untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-10-22


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National 0. K. Racing Letter OCCASIONAL SPECIAL OFFER OUR MANAGER IS NOW. IN KENTUCKY and he has a line on some REAL LIVE ONES that are going for the BIG MONEY during the LEXINGTON MEETING. Wo are going to make you a SPECIAL OFFER by giving you the THREE that start at this meeting ALL FOR .00 Rush your subscription now as the MEETING OPENS MONDAY. REMEMBER , ALL THREE FOR .00 National 0. K. Publishing Co. 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. PRECIOUS LULA .90- WON KEWPIE ONEIL SI3.90-S2 WON KING JOHN .20- WON REGAL LODGE 4-1 WON were some nice "LONG SHOTS" reported in this weeks BOOK, besides many other WINNERS. GET LATEST BOOK ON SALE TODAY 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Gives the BEST LINE on all the sleepers at all LEADING TRACKS. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: April-Banana-22-12r31.59. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 403. 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. TURF LIGHT RACING WEEKLY 34WIMNERS LAST WEEK 34 32 WINNERS WEEK OF OCT. 6th 32 37WINNERS WEEK OF SEPT. 29th 37 15 CENTS ALL STANDS ALL CITIES 15 CENTS TODAYS FREE CODE ; Twenty-three-Nineteen-Sis-Faith-Maryland TURF LIGHT 25 WEST 42ND ST; NEW YORK CITY THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM is obtaining wonderful results at all tracks. Moderate but positive. An investment, not a speculation. If you expect fabulous results, dont inquire. Must win its cost in three days or money refunded. THIS WE GUARANTEE. Play at or away from the track, ona race or the whole i:.arl. OUr one beet is a wander, Write tor data which shows it won on every track; in the United Statoa ami Canada in 1920. For termi address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM, U7 West Franklin Stx :; BALTIMORE, MD, WIN WITHOUT WORRY Fcr steady, profits, spring, summer, fall, and winter, take full advantage of the laws of average those laws make millions for .the insurance companies every year, and operate the scientific PARI-OSTEND SYSTEM. Win just as I am waning. i- The wideawake, ever-ready-to-learn fellows tho GET-THERE type will not overlook this proposition. Its an all-year winner. Start now. Run your profits up to ?3,C00 or ,000 by the time next springs racing starts. I wire the Pari-Ostend play to clients enrly every morning. My fee is 0 out of each 00 the System wins on the smallest scale of play. You can use any scalo you please, depending upon your capital. I started over eighteen months ago on Scale 1, and used less than 50 capital. This positively is not a doubling up" place or shew system, but one that gives you a PRICE for your money. All bets are made to win only. Especially adapted to operation in handbooks. WRITE AT ONCE or wire your name and address. You will receive some of the most interesting turf data ever published. Also complete tablo of results, showing every single bet made by the great PARI -OS TEND SYSTEM for the past thfeo months. Get this sensational information about real systematic operation. It may save you great loss, for it shows, how you can "WIN WITHOUT WORRY." Post cards not answered. FRANK B. RIDLEY, n Room G10, 159 N. State St., CHICAGO, ILL. TURF TOPICS TODAYS FREE CODES: LOUISVILLE Gulf -4G-13. LAUREL Ocean-26-44. EMPIRE Bay-12-32. NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY For Sale at All. Leading Newsstand! 5.00 Publication for 35 Cents. TURF TOPICS PUBLISHING CO. ROOM 54. Ill NASSAU ST. NEW YORK CITY SATURDAYS X SPECIAL No. 1S3 For code see last page of tho TURF REPORTER. New Book on sale all newsstands, 35c. Good all next week. THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Quincy St. Estab, 100-1 Chicago. 111. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED On Sale Wherever Racing Form is Sold 35c Per Copy, and is. good for a week SATURDAYS BEST: No. 121. RALTlMOltl? JU.nfi. Titiili. IfiV? fJlTHJAGO, "llX I Subscribe for Daily Racing Form ... -hi t i

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921102201/drf1921102201_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1921102201_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800