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MILWAUKEE ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fair fairFirst airiest First Race 7S Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowance Allowancetnd Allowance tnd tend dorses doses Vgt Vt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2501 Nero a 107 2914 Judge Baker i Hi 103 2449 Sunburst 4 110 2828M Monrchi Monarchic a 118 2915 Cossack 6 115 2944 Spendoline Semolina ia i liO Clio 2968 Begue Beget 4 107 107Second Second Race 58 liie lie liie2yearolds 2yearolds Selling ind bind Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2826 Majesta Majesty 103 2472 White Frost 103 1032789Candy 2789Candy 101 2753 Incetatus Dictates 116 2913 Henry Clay 96 2826Odd Genius 101 2867 C H Wrholan Warhol 94 2913 Devoir 96 2767 Collateral 105 2913 Hums 96 2913 Cralo Carlo 91 2913 Lillian Wilkes 96 2913 Jersey Lad 104 104Third Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2738 Rainmaker 4 103 2785Umbrella 3i 105 2944 DoctorG3 101 2785 Plutus Puts 61 105 2785 Master Fred5113 2967 Elwyn Ely 3 94 942914Trilby 2914Trilby 3 102 2963 Waterman 3 99 99By By Springbok SpringbokFourth Springbok Fourth Race 7 8 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Ho es Wgt Wt 2915 Dads Dghter389 2860 Designer 51 98 2941KatieG 4 98 2868 Miss Perkinses Perkiness 98 2B74Commission5100 2S7U Freddie LT i5j lJ6 2965Hazelhatch5 106 2914 Campania Campanula 4 98 2941 Fuero5 103 103Kith Kith Race 34 Mile MileAll Illegally All ages Selling Sellingnd Selling nd Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 1965 Roy Lochiela Cloche 110 2945 Remington Reaming 3 102 2915 Melody 5 105 2916 Hands Oil 4 105 2945 Milford 2 77 2943 Imago 3 102 2913 Glen Albrn Alb 2 77 1905 Bender 4 107 2945 Esther W 4 105 2912 Ggie Aggie Smith 3 100 2967 Spokena Spoken 3 100 2945 Lew Blew Hopper3105 2S67 Birdcatcher Breather 4 107 2941 Laura F 3 100 2674 Uncle Henry 4 107 2yl3 Dr Harris 2 80