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OAKLAND ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clouJy track heavy heavyFirst First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Hoi es Wgt WgtDorsey Dorsey 5 102 6510 Agitato 6 102 6546 Long Lady 4 100 5998 OFleta 5 102 6546 Billy Ayers a 12 Bourbon 4 102 6548 UnaQueAmo4100 5916 McFarlane 5 102 6548 Monitor 4 102 6594 Miss Ruth 5 100 100Red Red Will 4 105 6451 Mosier4 102 132 Winchester 4 102 6216 Irma 5 100 6548 Heartsease 4 100 100Second Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances Ind Horses Wgt t Ind Horses Wet 6547 Major FluddlOO 100 65n8Nebula 105 6449 Justine 95 6512 Sen Morgan 107 6517Torpedo 110 St Distaff 105 6431 J oLanteru07 6255 Rieuzi 110 1106514Scotch 6514Scotch Rose 105 6407S William 110 6563 Nino NtyNine 110 6139 Mistral II 110 5061 Doloro 105 6563 Mercutio 110 6042 Ezekiel 110 6547Lena 100 6449 Fort Augustus 100 3937 Naranga 100 100Paul Paul Jones II 105 By Apache ApacheThird Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Owners Handicap Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6572 David a 90 6571 Joan 4 90 6571 Installator5 97 6350 Mahogany 6 93 6549 Lobenpula 5 94 6300 Ferrier 7 95 95Fourth Fourth Racw 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt Ind Horses Wgt 6520 Doyle 5 106 6560 Unity 4 96 966520Perseus 6520Perseus 4 103 6549 Charles A 6 99 6598 Jack Martin4 94 6520 Beaamela 4 110 6574 Foremost 5 99 99fifth fifth Kace 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wgt md Horses Wgt 6280 Instigator 4 103 6571 Cappy 3 100 6452 Geo Miller 7 100 6520 Torsina 4 108 5903 M Monarch 8103 6477 Tuxedo 4 100 6U76 La France 4 99 6491 Skalkaho 5 103 6393 Benham 4 103 6491 Ivy 6 98 8834 Logan 9 10S 6548 Ricardo 6 110 6486 Jn Bernardo4100 6562 Caliente 4 108 108Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Wet Ind Horses WgL 5348 Allesandro 4 102 6079 Mary Neives4100 Neives4100279LcretiaBrgio4100 279LcretiaBrgio4100 5983 Miss Ross 4 100 6473 Banjo 6 102 6515 Hazel D 4 100 6347 Detectivoll 5 102 6515Fllertn Lass6100 6425 Contribution9l02 4S29 The UTiar 3 105 6559 Zoolein 8 105 6550 Tar Tartar7102 6546 Three Forks 6102 6548 Ike L 5 105 6513 Silverado 9 105