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TULLY COULTERS YEARLINGS YEARLINGSAs Yearlings As usual Tally Coulter has named his year ¬ lings with taste and euphy zephyr He has ten to launch on the racing sea of 1893 Here is the list recently filed with Registrar James E Wheeler of The Jockey Club ClubNew Columbine New Woman b f 9027 by Dandie Dandier Dinmont Dumont Miss Dawson DawsonGuatemoc Dawson Guatemoc Guatemala b c 9021 by Jim Gore AuroralV Aurora AuroralVSpectral Spectral b c 9055 by Jim Gore Gliding GlidingPhidias Gliding Phidias Ophidians b c 9045 by Jim Gore Galatea Gallanted GalateaCuirassier Cuirassier b c 9J37 by Bersan Berman Eanetto Jeanette EanettoAntiquary Antiquary ch c 8957 by Dandie Dandier Ditimont Diction tiyda tidal tiydaSun tides Sun God ch c 8754 by Terra Cotta Sun ¬ shine shinePrincess sheerness Princess Flo Floe b f 8756 by Prince fioyal foal Florence E EEiches Beeches Eiches Riches br f 8745 by Burlington Treasure Trove TroveWhite Trove White Pine b f 9026 by Eolo Elmo Lightwood LightwoodMr Lightwood Mr Coulter goes to the richest of sources jQjiterature for his nomenclature Guatemoc Guatemala is the second hero in Haggards Haggard Montezumas Montezuma Daughter Guatemoc Guatemala was Monteznmas Montezuma son and a sun worshiper The name is suggested by the dam Aurora IV Gliding is the natural hint for Spectral and Phidias Ophidians the Grecian sculptor and Pygmaleon Pygmalion and Galatea Gallanted easily and intelli Intel ¬ gently suggests the Jim Gore Galatea Gallanted fillys fills cognomen Theres Theresa militaryism militarism about Bersan Berman Hence the Eanette Jeanette colts name Cuirassier The scholastic hint through Dandie Dandier Dinmont Dumont evi Levi ¬ dently dentally created Now Woman after Blue Stocking and Governess were found to have been pre ¬ empted Sir Walter Scotts Scots novel couples An ¬ tiquary tributary with the suggestion through Dandie Dandier Dinmont Dumont and Gyda Yd The Terra Gotta Ota Sunshine colt is aptly named Sun God and the filly by Burlington Treasure Trove is to be well known as Eiches Riches Col Cool W S Barnes bred and named White Pine and her name suggests Lightwood her dam Mr Coulters sister prettily named the Prince Eoyal Royal Florence filly Princess Flo Floe