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NEWPORT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesEnd Allowances End Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 8105 Wickliffe Wildlife 107 8148 Bleakmore Bleak 107 8239 Sir Errol Ferro 110 3451HenryLauntllO 8267 Buck FonsollO Consol 8322 Astrftda Astrid 110 8320 Suydam Sudan 110 5278 Serrano 110 110Schedules Schedules 110 8147 Gray Eclipse 110 110OldTarr OldTarr Oldster HO 8320 Cherry Leaf 110 110Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Soiling Soilingind Soiling ind bind Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 8321 Star Beam 4 99 8321 Prudent 5 99 8130 Lucetta Lucent 5 99 8321 Merry Noll Moll 4 99 8216 WCT3 101 8267 Stanza 4 101 1018148Oily 8148Oily Gmon5 103 7833 Gratz Graft Hauly6103 7561 DODonnell4104 8325 Ben Naiad 4 104 8214 Cochise Cochins 45 104 Harry L4106 L4106Third Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances nd Horses Wgt Wt Inrl Girl Horses We 8256 Augnstina Augustine 3 88 8323 Panchita Paunch II 3 91 8327 Rasendyll Resend 3 93 8148 Winthrop Intro 3 93 8325EddieBurke3 93 8229 San Juan 3 93 8294J Sullivan 3 95 8320 Newport 3 96 8188 J H C 3 98 8213 Umbrella 4 109 8131 JZimrman Zairian 6113 6113Fourth Fourth Race 12 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wrt Wart 8293 Lauretta Laurent B 101 8139 Eulalia Elli 101 8189 De Trop 104 8022 Oneanto Monsanto 103 S217Aragnol 108 8163 Vinotta Vintage 101 7797 Reefer 101 Hnse Hansen Hopkins 101 7971 Sarmatia Samaria 101 8293 Ada Adam Ruseoll Russell 101 8324 Exquisite 103 8293 Fonlante Foliate FonlanteFifth Foliate 101 Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses 8263 Est Ne Regina102 8323 Angolns Angolans 8096 We Know It 102 8262 Marie Du Dudley 102 8239 Alvin E 104 7800 Lovejoy Overjoyed 104 8325 Royal Dance 104 7854 Cadillac 8325 Little Buck 107 8211 Uncle Simon 107 8322 Gioja Goad 107 7722 Orimar Primary 112 8322 Proteus Protest 112 112Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingIm Selling Im Horses Wrt Wart Ind Indo Horses Wst West 8321 AnnaG Anna rth4 99 8329 Hilda 4 99 8267 Tit for Tat 5 101 8214 Elsket Else 5 101 8322 Santerne Sauterne 4 101 8241 La Wanda4 102 8261 Meddler 6 103 8292 Cyclone 118 103 8321 Necedah Necked 5 104 8129 Piia Apia 5 104 8292 Frontman Fontana 6 106 8261 Whiff 5 10t5