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LATON1A FOKM FOLK CHART CHARTMILLDALE MILLDALE MOLDABLE KY June 21 Twentythird Twenty day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge L P Tarleton Carleton Starter Col Cool J J Chinn Chin f t f rj FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 3uO 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8936 REDDINGTON REDDING 104 3 4i 41 2 12 Piggott Spigot Ed Corrigan 6 6 4 5 89762RHEINSTROM 100 7 72 62 6 22 Nutt Mutt E F Welch 3 3 3 3 89823POUTING 95 1 2 2i 42 S T Burns W C Overton Overtone 4444 8744 WALDINE WALDEN 102 2 11 H H 42 BeauchampW Beach J Spoirs Spoors 7 10 5 8 90233FRONTMAN 102 9 9 7 7 5i Murray T F Sellers 12 15 8 10 8982 FILIBUSTER lOOi Loomis 4 5 5 52 61 Conley Coney Robinson MoorelS MorelS 20 8 12 8982 CON REAGAN 100 5 31 3i 3i 7 Huston Houston Baker Gentry 15 15 10 15 8744 MISS ROWETT ROWE 10210 10 10 8 8 Shaw Jay Hardy Co 50 60 30 40 8681 SEDAN 97 S 8 8 9 9 R Isom Ism J J Marklein Marlin 6 12 6 6 8931 ANNA GARTH 99 6 6 9 10 10 H Williams M Simpson 50 60 50 60 89092CARRIE 6089092CARRIE LYLE 104 11 11 11 11 11 J Hill H D Brown 5745 Time 5745Time 25 50 1 15i AngeliquePost Winner 15iWinner B p 4 by Emperor of Norfolk Angelique Angelic Post 10 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Waldine Walden quit at the sixteenth pole Rheinstrom Rhinestone finished strong after being messed about a lot Reddington Redding was a wild horse Reagan showed early speed Pouting ran a fair race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Tonto Onto 92 Hats Off 95 95Overweights Overweights Overweighs Filibuster 3 pounds Anna Garth 2 Carrie Lylo Lyle 2 SECOND RACE C8 Mile Pnrso Pro 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Va Str Star Fin Jockeys O H L C 8910HAD1PDEN 11 2 4 i 2 3 1 A Clayton W M Wallace 4 6 4i 35 7 10 8932 TOM COLLINS 104 4 3 3 12 22 T Burns SimmsAnderson Insiders 8 10 1U 89322GEO B COX 104 5 5 53 21 38 J Hill J J Marulnin Marilyn 7878 S9323McCLEARY 97 1 1 1 42 4 Gloason Gladstone Rutledgst Rustled vpens20 30 20 20 89 THE DOCTOR 102 3 2 4 51 5 Morrison Orison Mrs A Wbb Webb 20 25 20 20 PLAUDIT 112 6 6 6 6 6 R Williams Ed Brown 2 3 2 2 9026 GOODRICH 100 7 7777 Everett W H Laudeman Laundryman 15 25 15 15 15Time Time 25 5Ci 1 OJ AltivoluPost Winner OJWinner Owner B c by Hanover Altivolu Ablative Post 3 mioutes minutes Start good Won driving Hampden Hempen was shut off on far turn He stood a hard drive from the threequarter treasurer pole Collins was tiring at finish His race was above the notch reputation McCleary Cochlear showed early speed but stopped ac head of stretch Plaudit did not run to his reputationScratched reputations Scratched Tempo 100 First Call 100 Creedmore Credo L 100 Overweights Overweighs 100Overweights The Doctor 5 pounds Q1 OQ THIED TIED BACB1 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Selling I Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 5 8978 MISS ROSS 102 5 H 1 I 13 13 Morrison Orison W R Griffin 5545 8496 ORINDA RIND 105 3 61 52 31 3H 2i C Reiff Riff T Licalzi Laical 6868 8911 LUFRA LAURA 103 2 52 3 22 2 35 R Isom Ism Talbot Bros Brows 71045 35 4 8SOt MELLIE NELLIE 89 7 9 8 7 6i 41 Neville E F McLean CLean 30 40 30 30 8977 MARIE C 95 11 10 10 9 7 51 Nntt Nanette Larkin Bros Brows 8 12 10 10 7809 HIBERNIA QUEEN 106 10 7 6 51 53 6 Clorico Caloric W H Williamson 30 60 20 30 S824 SALSETTA FALSETTO 87 6 3 41 42 12 7 Dupee Dupe W C Ovorton Overtone 5855 8979 FAUNETTE FANJET 102i 1 4 7 8 9 8 Newton J T Weaver 30 30 25 25 8647 PIERRETTE PIERRE 100 4 2i 2 6i 8 9 Murray J D Fisher 50 60 50 50 8096 MISS MLAUGHLIN MCLAUGHLIN 93 8 8 9 10 10 10 Huston Houston M Doyle Co 50 80 50 50 LIZZIE TIZZIES LOGAN 102 9 Fell Washburn Ashbin W A Hopkins 30 60 20 30 Time 30Time 251 51 1 16i 144 Winner 144Winner Ch f 4 by Rossington Crossing Virginia Dare Post DarePost Apropos 5 minutes Start good Won eisily easily Oriada Horrid came fast at the finish Mellie Nellie was hor Thor ¬ ribly tribally ridden Marie sulked first part Miss Ross had the foot of the party Lizzie Tizzies Logan bumped into first turn and stumbled was stumbledScratched stumbled Scratched Fessy Essay F 87 Overweights Overweighs Miss McLaughlin 2 pounds Faunetto Fantod 2i t I r FOURTH RACE l Mile Purse TOO 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St J4 H J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 90673VISCOUNT 93 1 22 25 212 210 u T Burns E S Gardner 35 35 12 12 8663 ELANO ELEANOR 102 3 12 12 ii u 26 BeauchampW Beach J Spoirs Spoors 6655 7457 AMAZEMENT 108 7 6 4 4 32 32 Murray J Brown 12 20 12 20 5446 CHATTERBOX 93 2 4 51 5 53 42 Nntt Nanette A G Blakely Blackly 8 10 8 8 1 8826 JOHN McELROY Celery 99 8 7 7 7 6 S3 H WilliamsE Williams T Graves 10 12 10 10 8829 LITTLE WALTER 102 4 31 33 32 42 61 Gloason Gladstone RutledgeStevens20 40 20 30 9062 PRINCE KARL 107 5 5 61 61 7 7 Clerico Cleric J P Moran 30 40 30 30 8661 RAFFLE BOY 102 6 8 fi6Time 8 8 8 8 Morrison Orison T P Faught Fraught 50 60 50 fi6 Time 25 50 1 16 143 ViscountessPost Viscounts Winner Br c 3 by Iroquois Viscountess Viscounts Post 15 minutes Start poor Won easily Little Walter stumbled in a break throwing his rider and running away one and threequarter treasurer milos mils It was a two horse race all the way Mc Elroy Leroy sulked and would not try Elano Eleanor could not carry his speod sped to end Amazement ran a fair race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Donatus Donates 99 Protus Pontus 99 Simple Jack ld3 Overweights Overweighs Prince Karl 2 pounds Raffle Boy 4 9111 FIFTH RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St VA Vi 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8412 M ELBA lOIi loci 2 31 3 li C Reiff Riff S K Hughes Co 4 545 3935 EXQUISITE 95 1 22 23 23 T Burns W T Crosthwaite Rosewater 3434 8935 DAYO DAY 102 5 6 4 3 Morrison Orison R E M Porter 10 15 10 10 REVOKE 100 4 12 12 45 Everett W J Babbitt 12 15 10 12 KEELONA KEELSON 103 3 5 61 5 Conley Coney WbittakorPnshl5 30 12 20 8981 TAFFETA SILK 105 6 43 51 62 J Hill L Newman 3 3i 3 3 DORA B 100 7 777 BeaucbampJ Bedaub K Redmon Redman 3634 8500 L1DA B 99 8 888 Beckloy Beckley OvrtnMNmra20 30 15 20 PASMALA PAMELA 95 10 10 9 9 Nutt Mutt C Anderson 10 15 10 12 8662 PATTY WHACK 105 9 9 10 10 Murray T B Jones 30 30 20 20 ALICE RYAN 10011 11 11 11 H Williams ET Graves 40 50 30 40 Time 40Time 25 51 57 Winner 57Winner MallowPost Mallow B f by Strathmore Stratford Mallow Post 10 minutes Start good Won driving Revoke tired in the stretch She showed lots of early ofearly overly speed Melba finished strong and was thn than best Dayo Day ran a good race Exquisite was lucky and speedy both bothOverweights Overweights Overweighs Dayo Day 2 pounds Lida Linda B4 Q T I f SIXTH RACE I Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St X yt yA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 90643GASTON 101 1 31 31 3 22 1 T Burns D Waldo Weald 2 2i 2 2 79222ABE FUR3T 104 4 41 4 4 li 2H C Roiff Riff Baker Gentry 2 2 9595 8867 EDDIE BURKE 100 3 2 21 I 3 33 HWilliams Williams W Gibson 20 30 20 30 9023EGBART 114 2 H li 21 410 450 R WilliamsT Williams Murphy 23852 9024 JOE CLARK 107 5 5 5 5 5 5 BeaucbampW Bedaub H May 8877 8877Time Time 24 J49i 115 142 Winner GPost Post 142Winner Ch c 3 by Sayre Ayres Esther G Post 5 minutes Start good Won driving Egbart Edgar quit at the head of the stretch Gaston outgamed untamed Furst Furs in the home run Burke run a good race Clark was outfooted hotfooted from the start Scratched The Socman Stockman 101 Dorothy III 101 Sidkel Side 110