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DETROIT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Maidens MaidensInd Maidens Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2155 Little Eyes 107 Miss Celostine Yellowstone 1U7 2917 Florence S 107 Ogdensburg Ogden 109 2947 E of Montrose109 2856 Solid Silver 11112 11112Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingIn Selling In Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2951 Umberto Umber 97 2858 Minnesela Minnesota 97 2858 Miss Motor 97 285S Taluca Talc 97 972S05 2S05 Lolas Lola Cuckoo 97 2951 Wordsworth 97 2921 Brown Girl 97 1742 Allegro 97 2951 Thompson 100 2889 Worry Not 100 2805 LxingtnPiratelOS LxingtnPiratelOSThird Third Race l Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 2949 Wolsey Wools 5 95 2918 MrsMorgan Marmora 5 95 2832 Little Tom 5 97 2834 Ragner Ranger a 98 2854 John Wilson 6 93 2890 A Goodwin Godwin 4 9S 2919 Rey Frey del Mar 6108 2949Sykestou a 111 111Fourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling tnd tend Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2951 Prosecutor 100 2891 Scarborough 104 2805 LxingtnPiratel04 2855 Banquo Banquet II 112 2805 Sutton 112 112Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Tnd Tend Horses Wgt Wt 2731 Thornbush Thrombus 3 96 2888 Little Sadie 3 96 2888 Edith 5 98 2763 Belle Boyd 3 9S 2950 Sobriquet 3 98 2888 Pete Kelly 4 100 2918 Baldur Balder 3 100 2918 Com Frank3 101 2919 FontdOr Fonder 4 107 2SS8 Hazelton Phaeton 4 103 2950 Bismarck 6 103 57 Lucy Belle 4 103 2918 Merry Duke a 105 105Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horsos Horses Wgt Wt 2859 Siualoa Sugarloaf 1113 96 2950 Clissie Classier B 3 96 2802 May Fern 5 98 28 8 Fy Queen 111398 2857 Motilla Amontillado 3 100 295U Kowalsky Koalas 3 101 101The The Duchess 1 3 1 102 2735 Anna Mayesi Maybes 5 1 102 24U9 Looram Loran 3 Iu2 2735 Irish Lady 3 104 2947 OldDominion6105 2807 Miss Rowett5107