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WINDSOR FORM CHART CHARTWINDSOR CHARTINGS WINDSOR ONT June 12 Sixth day Windsor J9ckey Club Summer Meeting Weather showery track good first two races fair and slow afterwards Presiding Judge Geo Geol W Morgan Starter Morgan Chinn Chin QTl QT T FIEST FIST HACK 4 12 Furlongs Purse 250 2yearolds Selling v Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 98592BOB WALKER 92 3 Hi It 1 Valentine Oots Boots Bros Brows 65 21 65 21 2196763GIL 96763GIL RAY 107 2 21 23 Ross 8 J Charles 5756 9659 FLYING BESS BESTS 101 7 5 4 3n Sherland Shetland N Dyment Doyen 4846 9659 MADAM GERST GERMS 99 8 43 33 4 Bnnn Stickney Stickmen Bros Brows 4645 9464 FRANCISCA FRANCISCAN 89 9 62 7 51 Higgins J Bauer Co 12 25 12 20 209676ADA 9676ADA RUSSELL 99 5 786 Schmitt Schmidt Holloway Hollow Bros Brows 65 2 65 95 9190 DAZZLE 101 1 31 51 7 Hyle Kyle J C Tucker 8 12 8 10 9676 WILLMETER WILLAMETTE 92 4 8 6 8 Lawrence F Kelly 8 10 8 8 9676 GEO GE CARSTENS CHASTENS 92 6 999 Southard Southward Smith Watson 40 60 40 50 9626 MQSGRAVE 9510 10 10 10 Tanner T A Davis 15 30 15 25 25Time Time 24 351 491 56 56Winner Winner Ch c by Harry OFallon Fallen Our Frankie FrankiePost Frankie Post 5 minntfs mints Start fair Won all out second and third driving Bob Walker was away running He foupht fought it out the last eighth with Gil Gail Ray The latter was outgamed untamed and weakened Flying Bess Bests closed a big gap Musgrave Misgauge was as good as left leftScratched Scratched Bertha Noll Moll 101 101Overweights Overweights Overweighs Musgrave Misgauge 3 pounds Dazzle 4 Flying Bess Bests 3 9748 SECOr Sector SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St ii W 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C S6802WANGA 1U3 1 1 1 1 1H 13 L Smith TJ Edwards 6867 9660 KING ELK WOOD 1036 42 2 21 22 22 Sherland Shetland Reimy Rimy Macy Marcy 21 3 21 21 9627SUSIE B 1U3 2 6 6 4 41 3 Ross M L Seddons Speedos 3 41 3 3 9361 LITTLE BRAMBLE 103 4 21 4H 31 31 43 Bnnn English Bros Brows 12 20 12 15 9679 JUDITH C 105 5 3 3 5 5 5 Morgan HB Douglas 22165 9681 B F FLY JR 105 3 6 6 6 6 6 W Taylor H H Stover Stove 6 20 6 15 15Time Time 2Si 501 1 17 1 29i 29iWinner Winner B f 4 by Okema Kea Littlo Little Fannie FanniePost Fannie Post 13 minutes Satrt Start good Won cleverly second cleverly Wanga Wang was never in trouble Susie B and B F Fly Jr were cut off at the start Judith C was horribly ridden Susie B was interfered with often oftenScratched Scratched Beau Ideal lit TH1ED KACE34 Mile Purse J250 3yearolds and upward Selling lud laud Horses WtSt Watt M V4 34 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9661 PISA 107 2 296773QLENBOK 2 21 In 13 Shjrland Shetland J J Merdiau Media 85956575 96773QLENBOK 102 4 1 11 22 21 Valentine Geo Geol Miller 3433 9677 ROSESERY ROSES 105 3 3 33 31 32 Dyment Doyen N Dyment Doyen 5 12 5 10 7331 HARRY S 100 5 6 4 43 43 Bunn Bunny T Murphy 2 2 S5 2 9565 NANNIE NANNIES DUNN 99 7 41 5 5 5 L Smith R Rome 15 25 15 20 9877 BELLE LENORE LENORA 100 6 7766 Yancy Nancy H W Newman 25 30 20 25 9508 SIRINI SIRING 102 1 51 6 7 7 Adams E Bates 15 30 15 25 Time 25 50i 1171 1171Winner Winner B m 5 by Deceiver Delia DeliaPost Dewlaps Post 8 minutes Start good Won cleverly second with a bit to spare Pisa was under a drive the last eighth It was a weak ride on Glenbok Gemsbok Harry S was slow to get going Nannie Nannies Dunn was off badly Birini Bikini bolted at the head of the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Miss Perkins 97 97Overweights Overweights Overweighs Nannie Nannies Duun Dun 4 pounds I 975O FOURTH RACJU DRACULA l ll 6 Miles Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St X fc StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C S5692ELKIN 95 1 IB 13 13 13 it Southard Southward J H Smith 1 75 1 65 9591 BARNEY ADLER 88 5 5 5 51 3 25 Strauss J W Levy 6 6 31 4 497263WOL8KY 97263WOL8KY 93 S 41 43 3 41 31 Lawrence J A Lynch Co 6 20 6 20 209677JSIR 9677JSIR ERROL FERRO 91 7 7 7 7 6 42 Tanner J J Mordian Ordain 8 12 8 10 9726 OTHO OHO 99 6 8 8 8 7 5 Bnnn A Berry 6 10 8 10 1096782MISS 96782MISS FRANCES 99 3 6 6 6 8 6 Shorland Holland F Kelly 2 21 2 2 9681 ALVA 103 2 31 3n 42 6 7 Hyle Kyle J C Tucker 10 15 10 12 9660 HELEN H II 94 4 28 23 21 2n 8 Valentine J H Valentine 20 30 20 25 25Time Time 24 49i 1 17i 1 451 1 5Z 5ZWinner Winner Ch c 3 by Elkwood Elmwood Bullet BulletPost Bullet Post 4 minutes Start fair Won driving second driving also Elkin Welkin had all the speed Barney Adler was coming strong He cot a bad rido rio Sir Errol Ferro was badly ridden too He closed a big gap Helen H was pumped out the first part Othos Ethos race was below the notch So was Miss Francos Francs 9751 FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses W StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 1 9724 ASHLAND H 11 It IH J Healy C Kennedy 6 10 6 10 9727SPOKENA 96 1 2 2i 2 2i 211 Valentino J W Levy 85956575 9660 NOVER OVER 103 3 42 61 43 41 3 W Taylor J Hogan 15 50 15 50 5088762ELEANOR 88762ELEANOR MAC 106 2 5 6 6 5 45 Ross C Porter 2 21 85 85 8596603DISTUHBANCE 96603DISTUHBANCE III 106 5 6 42 31 31 M Bunn Bunny J Dyment Doyen 6867 9677 SWIFT 101 4 31 2 5 65 6 Lawrence J A Lynch Co 6 6 4 6 9727 SOBRIQUET 101 d 7 7 7 7 7 Shorlaud Holland T Licalzi Laical 8 12 8 10 10Time Time 251 511 118 1311 1311Winner Winner Ch g 6 by Springbok Toa Tao Rose RosePost Osseous Post 5 minutes Start good Won all out second and third under pressure Ashland lasted just long enough Eleanor Mac had no speed the first part of it Disturbance III was under a pull to the turn and then tired tiredOverweights Overweights Overweighs Eiranor Serrano Mac 5 pounds 9752 S1X1H KWJi Kiwi Short Course Purse 250 Steeplechase lursea lure V t bt 3 68 lu lli Elli Fin Jockeys Owora Hooray O H L C 979KhOTHER BOB148 1 2 35 3211 14 115 Moxley Morley J Dyment Doyen 1 75 1 75 962y 1I1TLE NELL 125 31 13 12 30 o 2 o CWilliams Williams W J Smith 6 10 6 10 09 tlPLEWORTH 138 5 6 42 420 340 3m Crocker G Elliott Elliottf2 2 3 2 3 9572 lit AN ADA ADAM 141 2 298f f2 5 1 4 4 Johnson J P Sherman 3433 98f MAEi MAE NET i 11 6 3 ir 21 31 5 5 Stewart i Ellic Elli Elliott J 3 2 3 966 HI KURI KUR1 URI 130 4 4i 4i 4 4r Lost rid r Pitirco Pithier B BW1 BW1i W Long 6867 i i iTipiea npieU Taipei pie ici id ii bfttiug bottiug befitting booting bfttiugVr befitting Tinin Tinting 3 5 5Vr Vr H t g h i V y Kii Kiwi Kiii i Tiob Toby KosabUf KosabUfO O t b cik ck Srjif Serif t1 Wuj ttuid tumid vip ssrad assured rasify gasify Bob ed his ccmj cm Noll Moll fioished finished strong She was beaten for speed merely