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NOTES OF THE TURF The probable starters in next Saturdays four mile Thornton Stakes at Oakland are Damien Thornhill Lobengula Schiller ReydelBandi dos Redskin Marcel and Wheel of Fortune FortuneFree Free Advice in the WhittenRyan Stable last year has been turned over to the new Bromley Co Stable of Chicago which Charles Hughes is to train and for which Scherrer will ride ridePeep Peep oDay was said to bo most wonderfully improved and the talent is touting him as hav ¬ ing a great chance for the Suburban and Brook ¬ lyn Handicaps HandicapsMemphis Memphis has chosen Col L M Clark for president Kit Chinn for starter and will use the Maxwell starting machine machineDAILY DAILY RACING FORM erred in the pedigree of Barney Schroiber He is a chestnut gelding by Kylo Little Girl GirlBill Bill Brien has been engaged to train the Han kins Johnson horses this season and is here among them themD D A Boyle is to train for J E Seagram this year and Havoc has been added to the Seagram string