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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Hoxjes Hoaxes Wgt Wt Nettie Nettle Robb Robby 3 93 8280 Briarwood 3 95 7806 JudgeBntlor Judgmental 3 95 Hulda Hula Shaw 3 96 4632 Bandala Banal 4 102 7909 Swifty Swiftly 5 104 8285 Joe oSot Soot 6 106 8304 Henry R 5 112 112Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horsos Horses Wgt Wt Jnd Nd Horses Wgt Wt 8286 Daziamoor3 92 8287Ch Christy3101 1081 Ursula 4 102 8287 Elsie D 4 102 7783 Trixio Tricia 5 104 8259 TomRutter Torte 5106 8304 Nick Carter 5 107 Dicky Icky Norflk3109 mird mired Race4K Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 7913 CKavanaughl05 7891 Bequeath 105 8281 Calvin 105 7635 Montedonico Mnemonic 108 8288 Vivat Viva Rox Roux 118 Our Friend 110 8281 Balance All 110 Chief HarriganHO Hadrian HarriganHOJudicious Judicious 110 8288 StAlfonses Salons D 113 113Beau Beau Monde 113 8281 Nepper Nipper 113 1137SS8 7SS8 Volatante Volant 113 8281 Ben Bruce 113 113Rago Rago Ago 113 Fourth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Yjrt Yurt 7554 Ivory 3 94 8291RemborMe3 97 8210 FJoridas Fjords 3 101 8308 Marquise 4 107 8308 Benamela Enamel 4 110 8342 Don Fulano6114 Fulano6114Fifth Fifth Kace Ace 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horsos Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 8282 Oella Ella 3 87 8287 Bob Clancy3K 87 8304 Jack B B 3 95 6190 Dorah Dora Wood5 99 8289 The Ghost 5 101 7690 Sligo Lingo II 5 104 8282 H S Tobacco 3105 8304 DrWlmsly Drawls 3110 3110Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Sellingtnd Ellington tnd tend Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 7809 Nicolini Nicotinic 5 111 8287 B Clampett Clamped 5111 8287 Charles P 8 111 4316 Rostern Roster 5 Ill 8287 Motairie4 109 Hoax 4 109 7811 F Hartman 4 109 8285 RoyalChoice4112 8283 Nimrod Imo 4 112 8303 San Bias 7 114 8308 Trilby 5 107