St. Louis Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-07-13


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ST LOUIS FORM GHART HART GHARTST HARTS ST LOUIS MO July 12 Fiftieth day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judgo Judo Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chiun Chin O T O Q f 1KST ttOE toe l Mile Purso Purrs 300 3yeurolds and upward Selling In i Horses Wt St Vi 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 9498 HINDA HIND 104 6 5 3 34 IH 1 1 Peterman Letterman G C Moahier Maher 8 20 8 15 15NLankford 9719 PKTER PIKER HILL 109 7 62 41 21 22 28 W Dean NLankford Manfred 3 5 3 44 44ACahn 901 SUMO 109 9 11 9 41 3 33 Foucon Soupcon ACahn Arcane 10 15 8 10 9319 VIRGINIA M 102 12 9 8 8949b3WHlTTIE 51 43 Webster L 10L H Kuhs Kuhn Co 4 5 4 44 949b3WHlTTIE 102 3 33 5 596il 5a 5n 44 56 Robo Robot H 44H Ripple Co 8 12 8 10 10P 96il MASTER CHARLEY102 102 2 1 IH 2 7 8 6 Reidy Reid P Grogan Groan Co 25 30 20 25 9496 IRISH CHIEF II 107 5 41 6 69t5 8 7 7 Ashley D Hoover 15 25 15 20 9t5 i SIRENIA IRENA 102 11 12 11 10 9 8 Lawton W H Leigh 15 30 15 25 9602 JIM HE4D 106 I 24 1 194t9 34 6 9 Aker Baker E Rodgers Co 15 30 15 25 94t9 TIM IRVEN IRVIN 104 4 7 7 79H3NASUV1LLE 9 10 10 Bonner Boner E Bertonniere Brownie 15 30 IB 25 9H3NASUV1LLE 104 10 10 12 126U 12 11 11 A Johnson W Montgomery 12 15 12 12 6U ZEND END AVESTA VESTAL 104 8 8 10 11 12 12 MacJoynt Macon D J Lewis 15 30 15 25 M42 KIVEBSIDE KNIVES PARK 1C6 13 13 13 13 13 13 Gilmore Lowry Lowery Tanner 25 40 20 30 96 BRAW SCOT 106 Left at the post C Slaughters Schreiber 24 3 2 2 Time 25 514 1 034 1 174 1 43t DisplayPost Display Winner 43tWinner B m 5 by Hanover Display Post 12 minutes Start bad Won handily second and third driving Virginia M ran the best race from where she got off Sumo is improving Jim Hoad Hoard showed speed So did Whittio Whittier Hindas Hinds performance was a surprise Overweights Overweighs surpriseOverweights surprise Peter Hill 5 pounds 9730 SJ SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 Vs fc StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9t533ARDATH 102 2 41 3i 21 23 13 J Mathews F Lewis 2 115 65 85 9717 MINERVA 112 5 54 5 41 4 2i W Daan Dan StringerStewart Stringers 3534 9516 JOE HART 104 4 24 12 li 1 3 Foucon Soupcon W Mulkoy Milky 10 15 8 12 9637 HIDAGO HIDALGO 109 11 10 8 8 7 4i Willinghm Willing L W Hoyt Hot Co 6 8 6 7 88962NICOLINI 108 10 32 2i 34 34 58 Freeman P TomlinsonCo Complaisance 24 34 115 3 97193 JACK BRADLEY 106 9 9 7 7 62 6 Parram Para FosterBrnmfleldlS 15 10 12 9581 CHISWELL CHISEL 109 3 61 61 64 8 7 J Jackson P Ahearn Hear 20 30 20 25 9602 CASS 109 1 11 41 5n F M Arthur 40 50 30 40 8738 DAISY BOLANDER BLANDER 102 7 10 10 10 9 J Clark E Porter 25 60 25 SO 9390 JUDGE DE BOUSE BLOUSE 104 6 7 9 9 9 10 Webster Thornton Horton Co 15 20 12 15 91093BRAVO 1591093BRAVO 104 13 13 12 12 11 11 Reidy Reid R R Rice 40 60 40 60 9409iAL 609409iAL MILES 106 12 12 11 11 12 12 Gilmore G Flanagan Flange 50 60 40 50 9637 LEGION 104 8 11 13 13 13 13 Booker W H Babb Bbb 60 75 60 60 Time 60Time 25 51 1 03 1 171 1 43 WinuerCh Weiner 43WinuerCh f 4 by Sensation Astor AstorPost Sternpost Post 6 minutes Start fair Won easily second ridden out Nicolinis Nicotinic party backed him and he ran a good race but not good enough to win Ardath Marathi was much the best Hidago Hidalgo ran a good race He finished strong Watch him Joe Hart lasted longer than usual His race is about threequarters treasurers Cass is getting good and can win in the mud Chiswell Chisel is too cunning for reliabilityScratched reliability reliability Scratched Tom Elmore Elmo 108 108Overweights Overweights Overweighs Nicoliui Nichol 2 pounds 9731 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Parse 300 2yoarolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St yt Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 96723SORROW 107 2 32 jJ2 p jz CSlaughterB Slaughter Schreiber 35 35 25 25 9670AFRA 259670AFRA 101 4 6 5 43 2n Stevens E Richardson 5858 9722 ST ALPHONSES ALPHORNS D 101 5 8 24 32 3n Lynch F M Arthur 20 80 20 80 9606 DS COOP 105 1 In ft 14 H Britton Briton J Huffman 6 10 6 8 9413 DIM ETALIST REALIST 105 6 54 4 6 53 A Johnson W VV Darden Arden 60 80 60 75 9584SANTA 759584SANTA ROSA H 105 3 4 7 7 6 Foucon Soupcon O G Parke Parker 6 10 6 8 WHITE LEAF 101 7 76 5 75 W Dean C M Barrow 60 75 60 60 9437 KINGS PON PONT 105 8 9998 Groeno Green T B Watts 50 75 50 60 9137 ALLiE Sallie B 101 1 24 8 7 9 G Combs Bishop Co 25 40 20 30 9579 LITTLE GALLANT 101 10 11 11 11 10 Lawton G S Barry 50 69 40 50 9584 DONALDAY DONALD 1074 9 10 10 10 11 Hiokey Hokey J J Jeffries Refries 60 80 60 75 75Timo Timo Timor 25i 51 1034 109 Winner BroookPost 109Winner B f by Fanstus Fasts Belle Broook Post 3 minutes Start fair Won eased up the next three were driving hard Allie Sallie B and Donalday Donald were off badly Sorrow was much the best Dr Coop tired Afra Affray finished strong and true St Alphonses Alphorns D ran a creditable race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Miss Impudence 101 Fioriae Florae Bush 101 Howitzer 104 Trix Tri II 101 Montedo Mounted nico nice 104 104Overweights Overweights Overweighs Donalday Donald 24 pounds 9732 FOURTH EACE ACE l ililo Ilion Purse 300 3jearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M W M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 97212TR1LBY 102 2 32 54 64 3a 11 J Mathews BensonArthrUo85 3 8524 9641 LELAS LEAS CUCKOO 9 1 12 H 13 14 21 Stevens J Whitten Whiten 3 3 2 24 9673 ZARINA CZARINA 89 3 4 ° 3 34 53 31 Kitley Kirtle A C Bernays Betrays 4634 9871 BASQUIL BASQUE 54 4 44 4 4 CunninghmT Cunningham J McHale Chalet 25 50 25 40 9386INFLAMMATOR 94677765C Combs F Philips 3 44 34 44 9674 RUSSELLA RUSSELL 89 5 6 6 S 7 6 Rector D A Honig Hong 12 20 12 15 9637 WON SUELLA STELLA 102 4 2 21 24 24 7 Rebo Reebok W Mnlkey Monkey 15 40 15 30 7912 DR PITTS PITS 86 7 8 8 8 8 8 Alaric Balearic ERRodgers Derringers 60 80 60 75 Time 75Time 254 514 11741434 11741434Winner Winner AnnapolisPost Annapolis Ch f 4 by Springbok Annapolis Post 8 minutes Start straggling Won ridden out second driving and all out Trilby was cut off several times She finished strong and was pounds the best Basquil Basque was off badly and ridden with little judgment Lolas Lola Cuckoo tired at the finish Consuella Consular ran well for three quarters Dr Pitts Pits was in his own way Scratched Ultima Ultimo 84 9733 FIP FLIP FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 All ages Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt Vt StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C 96033 ELSIE BARNES 95 2 34 24 2 1 C Combs OG Parke Parker 75857585 9641ST 758575859641ST AUGUSTINE 110 1 12 15 IB 01 Hinkey Hinkle T Van Studdiford Studio 1 85 1 75 9552 FERRIS HARTM HARM AN 167 3 41 42 3 32 CSlaughterE Slaughter Slaughter 6 10 6 8 97223LIEBE ROSE 7748 8 8 8 48 Kitley Kirtle J W Schorr Scorer Son 8 12 8 1ft i 9390 BILL DAWDY DOWDY 103 4 OH 51 44 54 W Dean Bishop Co 12 30 12 20 8652 JOE BAILEY 107 7 7 7 68 6 J Lynch W G Bates 40 60 40 50 9355 RIALTO 110 5 62 6 5 76 Laughlin Laughing W M McClinton Acclimation 60 75 60 60 3208 MINNIE W 105 6 24 3H 7 8 Webster P Grogan Groan 40 75 40 60 Time 60Time 244 50 1024 116 Winner 116Winner Br f 3 by Barnes Mnry Nary B BPost Post Post 4 minutes Start good Won ridden out second and third doing their host Lieba Libra Rose ran the best race from where she got off Forris Farris Hartman and St Augustino Augustine tired in the stretch The others were outclassed Forris Farris Hartman finished strong Scratched strongScratched Gold Top 100 Nick Carter 100 Ursula 105 Voldora Older 107 Overweights Overweighs 107Overweights Liebe Glebe Rose 34 pounds Bill Dawdy Daddy 4 9734 tilXTJ tilt tACE ACE l Mile Purso Purrs 300 3yearolds and npward upward Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9673 MADELINE 104 1 22 24 12 114 Garner M P Mattingly Matting 2 3 2 24 96742ASTRADA 89 6 4 3 K 3i 22 214 Frost E A Meyers Meyer Co 4 5 34 4 S674 BELVADELL BLADE 94 4 31 51 5H41 31 Kitley Kirtle ACahn Arcane 4 5 34 5 903DSQUIRE G 104 7 7 6 41 68 415 Foncon Fronton P Tomlinson Tompkins Co55 95 65 85 9548 HAWTHORNE 114 3 6 7 6 61 5 CSlaughter Slaughter B Scbreiber Schreiber 15 SO 15 25 9721 H H GARDNER 102 2 12 H IH 3 6 JMatthews Matthews W A Kirwan Iran 20 25 15 20 9480 LONGTIME 99 5 51 4 7 7 7 Webster J S OBrien O'Brien 15 30 15 25 25Time 434Winner Time 25 51i 1 1 4 1 434 Winner ColusaPost Coleus Ch m 5 by Keone Keene Colusa Coleus Post 4 minutes Start good Won easily Tho Theo next two were hard at it Squiro Squire G had little or no speed but finished strong Madeline was the best Astrada Amstrad ran a good race Bolvadell Blade is a plodder doScratched dispatched Helen H Gardner stopped when tho thou real racing began Hawthorne will hardly do Scratched Tin Cup 94 Forsythe Forsythia 91

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Local Identifier: drf1897071301_3_5
Library of Congress Record: