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— iiiimii ii— ■■■■. niiMi.wi ill i i»i—ii» m_iiinn_i_VT-|ll ■ - »«minmiMrn — — — ««-n ■ mm i v nm ■ J111 "■"■■» t "- "- — I ■ ■■— ■ lIlXHJMI. ill ._■! _MII f TIJUANA FORM CHART _ ___, s TIJUANA. MEX.. SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 1922. On- milt. Eighty -seventh day. Tijuana lackey Club. Winter Meeting of 125 M mmn days. Waather clear; temperature 85 . ■ Presiding Steward, Francis Netaea. Aeaeclaje Steward*, J. W. Coffroth and Lean Wing. Starter, | Harry Marri—ey. Raciaf Secretary. Lcea Wing. __________ ___ I Racing etarte at lcM p. m. Chirac* tJtee 3:.Vi p mi. •lidleaten appreat aUawaaea. I .. . j - ; — -—_—_-____________________—, - £2fir?fh~i FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. .Tune 23. 1916— 1:05V -. — 3 — 118. Purse 00. 4-year- » OVi VX old; and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ; second, 00; third. 0. I ~1-dex Hkraca AWtPPSt 4 jj K Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqnivTradsljtxt fiOfi»SMlLYLKADKR. v | |]_ I 4 _ r 23 1" P liurn F Rinch.irt 4410-100 : 60574 VIKW ws 7 117 11 1 111iU -" P Martinez H James WW Mt . ■—17 * ♦CADUNO trim 2 t t» :.■ 52 P J liunmer R M Hollenbeek MO-MO | Mi«07 •"■LITTLE PXTER w 4 Ml 1 2 :M M U 41 II Lour W Maltby 4160-100 - 0BW7*SMII_ MAGGIE W I 110 fi S « 8!, S S 11 Moltcrs Morris Stable :,.ti-100 - 611.1-8 COI* SNIDER wb :» 112 3 fi Q U 6 fi- K Donahue .1 Clomons +.10-100 HtM « *MANNCHEK wa • 112 M I 7". 7?. 7i 7; T Wilson .1 A Parson . ltiO-100 I 60«74-FCLL MOON w 4 106 ! 3 4 P 4. S; M Slaughr R S Townsend MO-MO I 60017 REDMAN we 8 114 1 7 l*| f !- »*_ E Taylor R White Bt-MM litld 1 7 CHOIR MPTER wn 7 117 i 10 10".10".l"".li.- G Leeds .1 Kern : I 60353 ROSELL1S wit 8 115 7 11 11 11 11 11 R Carter Thompson and Berry lfliO-lOn iMutucl field. Time. 2345, 4975. LOls. 1:03%. Track iast. mutueis iciid, Ringleader, 1 .oo straight. 4.00 place, show; View. 8.40 plan, 3. oo show: dulling. .oo show. Equivalent baektag eaVtn Hagkadrr 4150 to 100 straight. 2120 to 100 place. 720 to 100 show: View. _.",20 t loo place. 550 t loo aaaar; Gadlias, so to MS show. i Winner— t*h. g. by Hurrignn — Beatrice Sonic, by Ieep oDay trained by F. Rinehnrt; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones I. Went to pest at 1:55. At post 1 tniiiute. Start Rood and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. RINGLEADER was ■ contender from the start. challenged the leader an eighth out and. in a hard oiive through Ike final eighth, outgamed VIKW, although finishing in the middle of the track. VIKW beg.m oiii.kly. raabed into the lead and. saving "round next to the inside rail, only Bare way in the last I .Hide. CAIH.INC closed a tig rap and would have won in I few mole strides. LITTI,E POUTRR wis rtaae up all the way. MANNCMKN wa-; away slowly and ran a bad Bate. Scratched- COOtl Stiletto, 110. £*Cf7£trP SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 191G— 1:05V;— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-OU i ™9d*d olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; tliird, 0. laaay-r Uaeaaa AWtlISt % *A % Str Kin Jockeys Owners |iilv. Odds Strt . 6ur»7l ROM. L. OWBN araa jTil7 . 7 1 2— i ~i~ i-~w Gajfgan W Omn 11110 »;0«il« » [ MURPHY araaSlU 1 ."! n :: 55 i" C Gross .lOArvin ITSi-lM ! «-;06lC:,*.iin.v ri.v w i 107 4 4 r p 41 T wOaen .1 J Skarkay Se-lM 60571 »Tir.I.»TSON wk M 112 E 7 4". 2 2 4- .1 Huniner /. tt McGregor r.:, vioo »« ;i«*«l.D H8TKAD wsit 7 112 S 8 8 S 7 f.. II I; IVwr /. Rarnett t21C0-KHi SfB71*8EA BKACH wsn ! ill 1: fi r.l : x. El •» B Fator .1 Wilson 273a-aM SM7I PIKRI.o wl: E 117 2 I 1" 4H C.V 74 P Martinez F R Irwin LUD-lOU Mltfl EAl.AROS.V wb fi 117 :; "• 7- B*| 8 8 T Rae II T Palmer t iMuluel liehl. Time, 24. 49%, l:6l4;,, l:08. f. Track fast. *:.• nintiul.i paid. Holicrt I.. Owen. fiJSB straight. . MO place. 2. SO show; Cid. Murphy. 4.00 place, *t: im akear; .lulv My, I3.M show. Bkaivaleai ksakkut o.ids— Hubert I,. Owen. 110 to 100 III BMal. M la 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Col. Marpky, otwt la 100 pi ace. SM t.i 100 show; July Ply, so to 100 akew. Wiaaai flk c. by Btaea — I. mon ciri, ay MMataae traiMd ay W. Qatgaai; bred by Mr. Baavjaaaki A. J. .lie. Went to post at 2:21. At post 1 minute. Start Rood and slow. Won easily; second and third dri»-!!•. ROBERT I.. OWRN a/aa much the best and. after mctef PfJRBIiO lata defeat at the half-mile aaat, drew away Id v.iu unixtende.i col. MfJRPHT raced in improved faraa, but just lasted to save nrrnad piace traaa the taat-laiaklat Hl.Y FI.Y. The latter was away -lowly, but made up much yraaad in Ike slrelch and llaished arttk I line display of speed. Tll.I.OTSON tired at Ihe end after closing a US Bap. PDEBIiO |iiit. Scratcked— OBttS Walter Wkttaker, loi; dB442Enaitaaa, 110; cons« J. I. Sugs, 112; BMM Ckaw. lie. ; /*RW/Tk«rp THIRD RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. June 24, 1910—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-oids i"jr 4 9tLp and upward. Claiming. Net value to -winner 50; iccoiid. 00; third, 0. Index Haraaa_ _ AWtTPst~» 4 lk Strylu Jockeys Owners K iulv. Odila Sttt fc0617r*FR"l — WSon eraalWB 6 :. l" i» il7 i-- i« .1 HaVyaer 1. T .Wktteadll " . tu~ioo CM 7k BLACK TOP w 4 110 7 4 2 21 2? 2!" L" II Fator 1 S Fountain r.10-100 1 f 9189*BARI ORA WB f. 102 r. 6 4s 4", 4- "= ::8 T Wilson J A Parson 4ul 100 I twM3*RARL.TMORN sb 11 117 2 1 9 V ?~; 4- 4 T Rae F R Irwin tltO-lOo «HS"i3 C. MKTII.ICI.ACH w f. 117 :: 7 7 7 7 7 V F Donahue Mannale ft Patim:Mock ::ii;.i-100 I H0691 IKTLAR ws 9 112. 1 | B" f.3 r,« E 0? O Leeds II Rasmussen 48CI/-1M I fi«470 AlDRLY K. wsti 7 110 4 2. fii» Bk B* B* 7 P llurn C H lnvin t fCakpled in bettlag as . I*.. and P. R. Irwin en try. Time. 25, 49«i, 1|MH%, 1:42, 1:49. Track fast. |3 mntuels paid. lrnnU Wilson. SO, BRJ9B place, .4*1 show; P.lack Top, .00 place, BS.BM Bbow; Bardora, show. Liiuivalent lx»iking adda ft *mt Wilson. M to llKl straight. CO lo 100 jilace, 20 to lot show; Black Top, SO of 100 place. 30 to 100 show: Hardora. 40 l 100 show. Winner— Ch. t,-. by Real-catcher— Lorelta Cale, by MriKian liained by I,. T. Whitchill; lued by Messrs. I.uwinaii and Bradley. Went to pest at 2:40. At po-;t 1 minute. Start Bjaad and slow. Won easily; second and third drivinji. FRANK WILSON lost no time jroini; to the frokt and, raeWB into a good lead, won as his rider pleased. BLACK TOR raced in closest pursuit ail the way and finished gamely. BARUOHA was easily thiid best ami will be benefiled by this lace. RARLTMORH tiled in the final eighth. PLTLAR pulled up piite lame. Scratched— IH0O3-Ceorge C. Jr., 103. Overweights--Pel Inr. 1 Mund. — ■ - ■ * I I I . ■. j afATA/f FOURTH RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. June 24. 1010—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ! |U 6 9~and and upward. Clai.Tiing. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. "index Horses AWtPPSt hi V2 •% Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt «0103 KRTfiTIC w 10 107 4 1 * P 1" l3 1 T Wilson W L Stanfielil 330-100 •BMt*SAIX £X RGR m fi 112 :! fi :: 3 3i VI 2l H P. Bwer Ruhr and Mansfield 1C00-100 I talCU* MISS KRlTFR w 11 US E 2 2 2 L" 2: 2s C Studer H T Palmer 400-100 I «»57." *CIGALE w 4 102. 7 3 4h 41 4 tl 4« J Huniner Shafer and Conway r,00-100 5 ■vBM*RHTMBR ws 8 109 1 5 51 B* :, :,i E* M Fator Q W Atkinaon 1620-100 * 60619 MADRONO w 5 117 2 7 7 7 6 6- CI R Carter 7. Barnett 000-100 J BM1I MARY FlLLKR w 8 112 6 4 6= 61 7 7 7 E Taylor A Lund r.OO-lOO CMlk**T. BRKRIDGE w 6 108 K Refused to start. H Molters Morris Stable 1240-100 Time. 25=5. 50V,, 1:16, 1:43. 1:49,. Track fast. S2 miituel; paid, Zetetic. BjMB straight. .40 pl.tce. .20 show; Salgeorge, 2.40 place, .20 show: Miss Krnter. $."i.6 show. Equivalent hooking adia— Zetetic. 330 to 100 straight. 170 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Salgeorge, MQB to 100 place, 200 to MM show; Miss Knitcr. ISO to loO show. Winner — Ch. 111. by Abe Frank — Josics Jewel, by Haneucas trained by W. L. Stanfield; bied by Mr. 1. F. Newman. Went to aaat a; 3:10. At post 2 minutes. Slart good and low for all but TKO BRECKENRIDRE. Won driving: second and third the same. ZFTFTIC. showing much speed, opened up n big gap on her opponents and maintained her advantage throughout, but linlshed doing her best. SAIiKOHOK ran :i t I race and ontgamed MISS KBlTKR for second place in a mild drive. MISS KIUTKR tired after akeeriag speed Car tkree-onartera; tlOALL failed to improve his position. TKO BRKCKENRIDGE relic ed to sl.irl. Overweights — Tea Bre ■kenridge, 1 pound. : Wifl-rytfkEr FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. £0. 1S16— 1:11*4— 3— lloT Purse 00. 3-year-olds 5 Ovr 4 "i3 and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 30: second, 40: third, 0. . "lude~~Horses AVtPPSt~V4 j ;str~Fin Jockeys Owners KquiT. Odds StPt t ♦iOOr.OSAM Rill wn 6 104 2 2 2J L" 21 IJ .1 liunmer Shaler ft Conway 100-100 ] i 0060 1 K INC LIKE wb 5 117 .. 4 1] l1 lh !* M Slaughr 11 Caldwell 200-HK I iOr»77 BOBBY ALLEN w .* 100 t l :;• 4-- ;;; ?."; Tt Hum C B Irwin 1MB lot u t;«ti.-»0 ROISTERER w :. »1 7 6-1 .",» 4l 41 T Wilson G V Atkinson 3760-100 I 604 74 LITTLE RMPER w4 «I0 6 6 4* 21 ."- : • P Hum R Campbell aWB-MB 0 «0577 VETERAN w a 6 106 4 7 7 6 6 B" E Donahue H D Cates 700-100 0 «06.*i« WAR GOD w 7 113 3 ■, fi» 7 7 7 R Carter Bronx Stable 3860-luO 0 Time. 2335. 47"5, l:13i5- Track fast. S2 ninluels paid. Sam Heh, .00 straight, 2.00 place, .10 show; Kinglike, . SO place, .80 show: Bobby Allen. .4U sh..w. Cpiivaieiit hooking odds— Sam Reh. MB to 100 s;raight. 30 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Kinglike, 40 i loo place. 40 lo 100 show; Bobby Allen. 70 to 100 show. Winner— P.. h. by Peep oOay — Coy Maid, by Kingston I rained by L. Erb; bred by Mr. II. H. Hewitt. Went lo pest at 3:37. At aaat 1 minute. Sta rt good and slow. W«m driving; second an.l third tin- same. SAM RlIl followed the pacemaker closely and. hugging the inside rail through the final eighth, got up to win in the last few strides under expert riding. KINOLIKK was rushed to the trout on the first turn, set the pace throughout a ml finished gamely under punishment. BOBBY Al.l.FN was a bang-up contender all the way. ROISTERER made up much gronnd in a fast finish. Scratcked B08andB Planet, ! •"■: Oolll-Furhelow, IIS. Inn v.eight I Sam Reh. 2 pi-unds: Roisterer. 1. - £* fir? £f* SIXTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 27. 1921—1:52—5—117. Second Running TIJUANA _ OvT 4 1J"UP DERBY. Value ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000; second, - : third, 00; fourth. 00. "ludex Horses AWtPPSt A Vt StryTn Jockey* Owners Rqulr. Odds Strt 7 ■MIS WEDp/G PRINCR wsn lir. :: s * x4 71 fj V «" Dufccan G H Abbott nt-Kd 0 •iOUlS PROCLAMATION wsn 112 6 2 41 4 4 S 2; C II Miller E A Ribler 800-1 M| " «0»;l8CAl"iV CLOVER v.- 112 4 1 2 2 M V, V*i Metcalf R E Lovell f!:0-100 n BaWli »SOUTH BREEZE wit 116 S 4 B* r. :.-; 4" 4 .1 liunmer J M Black IBM-MI tl 0061K POLLY WALE will 7 7 61- 6 6 :, E* C Studer Sen Diego Stable MBB-MI •M1B-NAN McKINNEY we. Ill 9 ■ "1 3* 21. 2. ft C Cross North ft Rowe 123-l-li.l , 606IS I ITTI.K FLRF.NCE v. Ill 2 2 8- !» 0 !i 7; H Jones R E Lovell + t B3MM INOIAN PRINCE wsu 113 :, I t* 7- s- 7 S3 R Carter I, O Saywer 2240 11 ,, 5820:! NICLOTA w 111 1 6 V1 1 tj B* f 11 B Bwer O Alexandra UM-M1 1 tCoupled in betting as R. E. Love.l entry. Time, 24. 49-i. l:lf%, 1:43:,, l:5Ci. Track fast. miiliiels paid. Wedding Rriiiee. .*«•.« straight, .S0 place. .00 show; Proclamation. 0.00 place, BS-SB afcaar: R. F. Rati M enu-y. S-_.4o show. F.|iuval. ill baaklas adda — Wedding Prince. SM lo 100 strabht. 140 to 100 place, ." to 100 show; Proel:. mill ion. 400 to loo place. 1H» to 100 show: R. E. Iivell entry. 20 to 100 show. Winnei- I! e, by Marathon or Prince Ahmed — Oataaa Wedding, by ioldeii Muxim trained by J. 1. Heard: bied by Mr. J. K. L. Res. Went t.i peat at COS. At |Nist S minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third Ike sjicc. WEDDING PRINCR raced far back in the early rnnniiig ami finding an opening next to the inside rail entering the Mrctck. came with a tremendous rush in the final sixteenth and got up 10 wi.i raaaa away. PROCLAMATION raced under ndr.-iint and when let down an eighth out Bfajeaaed laa winner, but ttred in the linal strides. CAlT. CL»»Vi:i followed in nearest pursuit of the pacemaker, then moved to tie- treat, passing Ihe three-eighths paat faac, but tired in the linal drive. SOI Til BRREZR ran an even race. NAN JIcKINNKV ran well for three |iiarers. SELOTA opened U| a big cap early then ipiil. S latched flBMOO kimono. 107. _ ipATAT SFVIINTH RACF— 1 l-lG Mile:,. June 24. 1910—1:45—3110. Purse 00~ 3~yoar" bJ 4 "4 olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to wlaacr 90; second. 40; third, 0. "l«id?x Hdraes AWtPPSt 4. V "4 Str Fin Jockeys OwneTs Equlv. Odds HtCt Z NtH PLANET wi; 4 M 7 I I 8 S rj 1" C Stml.r Shafer~and Conway fiou-ToO - • ,0411 -EIRRELOAV w .". 11;. 6 :. 4 2» ; !":::. .1 Hunmer Shafer* Conway OO.iid .!ILiMB1:R wo 4 113 1 1 :. 4 41 :: t C II Miller C. R Allen 30II-KX ■ ««f ;6BILLY LANE wl: 4 MB 8 6 2 » 1 V 1 H B Byver i Alexandra 340-100 H Mft«:RBGRESU wsiis % j 4 74 P 6- .V; r,» kj Fator C B Irwin tUM-Mt .00. 6 RIFLE w 7 UK .. 2 H 2 V 41 fi1 D Hum C B Irwin 1 i M»«76 W. MTCOMERY w !• M 4 2 8 6- , 7! ~ P Hum F R Irwin 60383.I.KE SCHAS w 7 104 2. 7 . - .V V % S t Wllaon H W Lam. s 10-0-10,1 M tCeaadcd in betting as Shal.-r and Comvay entry; 5c. R. ;tn4 F. R. Irwin catty. Time. 25. 49 -.. 1:14s... 1:40V. 1:47. Trai k fast. niutucls paid, Shafer and. Conway .i.lty, Bd.00 Mraiakt, BS.B0 pi. i.e. EX8B show; Mulciber, $.1.40 •bow. f s ■ | I I j » I : . | - - I I I i I . ! iwaa—i—w— — Mtw «M—im mil imhiiii 111111 ■h—wii ■■.■iww— i— — mmwmMmmmtm ■!* A.MI4JT V»l-«l»M; IH4t W»"U A ««.! l«.i»l u »W» ■ ■■ «"». ..Ill1""1 ■■... .".■! -" » .. i -I l« , -II . aw** Equivalent booking odds -Shafer and Conway entry. 104 to 100 straight, 150 to 100 place! 40 to 100 show: Mulciber. 170 lo 10O show. Winner— Blk. c. by Zeus— Black Silk, by Orna ment trained by L. Erb; bred by Mr Hal Price Headle.v. Went to post at 4:35. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PLANET raced far back until louialin..- for heme, where his rider saved ground next to the inside rail and. under brilliant riding, got up to defeiit hi« stablemale in a whirlwind finish FlR-BFIvOW was reserve.! in the early stage-., then came fas; when given her way and only gave way in the final stride. MFI.CIBER raced under rratralal until turning for home and was fighting it nut with the leaders in a game finish. BILLY LANK raced RIFLK into defeat, then took the lead but tired slightly iu the deciding drive. Snatched— 60444 Yorkist. 10S. Overweights — Regreso. 1 pound. fiATfiS EIGHTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 17, 1916—1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and 0*VF 4 j£j upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt K, % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strl GOfl79,H. BFRGOYNE WB 7 MB 3 2 » 2 4-i :J Ii M Fator W Younkman fit-loo GM5t*»PHEDODHN wb 7 ill 7 6 V 3 27 1» 2: C Studer M L Allen »-iofl BMTf*TORK LASSIE wn :. Ml 1 1 4- 4U :: Q ::« p Hum T Cryatler 2460-Iimi k0887*DON DODGE ws 7 113 4 3 S J El H- .". 41 J Meteatf J A Parson ]»-liio MM2 CAFETERIA wb 6 113 E 4 7 7 7 7 .".; H Carter J S McDaniel 3166-100 «0;»S0 -MANNIKIN IT. wb .". 108 6 7 t] t1 «; 61 Ij H B Bwer II A Lott Y.40-li*.» 606" 2 COLONEL MATTwsis I 107 2 5 Q l1 P 4; 7 E Fator S Polk fCoopled in lvlling as S. Polk and W. Yoiinkm.-in entrv. Time. 25%. 60%, 1:16%. 1:42%. Track fast. mntuels paid. S. Polk and W. Younkman entry, .60 Straight, .20 place 00 show Ihe-doden. .10 place. .S0 sliow; York Lassie, .60 show. Equivalent Ixwiking odds — S. Polk and W. Younkman entry. 230 to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place .".O to 10O show: IMiedoden. 70 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show: York Eaaafe, 130 lo 100 show. Winner— B. g. by leep oiiuy — Farley, by Frankfort traimd by S. Polk; bred by Mr. C M orbiii. Went to post at 4:"7. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. HARRY BURGOTNR raced head and head with COLONEL MATT lor a half, was taken back when in close piarters, and on the last tarn, finding a dear path next to the inside rail, got up to win in a fa-t finish. PHRDODSN raced under restraint the first part of Ihe race, moved to the front turning for home and appeared the winner, only lo tire right at the end. YORK LASSIE ran a greatly improved race and was right there all the way. DON DODGR appeared sore goin- to the post and was never a serious con lender. Scratched— 6067! I. W. Harper, K.".; 00021 John Jr.. 116; 60413 Sir John Vergne, 111. afSA-TAQ NINTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1910—1:05%— 3— 118. Purse 00 3elr- Tjajp 4 y£J olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. -index Horses AWtPPSt V4 % :j Str Fin Jockeys Ovvueira EiiuIvT"uUd* strl 60650 SEDAN ws 8 123 7 4 1K l" v 1; P Martinez C~BTrvTn" 2ee"ilHi 60050* :EN. AC.MONTE WB 4 II.. 4 8 7 7* C Lh II B BWer C Irby |S S C.MSr.S HAMILTON A. w 7 US 3 .1 41 4 3 2; C Studer II T lalmer oiwt in.» 60651 SISTER SUSIE wa » 1M 3 3 :: 2. 21 4 .1 Hunmer .1 A Parion MtVMfl 60578 ORCHID KINO wsa 7 120 6 1 r 6 7 l E la.vb.r J W Tnte "32O-10O 6041.3 MISS MANAGE w 6 113 :. I Bl V* H M C Gro: :; Bnllinger £- Coffman iO-lOO 59048 ANNA REX3INA w E 113 1 2 1" 2V 4- fl R Carter .1 Pelter MOO 10i» 60621 REYDO W S 1M 2 7 S S 8 8 E Donahue j Humbrecht fi " 6,1-10,1 Time, 24/.. 49%. 1:01, 1:08. Track fast. muluels paid. Sedan. straighl, 83.4B place, BK8B show; C.neul Agramonte «1 • 01 nl ice .40 show; Hamilton A., .00 show. i: liiiv.ilent booking odds Sed in, 300 to 100 straight. 170 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show Jeneral AgiamolUe, ..« lo 100 place. 270 to 100 show; Hamilton A.. SO to 100 ;.ho,v. Winner— B. g. by Jim Gaffney— Kitty Belle Food... by Clifford trained by V B Irwin- 1 r»d by Mr. William F. Schnlte. Went to peat at 5:l 3. At peat 4 minutes. Start good and i low. Won driving; second and thiid the same. BRDAN took the lead from ANNA RRCONA after radag a iiuirter. shook off KISTFR SIS1K and outlasted CFNKRAL AORAMONTR under rigorous riding. GENERAL AGKA1I0NTE moved up steadily and, finishing fa-tel of all, would have won in a few more strides HAMILTON A. was right here all Ihe way, but prob:ibly wa . in need of this race. 8IST8B BDSIR tiled after forcing the pace. ANNA RROINA iowed goo.l speed f..r a half, then tired as if • hort Scratched— 0 0213Iancing Girl. 109; 60..4SlAiie line. 110.