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ST LOUIS ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling96032Juanita 96032Juanita 3 93 9433 Chepnta Chen 3 93 9675 J Stouffer 3 95 4806 Gallile Goalie 3 96 9641 Botanic 3 98 9717 Lizzie Tizzies II 4 102 10296022Ruse 96022Ruse dOr doer 4 102 9503 Sugar 4 102 9637 AmeliaFouso4102 4176 Groganotte Roanoke H 102 9285 Tom Rutter5106 9637 Neutral 5 106 9603 Earl Bug 4 107 9602 Hill Billy 3 107 960l2Talequah 5 112 112Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 9579 BrightieB Brighten 91 9579 Glenora Lenora Leo 91 9437 Soven Oven Slippers 91 9579 Emma Jeuo Juno 91 9579 Easy Stride 91 9158 Scritea Scrota 91 9672 Katie Kutherfd Luther 91 Blitbeful Blameful 96 9697222Nightgown 97222Nightgown 96 9872 Nora S 106 9672 Marzella Mazola 106 97182B of Memphis 106 106Third Third Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling 9317 Candy 3 89 9581 LBritannic3 89 9719 Nylic3 91 9602 Gar Bipple3 91 9434 The Planet3 94 9719 Uncle Pat 3 94 9717 Parole d0r3 94 97192Moralist 3 94 9637 Hot Stuff 4 102 9719 Newhonse4 104 9719 Uridgetonl4104 9729 Braw Scot 8 106 9605 Tom Elmoro6106 Fovirth Fourth Kaca Kaka 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances96i92Gieyburst 96i92Gieyburst 3j 92 9675Bridgot 5 95 9604 H S Tobacco3 95 9638 Garland Bar 4 97 9639 GustaveCook 4100 4100Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9605 3ackville3 84 97342Astrada3 84 9721 Tin Cup 3 89 967l3Qlad Eyes 3 89 8995h33AB 95h33AB C 4 102 9605Donation4 104 9719 Black riilk rill 5 104 Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingI Selling I 9603 Polly HattonS Phaetons 93 61713Mi s Verne 3 99 9994H13Onr 94H13Onr Bishop 3 101 9501 Elsie D 4 102 1 964i3Siddabia 4 102 8944Dewdrop l4l 102 9375 Robair3 104 9871 May Galop Gallop 1 4 1105 9352 Travis 4 107 7326 Shifildboaren5109 1 9I21Dick Bohan5112 98753Nicholas 4 113