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LATONIA ANTONIA ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Icac8 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 9107 Sedan 3 87 8928 T W W 3 87 8388 Winthrop Intro 3 90 88242Rampage 3 90 8599 Gallante Gallant 3 93 931 BofFordham4 93 8292 Mitchell 3 99 8432 Sir Ebony 3 99 8909 Gateway6100 8869 Sir Andrew 3 101 10190213Tonto 90213Tonto 8 102 8847 Sierra Gorda Gordian 3103 8842 Shuttlecock 4105 8847 El Toro 3 108 86482OurHope 3 108 108Second Second Race 5 12 Furloncrs Furlongs 2yearolds Handicap 9108 Tom Collins 102 8742 Rastns Astons 108 8328 Brazilian 110 8742Hjgh Jinks 112 112Third Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling90623Parson 90623Parson 4 96 8847Whaterlou3 99 9990643The 90643The Socman Stockman 3 99 9064Serrano 3 99 8979 Geyser 3 103 8296Chicot 5 104 1049067Sidkel4 9067Sidkel4 108 108Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles MilesThe Mildest The Latonia Antonia Spring Prize 1500 Guaranteed Guaranteed3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances Allowances8826LittleBnck 8826LittleBnck 92 8934 San Juan 96 9112 Eddie Burke 102 8979Banqno II 103 9065 Remp Rep 106 8S67 Cavaiero Cavalier 116 11690652Taluca 90652Taluca 117 86S4Tillo 125 birth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 9066 Flop 100 8324 Snake 103 103The The Devil 105 9026 St Raymond 105 9026 Cyril 105 6455Chalmette 103 10387422L1 87422L1 Hung ChanglOS Changeless 89U2John Bright 108 1089025Kris 9025Kris Kriugle Wriggle 113 891Q3Aragnol 113 113Sixth Sixth Race34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Soiling 8982 J Walter 3 101 8078Annio M 5 103 8938 Gid Gild GidLaw3105 Law 3 8978 Robinson 4 106 8973 Sim Siam W 4 107 8842CycloceIl S108 8756Trolley 3 108 S914301d Center 4 109 8933 Blanton Baton 3 110