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NEWPORT FORM GHART HART GHARTNEWPORT GATEPOST NEWPORT KY August 13 Ninth Day Queen City Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge George Morgan Starter J P Chinn Chin Oo FIBST FIST RACE G 13 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 lj i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners On Op 1 2885 LULU T 1UO 3 21 65 45 2842 CERRO CERO GORDO GORDON 95 1 2886 BUFFET 9t 7 5 41 32 36 Brewer Kismet Stable 4 s sKING KING KING LOUIS 104 8 866 410 YanKuren Anuran E W Haggard 6 10 2820 RUPEE 102 4 4V4 5M 51 52 JJones Jones JWThompson 10 21 2782 RAMPART 102 5 6776 Shannon W MWorthiugton Worthington 3 6 2815 ENID 79 2 18 2 42 7 Groen Green J R Jewell Jewel 6 12 2820 SILVER ROLL 9 9 9888 C Webb Santa Maria Stbl12 0 2773 PAT 102 6 7 9 9 9 J Perkins L L Ogden 6 10 l223fWinner Time 10Time 2412 49 V4 103 1164 l223f Winner B m 5 by Linden Lady Winifred Informed WinifredStart Infester Start good b machine Won easily next two driving Enid stopped badly after go half mils King Lowis Lois will bear watching in same company 297 rr SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2yearold Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S St V 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2783 SILVER1TE 103 9 87 3 1 A Isom Ism J W Johnson 3 7 2i 2884 HAMLIN CHAMPLAIN 100 4 1 2n 2n 2 B Blevius Levis J E Madden Z1A 4 5 2884 JOE MUSSLE MUSSEL 103 1 3 12 14 3 C Graham Newport Stable 20 40 12 2772 BARTON 100 6 5V4 SH 4 41 Gregory TBJones 20 20 THE PRINS PINS OPAL100 3 4l2 31A 6 52 Sherrin Sheri Byron McClelland Macmillan 862 2884 GIOJA GIGO 102 2 2 4J2 7 6 JMathews Mathews Shamrock Stable 2l2 2 1 2884 JACK OF HEARTS 100 7 7DOUBLE 7887 N Morris S Liuton Litton 20 5U 15 DOUBLE DUMMY 97 8 S 9998 Fowler Bashford Bradford Manor 7 7 vi 2884 LEGATEE 100 5 6V4 6 52 9 Britton Briton Hatsell Haste Bros Brows 2 4 s sTime Time Time 24S 50 103y2 Winner B c by Bermuda Mahushta Mahesh MahushtaStart Start good by machine First six driving hard Opal ran a good race Gioga Gig badly ridden Taken wide on turn and messed about Scratched Treacy Tracy 109 2978 T THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PJ 2885 CECIL 94 1 13 13 is is 14 B Blovios Oblivious SKHughes Shushes 1 45 ut 2774 PRYTANIA PYROMANIA 101 3 36 2H 2u 22 26 J Perkins T H Stevens 10 20 out 2885LASALLE 107 4 4 4 4 4 31 JMDonaldW McDonald H Speirs Piers 2 2 out 2896 MARTIN MARTINBy Martin 97 2 21 36 3 32 4 JJackson Jackson Scott Williams 21A 31A out By Falsetto Time 24 9 1 02V2 1 16 1 292 1 42 1 45 Winner Ch f 3 by Bramble Mary Conroy Cory Start good by machine Won and second easily La Salle Sale sulked first six furlongs Martin raced oil his feet first five furlongs 2979 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2S9B ROBINSON 1U7 2 1 12 12 12 iys is Britton Briton J E Robinson 35 12 out out2845KITTY 2845KITTY B 103 3 35 21 22 2 210 F Russell R H Bronaugh Baronage 5 3 1 5 2845 MARGRETALLENIOS 1 2 36 36 36 3 JMcDond Macedon Glenelg Genteel Stable 6 12 5 52622SEABROOK 2622SEABROOK 108 7 7 7 7 6 4 J Perkins T H Stevens 2 8 i 2771 MISS S 113 4 51A 5 5 5 52 C Flynn Shamrock Stable 20 50 15 15f2897WHILEAWAY f2897WHILEAWAY 105 6 41 4 4 41 6 VanKuren Anuran Springhurst Springhouse Stbl Stable 10 30 10 2883 NANA 103 5 6 6 6 7 7 Palmer D M Young 30 50 15 15Time Time 2iV4 50 1 03 1 116l2 16l2 1 29H 29HWinner Winner Ch g 3 by Wagner Little Mollie MollieStart Mollies Start good by machine Won under a pull next driving Seabrook Yearbook went to the post lame There was nothing to the race outside of first two horses horsesScratched Scratched Elsie D 103 IFTH GIFT RACE 1 1a Furlongs 2yearolds selling Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys O Op Cl Fl 2895 MARGARET LYNE LYE 102 2 12 12 IB Britton Briton J T Jones 431 2895 KENOSHA 102 4 22 23 25 J Perkins W C Overtoil Overtook 552 2846 ELKIN WELKIN 105 1 51 51 3 Ray CBReid Cried 1 32 12 2884 GRAY ECLIPSE 105 5 6V2 4 4K2 Fishburn Fishbone F King 8 15 6 2884 TUNIC 105 6 3V4 3l2 5V2 Sherrin Sheri Ireland Bros Brows 484 2843 PEG THE SHREW 102 3 41 6 61 JMatthewsJ Matthews P McKeever McKee 20 15 6 2895 POND LILY 105 7 777 Cleric S A Bradley 30 40 1 2843 ELAINE 102 8 888 Brewer J E Thornton Horton 15 50 20 20MISS MISS VIOLA 102 9 9 9 9 A Isom Ism J Thomas 10 15 6 2843 ECCENANA DECENNIA 102 10 10 10 10 B Blevins Levin Smith Ferguson 6 10 4 4Time Time 25 50l2 56 Winner B f by Onpndaga Onondaga La Belle Heleno Helen HelenoStart Hellenist Start good by machine Won in a gallop next two driving smartly Elkin Welkin is most unreliabje unreliable The gap is between his work and his races Margaret is a smart filly fillyScratched flycatcher Scratched My Fancy 102 Henrica Hernia 102