Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-09


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j | , , Roes. _ J pounds. • • • Overweight-— cuvorwelgllis — Capt. l_npi. Il.ee-. [nonius. _ TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. TUESDAY. MARCH 7, 1922. -Oae mil". Kighty-eighth day. Tijuana Jcjckey Club. Winter Meeting of 12-1 or more days. Weather clear: temperature 85. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. W. ColTroth and Leva Wing. Starter. Harry Marriaaey. Racing Secretary. Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:15 p. m. Chicago time 3:55 p. m.l. •Indicates apprentice allowance. G.f?7~l d. FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. May 12. 1916— 47%— 2— 123. Purse 00. 2-ye»r-olds. OU « ID Clairainp. Nee value to winner 50: second. 00: third, »0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt % Str Fin Jockeye Ownera Bqulv. Qdda Strt 60298 * NANCY WINBT a» 9R G 2 V U P 3 Hunni. r J W Fuller 60-191 ■0171 XORFIH1.D w 112 I 1 21 2J fj It Carter K W Porsting tohlii io«;o; pat HJUHP80N w hi 4 I :.-i o ::i B Partly W C Goodloe W-MM 60645 OHJJFLOWSB M i"s 7 S 4- ::■ P C ti-ross C. Bamberger 1920-1W 60646 BELLE WH1TSETT w N 5 ] :: .",-; 3» U Hum Trowbridge it Officer l-iSHO-iii MKLCHOIH will 17 7 7 G-l T Rae Woodlaml Stable 1GW HHi *LOLA FLCKE w 91 2 I G 9 7 W D-an L Gulbraitll lOSOO-lW Time. 24%, 50%. Track fast. muluels paid. Nancy Winet. .20 straight. .00 place. .20 show: Nortield. .40 place, .00 show: Pat II,-:miison. S2.40 show. Eciiivaleiit baekiac »**» Naacy Winet. 50 la 100 straight. 30 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; NorUeld. 70 to DM place. 30 lo 100 show: Pat Ilampsoii. 20 to 100 show. Winner — H. f. by Watervah — Dixie Marohmont. by Marchmout II. trained by C. Smith: bred by Mr. Clyde Van Maea. Went te paat at 1:11. Al pest 4 minutes. Start straggling and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. NANCY Wl.NLT. aw :. v fast. k a small lead at once and kept it under hard riding. NOR- PllI.D started quickly, thin shewed good speed ami raced prom incut ly ihroicrliout. PAT !LMPSON. ,,w.iy slowly, closed ■ huge gaii and might have won wiih a belter Man. i : I I.I.I l-l dW Hi; raced fairly well. BELLK Will 1 Si: 1 T showed speed to the stretch, where she swerved badly while under punisli- aieat Scralchcd 00040 lrank Kierce. 9.S. I Overweights— NoflJeld. 1 petinU: llefeMr, 3: Pat Hamp on, 2. iQOT"! *7 SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 190 — 59 — 4 — 107. Purse 00. 3-year-olcIs. "" I JL I Maidens. Allowances. Net Value to -winner ?350: second, S100: third. 0. liMl.T Horses AWtPPSt hi *h % Str Fin Jockeys Owners- tiduly. Odda Strt 00017 P. CT1FCI. DHEAJI w 10" :: 2 I*. I1 V* T wTSjon M J jjarrohs Sld-lbo COfiHK CANDOROWA w JO.", 7 :; 3 2ft 21 -i M Fa dr v -Mannale 4260-100 IH3 CHIPPENDALE w in", n ;t t 75 3 :;.i ri Fator S Waring tandO-lOQ .-.JSTS TOYOX win:, ;, 1 0t 6 -1 1" C Stutter M Keere 1:0-100 I , . FLORENCE DEEN w 112 1 8 9", s". 8* .",- it Carter Trowbridge and Officer 10266-100 i 0020. PII.1v SOX w 1M g 4 .".:■" :,." .V. r.11 D Hum Ul.-iukwpll and Crippen 13J0-1OH i ;lt.*»l 1 -JACK POT w 1M fi S and 9j 9*175 Slblters S Wnririg j 1 60617 HRlDGETTE Wa m m 0 I ::"■ 8* x Y Jolly F Whellng »12*-10o i FRefbDlK PEAR v 112 10 10 101. i« in. ;i- E Taylor Read B K icier 8350-100 1 CASCADE w ij2 12 7 n in 7 10n .T Hbnmer F Whollng $ ;o.%4 1 DEWY Field wtfMt 111 if- 11= IF ll3 C Gross T Martin r.nando-mo I OOGOO ETHEL KISMET ns lfrr, ; 12 12 12 12 1- It B Bwer C Hensoil 17150-100 1 fCoupled in betting as S. Waft** entry: JF Wheling entry. Time. 24-,. 501-. 1:03*;.. Track fast. S2 matnela paid. Beautiful Dream. . 20 straight. .20 plat*. 83.20 show: Candorosa, 9.20 place, .00 show: S. Waring entry, .00 show. Liinlv.-lent booking odd— Beautiful Dream. 310 to loo straight. 110 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show: Can-iloi-o a. 8«0 to 100 pl.-ioo. not to 100 show: S. Waring entry. SO to 100 s|! w. Winner— B. f, by The Manager— Dream Girl, by iter trained by J. Curl: bred by Mr. Thomas C. McDowell. Went to post at 8:24. At peat J niimiles. Start good anil slow. Won driving: second and third the sain-. BEAFTIFlL DREAM, showing much speed, held sway throughout, but was tiring through the final eighth and bad to be hard ridden to win. CANIHMIOK.V ran a good .-nil game race and finished rapidly overhauling the winner. CHIPPENDALE made up ground in a fast faith. TOYOX began siowlv, but finished close uj. Overweight- i-lor-m- Dccn. •_ pounds. A7 THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong Juno 28. 1910—1:05-/5—3—1130 Purso J500. Ksax-yv* JLO o!th and upward. Chimin?. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. *■* ?* Horses AWtPPSt M ya % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt ; 00689 "Il Tear T. WAV w 5 l 7 ll 2 9 ;•;- -■. I1 P Hurn Smith and Williams 4.-TTo I ;070r!n*.II"EY FEV w 8 108 M I iv- 4, l"1 T Wilson J J Sharkey SSO-KK «004X*W. WHITAKR ws 7 110 t I :,h :.:. .v. ? M Fator Hecbe and Frazier 7n0-l:0 «i«t 01niT.AXD wu 7 1lj t :i 1" Sjt S] 41 P Martinez J HumbroCht iS9-VM fiOKir RED MAX wi: S lir :: I 47 «: l~ 5* d Oross R AYhito 7:,.V-10it I «t.- 1!HA[,AJAIl wi: 4 101 1; S :;, 1; tl •* .1 llunmcr F W Harper 1920-lf O iOHl«FlU. MOON v 1 HO :i 5 s. 7- 7 7- C Studer It S Townsend X00-10 » «0.*»"3 IRAXILM ws 7 12 1 :t W Vti •* 4 R Carter .1 G Arvin 2.10-l i0 I r.!! .".4 CHOW wn 4 117 2 7 7» S- St It" R Doritv W Ormes 22G0 ViO 1 WWIOUn I.EADKR w II 107 7 10 n.. m 10 10* J Xoonaii H Walters tl-3C0-100 I 006V:*KE1 ClOUD « y in:; I 11 ii 11 11 11 11 b P/wcr W Walker f f :.Iutuei i.-bi. Time. 24-. 493-.. 1:02. 1:09. Track fa:,t. niutiiIs paid. Clear th* Way. .Sll.OO straight, .40 place. .10 show: July Fly. .10 place. KS.40 I show: Walter Whilakcr. |5m90 show. Kiiuivalent IxH.king odds— Clear the Wav. 4.",i to 100 straight. 170 to 100 plaee. 70 to 100 show; July lTy. 120 to KM place. 70 to MX show: Walter Whitaker. 100 to 100 show. Winner — Br. g, by Yon Tromp— Directa, bv Yiiictor trained by II. C. Smith: bred by Mr. Edward 1 Ccbriant. Went to po-t at li : .". . At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ClffSAB TIIC WAY. after forcing tie- aace from the start, caught the leaders tiring midway of f 1 the stretch, then took the lead and gamely ],-, on to the cud. .HT.Y KLY mad" a game finish, althou-h ; tiring, and outstayed WAI.TKK WIHTAKKl:. The latter came with a rush through the final eighth anC tillihod fastest or all. DIVI.AM showed the BMat earlv speed, hut tired in the stretch. S. ranked - Beeac K:y. U0L fand£V7~6 Ql FOVSTH RACE— 5 1-2 FurlofrsTTjunc"? 191C— 1:05/,— 3-118. Purse 00. 3-yeaT-9J • § JL*y olds and upward. Caiming. Net value to winner 50: seconq. JlC?: third, S50. Index . Horses A Wt FlRt 1A V % StFrTri JocUey? bwiicra eTiuIv. OiblfTstPt j j;M!«j : »SAifE~K wTbirTlu i 3* I» ft l J" HohakT H Van Rooy lafe-lM ! oosjj*w. C. DOOLY w i; 110 t 2 1: :: 2- 2" 11 B nv.cr Blantter Broa sofi-ino ; «i»37f» CANDEGRRT wa .. 10G 7 s Ji i;i :; ::- 1 Hutn C B Irwin HW-lJM «i«r«j» CICEtY KAY ara E 113 :: :; :.■ E* ft 4; E Taylor B Iartou Pi20-in MM V* KIT. CHEATHAM wtMG 2 I f* f,; :.t CStwVw /. B JlcCregor :;,oiin t «.tfii8 VELVET w s M I 1 i"i i1: : il II huii:: Palmer ft Caiadty TWY» I | i|i«:8R PERKKCT DAY wa S Iff E !» lo-M- 9* 7- At Sla.;gh,1- PElixman tUt*-t06 I oiniX criNIlK w It ll:: 1 7 fh 7" 7. P«F .Martinez F R Irwin 1 SMI* MAC JOHNSON wa 4lM 1 E 2. 47 B| J» N BreBjii Raymond Stable UM 111 1 «OK77*M VICIUMIV pi: H 110 II lo :-. s- hfl pi" T WittoM M Morrison B39-19I » I «0fil! BERRY LASS wi: 7 11:: C. 11 11 11 11 11 ]■; Kator B E Ruhanaii | : IMutuel field. iCoiipled in belling :s C. I,. and V. R. Irwin entry. Time, 24/,. 49/., 1:02-.,. 1:03-!.,. Track fast. niutueb paid. Sadie H.. .00 slraight, ..00 place. S2.W show: W. C. Dooly. .10 place. SS. SI ahiw: C. It. and I. R. Irwin cutry. S3. 01 sliow. Eiinivalent bbofclhg oM Sadie L. 130 to 100 straight. M to loo place. 30 to 100 show: W. C. Dooly. "70 lo 100 place, 00 to KM show: C. P.. and I. II. Irwin entry. Ml to 100 show. Winoer -Ch. in. by Ormoadale — P illynakinch. I y General Symoiis or Ardoou trained by L. T. Mhitehill: hied by Mr. John B. Madden. I Went to post at 1:15. At post I minutes. BtarJ good and siow. Won drivinir: second and third the . same. SADIK D. foig-d to the front while roiruiag the far turn and. keeping the lead, drew out in the . last sixteenth to win going away. W. C. DOOI.Y drew up on even terms with the winner midway of • the stretch, bui readily gave way in the last sixteenth. CAXDKCUKY steadily improved his position and I was Koing fast at Hie cud. CH KEY KAY was hard ridden all the way and had 110 excuses. KITTY CHLAT11AM raced in improved form, closing a big gap. Scratched— KiOOl-ilTernetti-, 105. VhiyOiTk FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Farleajpi. Ju:i© 28. 1916— 1:05-.— 3— 118. Purse fjjt£ 3 -year". • • U" i J*i9 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90: second. 40: third, 0. Index Horses ~A~Wt PPSt % % vStFTTn Jockeys Twiners KTjuiv. Odds Strt i 8J : KINGUKE wi: E 120 :, 1 v. 1" r- 1 M Slaugh"r 11 cTldwetl : MOVIM , . MtSSDB. CORBBTT w !i 107 :: G G !" L-l J Ilunmer R Hollenbeck WO-100 6MZS*SHIFTY w 4 104 fi :: :.- P ". 3*SC8tttder A E Stokes 1120-100 , «06«t-RlXa w « ION 7 I 4? 1 41 4. H B Bwcr W Walker JHO-100 I •MIS* HERDER wa 7 10! 1 I :;:; 9 »"» B*l D Hum C B* Irwin 1710-1O0 1 00077 FIREPLACE wn 7 10! 4 E 2" 2- r ; fi3 C Gross Hallinfrer ft Coffman 1920-b0 0854 *BEEAR10 WI G 110 7 7 7 7 7 T Wilson G Alexandra 10660-100 ; Time. 22. 48. 1:01]/0. 1:07%. Track fast. ?-" mutuels paid. Kinglike, .00 straight. .S3.00 place, .40 show: Doctor Corbett. .80 place. .-0 show: Shifty, S3. 10 I how. Bqairaleat booking odds— Kinglike, 100 to 100 straight. SO to 100 place. 20 to 100 show: Doctor • I Corbett. 1 10 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show: Shifty. 70 to 100 show. Winner — P.. g. bv Hippodrome — Searchlight, by Kingston trained by M. 1". Level; bred by WicklifTe SI111I. Went to post at 4:13. At post 0 m:nut s. Start good and slow for all bu BEEAUIO. Won driv- 1 inu: second and third the ■■Jiiic. K1NCI.1KK showed much speed in pacemakin and. when challenged by DOCTOR CORBETT. hung on with rare caateacM and barely lasted. DOCTOR CORBETT was away j slowly and closed a big gap. but tired in the final strides with victory in sight. SHIFTY made a game ! and fid linili. RING raced disappointingly. HF.UDKU and FIREPLACE quit. Scratched— 0070! Bister Susie. IPS. f£rhr»r -g SIXTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. .Tuae 24. 1910—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds i U" and JmA jL and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third. S50. Index Horses AWtP"p~St -4 jjjj •? , Str Fin j"ockey.s Owiicrs Eqtiiv. Odds Strt ; 1 0ai5BASSANO BOY WS 12-lta I 1 1" 5 1" U V C Gross A J Christie UfvlM • t6Mi8 *I"T TO POINT wn X 110 :: 4 1" l1 2" 2; T* .1 llunmcr I. T Whitehill 110-100 | «. ? I in;. SAMLEL s 11 IF. 4 i ::; ::■ :::i ::-:. :i- B Taylor B Lewis lo-ion 1 j| :;8i COBRTTA wr. 7 110 I :: :.* :.* B* 4- 4 C Th*pson Coeor dAlene Stable !* -100 » | 00 0." P.1LLV STUART wsb 11 113 2* o 6 G r. 5s 5* E Donanue H T Palmer S309-1M I Jtfil!*STlI.i:TTO w.-nGlOS 5 4- 4- i£ 6 ti T Wilson G W Atkinson 3750-100 «d«S8 TAMBIAX ws 6 108 7 Left at the post. H B Bwer J Wilson HSCO-100 Time. 25. 50C, 1:16%, 1:44. 1:51. Track fast. niulmds paid. I.assano P.or. SI. 00 straiiiht. .00 place. . !0 show: Point to Ioint, .40 place, ! S2.20 show: Dr. Samuel. .00 show. ; Equivalent baoSIng odd — Rassana Boy. ISO to K0 Klraiiht. 80 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Point to ; Point. LO to 100 place, 10 to 100 show: Dr. Samuel. 30 to 100 show. Winner — ill. g. by Rd Battle fort SSaipwaa, by Fart Hunter trained by A. J. Christie: breder 1111- I known I. Went lo p st at 4:13. At phot 1 minute. Start poor and slow. Won driviu-.: second and third the same. BAMAKO ROY wa- i-apably ridd-n. Cros* :..v;n-; him in front and putting up a partii-ularly sii-on- linisli. He fought it out all through the final eighth Bad outgamed POINT Tl POINT. The hitler . was a forward and gaaie contender all he way. but could n-ver ipiite get up. DP. SAMlPI. closed I • v.ith a 111 Ii. STII.FTTO collided with TAMP.IAX at the start, which accounted for the latt-r being left t aad STILETTO betas away poorly. Scratched OOtttO Nehrasba. IK: 00003 Sippara. 113. Ovei-.veights Cobrita. - pounds. £J_Qkr7 •! « SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24, 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year- : aJy 4 Asiiud olas and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 5100: third, S50. InTlir Horses " AWtPPat~i~i,r4~StT"Fin Jockeys Owners" Eo;uiv7~hddsi Strt t j ■M73 SAM HILL - 7 !1" .". E :; 4- "T~ 1" E Fator G Kelly 1120--no 1 : OQM 1 MIKE DALY wsa 8 US 1 n 6- 5 4* :: V M Slau-.-br Mtartahy .t- Cloningrer SO-100 I :0;R8:: RESTFUL W S id 7 I Sj 3 ~: IJ |*1 H llofters Alorris Stable i7IO-100 1 GM83 .HDGE DAY ID wa 6 112 8 1 1* lJ 1 1J A C Stadi r F J ORourke U9-10I GllliftllDlNC; THGH W8« 5 103 4 . .-., G; 8*15* .". T WU3bn .Mann.ib ft Haumstock !*-l0G , • 005M- BABY SISTER wall MA ? I 7*17* 7° VV .I Hunmer C L Dickerson SM-1CB OUtl GO OX w 7 110 I :! 21 2" 8** 7- 7:1 D Huri E V Winters r •; -i.io I 00517 * COFFEE JOHN ws E Ml 8 8 8 8 88.8 H Zaader G Hum 114SO-100 j Time. 25, 50. 1:17, 1:44, 1:505. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid, Sam IliK. -!.10 straight. 87.00 place. .1,1.20 show: Mike Daly. ,20 place. .00 | show: Restfal. 8C3B show. Cipiivalent bookiag odd-- S.-im Hill. 1120 to Kill straight. JMI to 100 place. 110 to 100 show: Mike j Daly. 80 to M0 place, 30 la 100 show; R-stful. 210 to 100 show. i Winner -P.. •_-. by Solitaire II. — Bremerhaiea, by Saiidringham trained by G. Kelly: bred by Mr. . Adolph V.. Spreckelsi. Went to pit at :::v At | o-l 1 niiaute. Start Read and -low. Won driving: second and third the ; same. SA.M HILL. In a forward co-itioii from the start, moved up fast after rounding the last turn and. • challenging tie leader. I teed her latp defeat and. in a hard drive, outstayed MIKF. DALY. The lalt-r • closed with a rash, I lit tird tight ft! the end. KLSYITL, after following the pacemaker closely, took ■ the lead iiioin»nt:ii il •• nldv.y of the stretch, but readily gave way when challenged. JUDGE DAVID » ran well for thr ijUarterk. Sjcrali tied"- -0070S Pctir. 115. nv-rwciglil- -K.-ihy Si t-r. 1 poiuid. EviVXOb EIGHTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916—1:38—3—95. Pui;e 00. 3-year-olds and i ! O" f AdIO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 90; third. 0. "Tnder Horses AWtPPSt % VFji Str Fin Jockeys ~~bwnerT" Equiv. Odda StrH . 1 iOfiJl-.losii: GORMAN wa I 10C i - 1. -- iJ - Vj J llunmcr T .1 Elward 21orjoo ;057 » *.*fit I WlXDICR w 7 112 9 1 47 I 5" I- 2" C Studer 11 T Palmer 3!i0-10 l I • ifillGKCv KIMOXO ml S3 I E :•. 1" 1"» !. :;J P Hum McDowell Bros 3CQ-100 1 I ■SMfNICK KLKIX w « bit I E - 8* . V l H Long C J Gamble StatO-iet 0M|4*ROCKBRIDGE wa 5 107 1 :; BJ 7-1 7-1 7" Si M Fator Mulhnll ft Head 12108-190 00071 • I.AUR CI.AX w 4 107 7 t S J ■■■ Z| 6- T Wilson W L Stanfaia 2 t-10u li0."V1."».MXTOXA wn ."• M 3 .. 7i::.- 4- "•: 7« H Moltcrs W Pinkstaff "SIO-KMi l KOMI K l F PYTHIAS w 1" 11 7, 7 8 •.; 8 s1 S- C Tbpsdn .1 Smith "SOO-lm 00071 KIXKAYOCS WCME R E 9 E 9 9 9 E Fil.r H Pigeon t ;Miitivl field. Time. 25. 49, 1:15?.. 1:4. Track fast. S2 maluel, paid. Josie Gorman; ."T,.20 -traiglit. . :;. 10 place. .80 show: So Wonder. .20 place SB " sp , ■how; K.mono. 82.80 sho.v. ! Equivalent booking odds— JosW Corman. 210 to KiO straight. 70 to 100 plaee, 40 to 100 show * No Wonder. 160 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show: Kimono. 10 to KM show. I Winner— Ch. f. by Judge Wright— Lidy McGce. by McGee trained by A. Erent; bred by Mr Thomas . Piatt. I Went to post at ~ A0. At ]«i-t 1 minute. Siart good and slow for all hot KIMONO. Won easily: second and third driving. JOSH; OOKMAN. af..-r Setting and forcing the pace, saved ground on all the . turns and at the end was going away. NO WONKKK Made a fast finish and outstayed KIMONO for • i secoud place. The latter, piobably best and afli r heir-; pinched oi.t f it at the start, rushed into the . lead and. ettiac tin: pace. !iui lied la I. ill though Cnug. MIK KLFIN was going fast at the end I Scratched— 110073 -Lotta Spe.-d. 108; 806TI Myrtle A., 115; OOl.iS Hot Foot, 110. i Overweights — Moutouu, S pounds. I

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922030901/drf1922030901_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1922030901_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800