royal Jester MasBill MasBillIl 48501 Devre 1 11G l47fast 310 121 Il G Stack 4 TSNotPass GdeCause DVan STERLING b c 4 105 105Trainer By Horron Verneida by Kilkerran Trainer L Gentry Owner L Gentry 54248 Churchl 1 1S lCOfast 34 116 4 4 2 05 o T Murray 5 Wcodtrap BelgianQn Midway Midway4J 64182 Churchl 78 i26Mslov 34 108 1 7 7 4J 4 ° i T Murray 8 Brookliolt Wyoming JllareJr 4143 Churchl 1 l40hvy 23 110 1 5 5 5 G10 T Murray 5 PWeidel SofPleasuro NanLee 54063 Churchl 1 l36V fast 43 110 7 7 7 7C2178 7 71 T Murray 7 Bspnn Ethel Gray M llynea C2178 FGnda 1 116 l45fast G5 117 3 1 1 1F2137 21 3k T Murray 7 Tippity Wltcliet Veto Parader F2137 Jefson 1 116 l46 fast 35 120 1 1 1 I2 1 T Murray 4 Chief BSlianrion Flibtygibbet 62043 Jefson 1 lS9fast 115 115 3 3 4 4n 4 T Murray 8 ERickbher DjSpriy MasBill 61928 Jefson 1 lC9fast 1 114 G 6 6 Sf 4 1 T Murray G TWitchct DaucSiry RapDay 51KX7 Jefson 24 114 fast 34 113 22 21 T Murray G ERbacher SGuy VChairman BUSY SIGNAL ch f 4 By Cunard Sweet Alice by Flying Dutchman Trainer H J Thompson Owner E B Bradley 51202 Churchl 1 11G 145 fast o 11G 1 4 5 5 12 2 = 12 ° L Lyke 13 Ginger Upset DancingSpray 64063 Churchl 1 l3Gfast 2i 114 344 G 5J G82 L LyUe 7 Bspun Ethel Gray M liynes 60533 Lutonlu 1 116 l44fast G5 114 1 1 1 16026S 11 1 T Murray 11 Ginger King Gorin Minto 11 6026S Lexkton 1 11G l44tffast 12 114 2 1 1 12 I4 L Lyke 5 Clintonville SofPleasure Wave 49985 Belmont 1 l37fast 1310 115 2 1 1 149Sr9 Il I2 C Kummer 4 Pilgrim On Watch Damask 49Sr9 Bflmont Gi f l17l fast 41 110 6 3 34S429 32 2 L Lyke I Audacious LBriga TWitchet 4S429 Sartoga 1 l38fast 1710 112 3 1 2 2492GS 3i 31 L Lyke G DinnaCare DrClark Blazes 492GS Sartoga 34 lllfast 95 125 6 4 41S400 3 31 L Lyke 7 WedCake RRRose Lunetta 1S400 Latonia 1 14 202 fast 8 121 1 1 1 li 1s L Lyke 4 Cleopatra Ethel Gray Lorraine BUNGA BUCK ch c 3 95 By Vulcain Mary Orr by Orimax Traiuer J H Deavenport Owner M Dattner 54222 Churchl 1 l3Sfast 6 106 3 4 G 6 42 F Smith 0 SirThosKean Coyne BenValct 54202 Churchl 1 116 145 fast 52f 93 7 9 9 7ck 415 p Barrett 13 Ginger Upset Dancing Spray 54122 Churchl 1 116 148 mud 11 99 4 2 2 22 21 S McGraw 4 BelgnQueen Bettina Ginger 54066 Churchl 34 lllMfast C9 96 8 7 9 9 T Jarvis 9 HCloud PWeidel ColTemi G2835 FGnds 1 l39fast 8 99 5 3 2 1 1 S McGraw 9 Fautoche I5otheration MasJacb 62785 FGnds 34 l13fast 12 1081 2 3 41 33 L Morris 8 Musknge Bothation Mythogy 52602 FGnds 34 113 fast 3 107 7 8 8s 77j T Jarvis 9 IasterJack Runzaf WhiteStar 62539 FGnds 34 l13fast 20 106 4 4 32 21 T Jarvis 8 UnVcrde Rancocas TstOfficl WOODTRAP ch h 7 104 104Trainer By Trap Bock Woodvine by Magnetizer Trainer J McPherson Owner Fai Fair Acre Farm 64248 Churchl 1 18 l50fast 7 117 2 1 II I1 D Connlly 5 Sterling BclsianQtiecn Midway 54202 Churchl 1 110 145 fast 52f 111 4 3 Sb no D Connlly 13 Ginger Upset DancingSpray 4143 Churchl 1 l40V hvy 5 112 5 4 41 42 D Connlly 5 PWeidel SofPleasure NanLee 54003 Lexton 1 14 209hvy 125 112 1 1 5 531 D Connlly 7 ISMan SofPleasure Jouett 53875 Iexton 1 116 l47hvy 34 115 11 11f3786 23 21 D Connlly 7 Gen Haig MasterBill Dresden f3786 I exton 1 116 l40slow 9 112 3 2 2GlKiO 4 41 D Connllyl2 Best Pal Ginger Pluribus GlKiO Jefson 1 116 147 fast 1320 120 2 1 5 43i N Barrett 5 Baladln Tailor Maid MlsterBill 61507 Jefson 1 l39fast 3 120 2 2 21 2s F Smith 9 War Mask The Wit Iwin 51341 Churchl 1 1S l53Mifast 165 120 2 1 1JOUETT 31 33 D Connlly G MintoIL Claymore SdsofPleas JOUETT b c 4 102 By MoGee Muff by Ingoldsby Trainer W Perkins Owner C VT Moore Jr 54221 Churchl 7S l244ffast 4 111 543 3 3J E Pool 7 Rouleau HigliComd BShann 54101 Church 1 1 l37fast 1110 110 133 3 31 E Pool G LaRablee Rlean MysfousGirl 54003 Lexton 1 14 209hvy 6 105 2 4 4 4K91S 4J MysfousGirl4J 3 E Pool 7 BMan SofPleasure DSpray K91S Lexton 1 142 mud G 107 4 4 4 4G3X24 2 25 E Pool 5 BHommc BenValet MarseJohn G3X24 I exton 1 116 l42fast 7 112 3 3 3 21 28 E Pool 7 Leonardo II Inquiry Bono Dry 49965 Devre 1 14 206good 7 100 3 G 3 2 3s H Ericksn 8 Breeze Bondage Honolulu Boy 4 S51 Dovre 1 116 l45tast 19 98 4 4 5 54J774 41 3 G Yeargln 9 War Mask Dodge My Dear 4J774 Devre 1 l39fast 12 100 2 G 6 G2 4i H EricksnlO Bondage Breeze Dodge MIDWAY ch h 7 109 By Ballot Thirtythird by Sir Dixon Trainer R Goose Owner J W Parrish 5424S Churchl 1 1S l50fnst 8 115 3 2 3 4 4 4 W W Tlor 5 Woodtrap Sterling BelgianQn 5420 Cluirchl 1116145 fast 44 113101213 13 13 IS2 H King 13 Ginger Upset DanciugSpray DanciugSpray54KH 54KH Churchl 1 l3G fast 12 118 5 G 3 C 61 610 II Lunsfd 7 Bspun KtSiiI Gray 41 Hynes Hynes5388S 5388S Lexton 34 I13good3910 112 3 3 2 23 2 T Murray G HJuwel SewCombs GruGrass GruGrass4S515 4S515 Latunla 1 316 l5Gfast 8 110 1 S 9 10 12s 12 D Corinllyirt Dr Clark Mint II Boniface Boniface4S32C 4S32C Latonla 1 11G l44fast 23 111 G 5 G 9 104 jO4 IT J Burkell Drastic Brookliolt Pastoureau Pastoureau4X24fi 4X24fi I ttonia 1 1S 153 ood2110 110 2 4 2 2 23 21 II J Burke 4 Woodtrap Beaverkill Dresden 48159 Latonia 1 18 l51fast 5 113 G 3 4 G GJ Gi II J Burke 7 Drastic BnlYank Pastoureau PastoureauLEGAL LEGAL b h 5 95 95Trainer By Hilarious Responsful by Meddler Trainer K Spence Owner W V Thraves 54246 riiuifhI 1 14 204fast 10 10S 4 3 4 4 1 T Murray Z EGray DancingSpray TSahib TSahibT r4KH Church 1 1 I37ifast 24 1US 3 G G 5 T Murray I I a IJablee Rouleau Jouett JouettE K SS l ljxto jxto xton i 34 l13V llVfuood good 40 112 G C C C E Scobln i HidI vel Midway KewCombs 637S2 L xto i 34115 hvy 37 112 G 10 10 91 918 E Scol le 10 ColuinTenn Brklwlt BHouime 51424 Chiir l 1 2 30fast 1310 98 3 1 1 2 3i 4 F Wilson 1 PifJr Sands of Picas MintoII rl3J7 Cliurol 1 1 139 fast 4110 106 1 7 784 41 F Wilson 8 Sands of Pleasure Kburu Pictor DI3T4 Ohurt1 1 1 l39fast 41 104 7 8 87S 7 6 31 2 F Wilson 8 RapidDay Travesty BreadMun BreadMunG 51297 Cliurcl 1 7S l26 slow 16 103 G 6 G G GJ 4 J E Martin G Rdeiiion Kitibiiru Bluelaradi e

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Local Identifier: drf1921052101_5_1
Library of Congress Record: