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BRIGHTON BEACH ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9535 Deerslayor Deerfly 5 116 961633alvable 5 107 9384 Ed Kearney 6 106 96942Sunup 5 106 9314 Refugee 4 103 8582 Passover 3 ICO CO 9608Domitor 3 96 9232 Emotional 4 96 9691 Petrel 3 91 8406 Loch Glyn Lyn 3 89 89second second Race 58 Mne Mme 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Newbnry Newburg 112 9642 Olney Boloney 112 9068 Mr Hunt 112 Spencer 112 94412Dog 11294412Dog Town 112 9697 Tyrian Tyrant 112 8833 Vigonta Virginal 112 Merlin 112 9642 Decanter 112 Spinwell Pinwheel 112 9513 The Dipper 112 Blissful 109 9330 Regie Reggie May 109 Tulano Tulane 1U9 9380 Inspection 109 94414Syrinx 1C9 1C9Third Third Race 1 116 Miles MilesTho Milestone Tho Theo Nautilus Stakes 3yearolds Allowances Allowances92842Divide 92842Divide 121 98962Ronssolaer 121 1219741Chnm 9741Chnm 114 9537 Sunny Slope 109 9511 Templestowe Tempest 96 98112Firosido 91 91Pourtb Pourtb Port Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and npward upward Allowances Allowances9610FlyDntchn5112 9610FlyDntchn5112 9643 Premier 4 110 9535 Doerslayer Desolater 5 109 9646TCromwoll4109 8703 Manchester 5 104 9694sSnnup 5 104 9696 UrSheppard3102 9609Lincoln II 3 97 9796432aotFast 96432aotFast 3 87 9646 Cromwell 4 104 104Fiftai Fiftai Fifties Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling 96973Sly Fox 117 969723wango 9000 1079533EueenD Storm Queen 109 914l4DontCaro 107 9533EueenD 104 104Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds aud Maud npward upward Selling SellingOrmont Selling Ormont Mormon 3 120 9611 Bonhomme1 4 115 9645 Elkha3 112 GroonJacket3107 9611 Kinvarra Invariant 3 107 Nedjed Needed 3 105 9438 Michael G 3 104 4134 Motorman310l 8156 King Bon 3 104 91382 Klepper Leper 3 l t 9611 Simonian Simon 3 104 9394 Manassoa Manson 104 9072 Eastertide 3 102 9603 Mahoney 3 102 102Blazowood 876SDianasDhtr3102 Blazowood Blackwood 4 104 Em 3 112