Newport Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-05-20


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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY May 19 Fortysecond Forts Day Queen City Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge J J Burke Starter H D Brown 8326 FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St M Yt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 40 LONE PRINCESS 105 9 3 Wt IH 1 Everett K Reagan I 45 o oZYt oozy 8261 R Q BAN 125 4 ZYt Yet 2i Si 21 Hart Smith Watson 5 10 4 4li 8211 SIERRA GORDA GORDIAN 106 7 li 12 ZYt Yet 3 C Graham Rhodes fe MarderslO Madders 2 1 14a 5445 LOCKHART FLOWCHART 102 5 4a 41 41 41 James WdfordEvrmnSO 40 12 8264 MYTH 102 3 61 61 52 Wt AThompsonF Thompson Kelly 4 4 6 65 292ANNIE M 111 1 7776 Randall H C Cook 8 10 4 8292 MISS ROSS 108 2 8887 Sheedy Seedy W R Griffin 562 8257 AFTERN AFTER ON 95 6 51 Wt Wt 8 Lawrence W D Stringer 6 10 4 f 239ORA JEE JEEP 94 8 9999 McDowell Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 15 25 10 7446 L COURTWRIGHT106 10 10 10 10 10 Cashin Cashing W L Seddons Speedos 20 30 10 Time 10Time 24 48H 1 01 Winner LonelyStart Lonely 01Winner Ch f 3 by Prince Royal Lonely Start good The first five were ridden out Lockhart Flowchart is ready to win a good race The field was furlongScratched furlongs well bunched all the way Courtwright Outweigh was away poorly and beaten off first furlong Scratched Three Bars 105 Suydam Sudan 107 O O t rT SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances nd Horses Wt St 14 K 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owner Op Cl Pi 8264 GID ID LAW 102 4 31 3 2 ZYt Yet Yt Nntt Nanette CLBlackbrnCol 45 out 8265 FRED BARR 110 5 Wt Wt 42 31 2 BoauchampSmith Shuman Human 682 X294 GOODING GOADING 109 2 1 16 12 Yt 31 W Jones J Huffman 15 30 10 8093 PATRICIAN 112 5 Wt 52 53 51 41 Sheedy Seedy F Kelly 75 85 12 4681 GOOSE LIVER 105 3 2 ZYz XYZ 3 41 5 Milburn Melbourne Resposs Responses Co 15 25 8 8294 RASENDYLL RESEND 105 1 6 6 6 6 6 Stock well Geo Geol Innes Inanes 40 60 20 Time 20Time ZWt Wt 36 48K 1 01 113 1 27 BelleStart Belles Winner B g by Simple Simon Springhill Springtail Belle Start good Won galloping Goodine Goodie was raced to pieces in the first five furlongs Patrician had no speed and ran a shocking race Barr is ready readyScratched Scratched King Morgan 102 Robinson 107 Balk Linn 112 8328 THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 300 3yearolds Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 8311 BOX 104 1 11 11 12 12 15 Sherrin Sheri W Showalter Howler 75 115 out S323 outS323 HER EXCELNCY DECENCY 102 2 22 2 28 2 2 ° Nutt Mutt FKelly Kelly 75 1 out 8294 KALITAN KALIAN 103 4 31 32 3 36 3 AThompanG Fathoming H Brown Co 8 12 out 8 30 JOHN McELROY Celery 106 3 4 4 4 4 4 HWillianisJ Williams Bauer Co 4 3 out Time 24 48W 1 01 1 13 1 38X 1 45H 45HWinner Winner Ch c by Order Pandora PandoraStart Pandora Start good Won easily Box is real good right now and ran a dazzling race The mile from wire to wire was run in 1 39 Her Excellency may have staled a bit 8329 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt Str Star Fin Jocke Joke Op Cl PI 8213 LA MOORE 97 1 1 1 1 12 12 ATh Kath AThmpsonM Thompson T Danaher 6 3 7W3DOROTHY III 97 4 6 Wt Wt Wt 2Vt Nutt Mutt C J Kelly 1 75 12 8214 AIMEE GOODWIN GODWIN 97 3 41 Wt SB 3 ZYt Yet James W Tarr Tarry 6 10 4 7740 MISS FRANCES 91 5 Wt 21 21 2 Wt Randall C Hughes 8265 CECIL 97 6 31 SB 4a Wt Wt Everett 8 K Hughes Go6 8 3 8325 LIZZIE TIZZIES MACK 93 9 7 7 7 7 Wt Lawrence E D Brown 50 60 20 7853 HILDA 91 2 SB SB Wt Wt 7 HWilliamsD Williams E Hardesty Hardest 25 30 10 7090 ORINDA RIND 105 7 8 8 8 8 820 Bheedy Heed T Licalzi Laical 8 10 4 8188 ALETHIA ALEUTIAN ALLEN 97 8 9 9 9 9 9 Adams A Duffy 50 60 20 Time 20Time 24 49 1 02 1 15M 1 27 1 41J4 I Winner Blk Balk m 5 by Sir Dixon Miss Moore MooreStart Mores Start good Won easily next five driving Dorothy came fast after she got through in stretch Hilda was pinned to the rail all the way and was full of running Orinda Rind wanted to run out on the turn Alethia Aleutian Allen was beaten off first quarter Lizzie Tizzies Mack ran an improved race Cecil and Miss Frances ran below the mark Q O Or FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Puree 250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S St M Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners On Cl PI 8293 EFFIE EFFUSE CL1NE 115 1 12 12 12 12 Graham Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 3 4 85 85Larkin 8232 HELVETIA HELVETICA 115 2 ZYt Yet 2a 2i ZYt Yet Gilmoro Gilmore Larkin Bros Brows 762 762iJas 8266 SKILLMAN SKILL 118 4 51 6 Wt 31 BeauchampJas iJas bias Smith 662 8266 CAMPERDOWN CAMERON 118 7 SB Wt Wt 48 W Jones Lee 662Lee Christy 1 75 12 8215 ONAGON CONTAGION 118 6 4a 4a Wt 5 Connors Connor E 12E J Cnrloy Crony 15 30 10 8242 DES DRESSEN DRESDEN 118 3 6 Wt 6 6 Watson Hoiloway Hollow 10Hoiloway Broi Bros Broil Brows 12 15 6 W IN THE HEAD 115 9 9987 Hurley Hurly J 6J W Hayden 20 40 12 8212 ELIDAD ELIDED 118 8 8778 James H 12H G Owsley Wesley 25 30 10 10A 8293 LADY HENLY HENLEY 115 5 A G Weston 10 8 3 Time 25 50 103 Winner Ch f by Ban Chief Effie Defied G GStart Start Start aood wood Won handily second and third driving Effie Defied Cline had speed to loan Skill man finished strong Camperdown Cameron ran a poor race 8331 SIXTH RACE 08 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl Pi 7918 CARLOTTA G 93 3 32 32 Yt 1 Nutt Mutt F UCurran Courant 7 83 83Everett 7856 J WALTER 104 1 Yt Yt Z 2 Everett J P McCann Mecca 65 75 12 8 65 NAT P 115 8 52 52 3 32 Hurley Hurly 12Hurley E C Headley Headily 3485 8105 CARRIE F 95 5 Wt Wt Wt 42 J 3485J Jackson J Thomas 5 4 85 8024 LET FLY 94 4 62 6 6 5 Milbarn Milan 85Milbarn Terrell There'll Marders Madders 452 7799 1SSIE O 104 2 2n ZYt Yet Wt 6 W 452W Jones C W Miller 12 15 6 8158 PEGGY 96 12 10 7 7 7 Gilmore 6Gilmore F W Cox 12 15 6 PATSY 105 9 9998 James 6James T P Fai Fail ght ht 12 15 6 7794 SIR WELLINGTON106 7 8889 Graham 6Graham W Fields Co 25 30 10 8193 WAT SWAT HARDIN HADRIAN 93 10 11 10 10 10 Miller 10Miller J W Farley Fairly 25 30 10 WALMODECK ALMOND 10511 12 11 11 11 OLewis Lewis Thos Ethos McDowell20 30 10 8320 ALBONTON SALOMON 100 6 7 bled BeauchampH Beach B Durham 8 10 4 Time 2 48J4l01Vi 48J4l01ViWianer Wianer Wiener Br f 3 by Hayden Edwards Fannie S SStart Start Start good The first three were driving Issie Issue O stopped badly Peggy off badly ran a ood od race Albonton Albino seemed to have a chance when he bled

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Local Identifier: drf1897052001_3_1
Library of Congress Record: