untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1897-06-22


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Turf ExchangeAt Exchange Exchange At Rofoy Roomy Ind Indo IndFULL Mindfully FULL REPORTS Received by Wire on AH Racing Events COMBINATION ODDS OFFERED SPECIAL TRAIN on PITTSBUEQ PITTSBURGH FOBT FOB WAYNE EH leaves Union Depot 112 pm stop stopping ping at Archer Ave 31st St 41st St and Englewood Returning leaves Eoby Robby at 6 pm Fare pmFare upmarket round trip 25 cents centsThe cents The P F W C E E regular train leaves Union Depot at 2 pm stopping at Eoby Robby at 250 250ILLINOIS ILLINOIS CENTEAL CENTRAL Trains leave foot of Eaudolph Audiophile St every 40 minutes after 940 am amMaking damasking Making connection with Electric Cars at Ninetythird Ninety St StLAKE SLAKE LAKE SHOEE SHOE regular train leaves at 1203 pm Returning pmReturning pretending Lake Shore trains leave Eoby Robby at 4 30 8 36 and 1 12 pm pmTAKE uptake TAKE ELECTRIC CARS NEW BOOKS OF FORM 99999 PIOW POW ON SALE PAPER FORM 150 150Quarterly Quarterly Form in reinforced stiff covers with full index from January 1 1897 and Charts from March 18 to May 24 1897 PRICE 150 MOROCCO FORM 250 250The The same book in soft morocco special index on linen and by letter letterPRICE enterprise PRICE 250 YEARLY FORM 1500 1500Form Form by Charts in soft morocco covers from June 24 1896 to May 24 1897 with special lettered index on linen paper 1500 pages bound for everyday use PRICE 1500 FIVE MONTHS FORM 400 400Charts Charts ordinarily bound in reinforced stiff covers from January 1 toJMay stoma 24 1897 with a full index PRICE 400 FIVE MONTHS FORM 550 550The The same book as above in soft morqpco morocco covers and special lettered index on linen paper PRICE 550 THE BOOKS ARE HIGH CLASS THE INDEX IS FULL AND CORRECT READY FOR DELIVERY MAY 28th EVERYWHERE Not supplied through dealers outside Cincinnati St Louis and San Francisco agents All morocco book editions are limited All orders must be prepaid or sent COD We pay express charges chargesDaily charges Daily Racing Form Pub Co 126 5th Ave Chicago 111

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897062201/drf1897062201_4_8
Local Identifier: drf1897062201_4_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800