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CONEY ISLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 58 Mile Main Track Straightaway StraightawayAll Straightaway All Ages Allowances 3234 JClifford Clifford 7 126 9073 Gotham Goth 5 126 126900ff 900ff Harry Reed 5 126 89382Tremargo 114 114Hugh Hugh Penny 7111 8732 Orion 3 110 8771 K Ludwig 3 110 4329 Full Speed 3 110 9069 Lambent4109 8940 Hi Daddy 3 107 8639 Takanassee Tallahassee 3 105 8940 Set Fast 3 105 8409 LadyMitchell3 105 8799 Sunny Slope3106 90002EileenD 2 84 84Second Second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Allowances9001OnDeck 9001OnDeck 113 87888chultz Ill 8409 Lady Mitchell Ill 8834 Parmesan Ill 8798 Braw Lad Ill 8S9SCaldron Ill Ill9072St 9072St Nicholas Illll 9U713Arabian Ill 8834 Wolhurst Wolfhounds 110 889 2Elkins 1U9 8902 MinnieAlphonselOt Minneapolis Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances First Double Event Futurity Course 170 feet short of mile straightaway S9012Previous 129 90683 Prince Lee 122 12290023Swango 90023Swango 122 890lHamburg 122 12290703Varns 90703Varns 122 90702Bowling Brookl22 9002 Laudeman Laundryman 117 89412Mr Baiter Biter 117 9002 Briar Sweet 114 Morris entry entryFourth henceforth Fourth Race 1 14 Miles Suburban Handicap 7500 Guaranteed Guaranteed3yearolds 3yearolds and upward upward9C04Bon 9C04Bon Brush 4 123 90042Belmar 5 121 8834Howd Marin4118 81092The Winner4115 8585 Sir Walter 9 115 8942Halma 5 120 S939 Dtch Dutch Skator6108 9001 Semper Simper Ego4 106 8939 Lako Lao Shore 6 104 9C012Havoc 5 102 8939 Volley 4 99 99G G E Smith entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race58 Milo 2yoarolds Maidens Allowances 58 mile straightaway main track Wasteful 122 7879 Athanas Athena 3882 Arch Duke 122 89372Dog Town 8318 Julius Caesar 122 8155 Hairpin 122 122Decanter Decanter 122 9002 Mont dOr doer 122 8731 Olney Boloney 122 Sir Gawain Awaking 122 122Wild Wild Warrior 122 8937 Checkers 119 8835 Maximo Maxim Gomez 119 8937 Ella Daly Dally 119 8901 Colonial Dame 119 Sphinx 119 119J J A Bennett entry entrySixth entry Sixth Race 1 12 Miles 9n Turf TurfOver Turnover Over 6 Hurdles Soiling 4557 Phoebus Phoebes 5 156 90053Flushmg 16 151 9005 Brown Bed 8148 7731 Thackeray Hacker 5 145 9005 Tuxedo 6 145 90052Forget 4i 14