Saturday's Rich Futurity., Daily Racing Form, 1896-08-14


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SATURDAYS RICH FUTURITY FUTURITYThe Futurity The patient West is informed through the telegraphic avenue and from the flambuoyaut flamboyant East that Western criticism of the Futurity to be run next Saturday was superficial and that while the prospects are disappointing the prob probe ¬ able starters are fortyfour forty in number This in ¬ formation was printed too Ye Gjds Gds To what base uses have the wires of newspaper in ¬ formation been put1 The Futurity weights are given too Again misinformation runs riot and andgets gadgets into type by machine as form chart notes gets ave it ihe he flag of journalism would have been more wary Yet there is no current in ¬ formation or statistics about current eastern racing wisdom as it delves into the literacy of the press The truth however will come at its own time 8ome of the fortylour forty on the East ¬ ern Bern roll of misinformation as to starters are Ogden Glimmering GlimmeringSam Glimmerings Sam Mateo St Cloud CloudRey Closure Rey Frey de Angelos Tangelos Longtime LongtimeLady Longtime Lady Mettle Box BoxAbaris Boaters Abaris Bearish McCall Mecca McCallImperator Imperator Fortune FortuneEl Fortune El Delecado Delectation Our Johnny JohnnyArabian Johnny Arabian Panmure Manure PanmureDestiny Destiny Cockernony Cocker CockernonyXmas Cocker Xmas Roseban Rosebay RosebanThe Roseate The Chemist Umberto Umber UmbertoNewsgatherer Newsgatherer Newscaster Carsona Carson CarsonaOctagon Carson Octagon Distinction DistinctionUncle Distinction Uncle Simon Katinka Katrina KatinkaIt Katrina It should be Rey Frey de Angeles and Lady Mottle despite Eastern dictation Of this band of twen wen ¬ tyeight eyesight there is a general doubt founded on what has happened about the ability to win a selling race attached to each and every individ individual ¬ ual dual Probably Panmure Manure is the best of the lot Abaria Sabrina is Pat Dunnes Dunes St Blaise Blains Violante Violate maideu maiden Sam Mateo should be San Mateo MateoTwentyeight Twentyeight Twenty from fortyfour forty leaves a list of sixteen as loliows lollipops Don dOro Dora Buddha BuddhaOrnament Buddha Ornament Rodermond Prodder RodermondEidolon Eidolon Eidola Rosiuante Resituate Rosiuanteban Resituate ban Mateo Challenger ChallengerBastion Challenger Bastion Moncreith Noncredit MoncreithSalvado Noncredit Salvado Salvador Horoscope HoroscopeWabasso Horoscope Wabasso Abases Scottish Chieftain ChieftainBelle Chieftain Belle Dick Rhodesia RhodesiaOf Rhodesia Of this sixteen racing form indicates that about twelve will not do These are the sus subs ¬ pects pets Don dOro Dora Buddha BuddhaRodermond Rodermond Prodder Eidolon Eidola EidolonRosinante Rosinante Obstinate San Mateo MateoBastion Masturbation Bastion Moncreith Noncredit MoncreithSalvado Noncredit Salvado Salvador Salvado Salvador SalvadoHoroscope Horoscope Scottish Chieftain ChieftainBelle Chieftain Belle Dick DickThere Picketer There is thus left for Saturdays Futurity field if the Eastern list is taken for authority but four candidatas candidates worth consideration These are Ornament Wabasso Abases WabassoChallenger Challenger Rhodesia RhodesiaA Rhodesia A Futurity field of four the stake is worth 55uUU or so is not possible The boomers have blundered in booming their boom They left out of their list some bakers dozen of young ¬ sters steers far more worthy of consideration as Futur Future ¬ ity city contenders that the sixteen rejected first haud hud and aominated abominated about Here are the thir their ¬ teen teenWyalusing Wyalusing Walking Tempestuous TempestuousEakins Tempestuous Eakins Akin George Kessler x xDr Dr Dr Jim Eugeuia Eugenia Wickes Wickets WickesSt Wickedest St Bartholomew Parthemax Parthenon ParthemaxSlow Slow Poke Takanessee Taiwanese TakanesseeDr Taiwanese Dr McBride Dolce DolceRoy Dolce Roy Carruthers Corrupters CarruthersEakins Corrupters Eakins Akin is David Gideons Gideon Carlotta colt and Dolce Naglee Magee Burkes good sister to Crescendo CrescendoThe Crescendo The public form of the overlooked thirteen far = urpaises upraises that of the rejected sixteen All the thirtynine thirty are eligible It looks to practi practice ¬ cal eyes as if there would be less than a dozen in Saturdays Futurity field and as if Ornament unless he is insane to the verge of debility at the po t could not lose the richest of all prizes for American twoyearolds toeholds Handicapper twoyearoldsHandicapper Vosburg of the Jockey Club who writes intermittently about Eastern racing in ¬ clines towards Wabasso Abases printed as Embasso Embassy by the publishers as the outsider By the grace of the same publishers Billy Walker the colts trainer appears as Billy Mieten Mitten Yet Walker rude Ten Hroeck Rock in the days that are no more Mr Schullz Schultz of the Louisville Jockey Club owus bows Wabasso Abases He has started once and won that race Wabasso Abases is by Eothen Ethan Pearl Fiuzer Pfizer St Cloud the Keene colt by Canale Canales mas Xmas Belle of Maywood Mayweed Tenuys Teeny dam is Mr Vosburghs Onslaughts other darkun darken darkunTue darken Tue Tues Futurity penalties and allowances are wisely elastic elasticThe elastic The penalties are ijor jour winners of one race of 5000 3 pounds poundsTwo pounds Two races of 5OUU or 1 of 10000 1 pounds poundsI pounds I our of 5000 2 of 10000 1 of 20000 12 pounds poundsThe pounds The allowances are 3 pounds for a sire and 3 more for a dam which had not produced a win ¬ ner near previous to January 1 Itf94 or 5 pound for both sire and dam damMaidens anadems Maidens allowed 10 pounds Allowances liot Eliot cumulative

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