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ST bOUIS bOIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO Sept 16 One Hundred and seventh day St Louis Fair Association Summer Mooting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge JOB A Murphy Starter O C Chinn Chin I T O O FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 3JO 3yearolas and upward Selling Inci Vinci Horses Wt St M Ji StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C I 1441 BILL DAWDY DOWDY 103 8 814692MI 14 1 15 13 Phillips Bishop Co 6 10 6 8 14692MI S BRAMBLE 103 4 413052JOHN 55 22 23 23 Clairmont Claremont TE Davis 3 4 3 3i 13052JOHN CORBIN CORING 103 ft 22 3H 32 32 C Murphy W E Brasfield Bayfield 15 30 10 25 80 THE ILIAD 106 1 SH 4 44 46 Parram Para J T Stewart 20 50 20 40 1364 L T CATON CATO 103 7 61 64 7 54 Gilmore DW Kelly 3 4 3 34 1472 HAZEL GREEN 103 3 4s E4 65 64 Combs Gil Gail Curry 6867 1472 TAGO AGO 103 10310 10 10 7 8 73 Snell Smell E A Meyers Meyer Co 6 10 6 8 8999 TEMPESTA TEMPEST 103 10312 12 12 11 11 8 Southard Southward W C La Rue Co 20 60 20 50 915 GLEE BOY 112 9 9 10 10 9 Stevens G W Scott 40 75 40 60 936 ORDERLY 103 10311 It 11 12 12 10 Webster P Corrigan 30 60 30 50 936 ORGAN PILOT 108 6 89 51 11 Hinkoy Inky C E Muenshaw Mensal 10 20 10 12 1193 WILD WHST HAST 105 1054 2 7 8 9 12 R Jones C E Mahone Mahoney 6 10 6 8 1251 OUR CLIMATE 109 10913 13 13 13 13 13 Jenkins D A Houig Housing 50 60 50 60 60Time 174Winner Time 25 504 1 174 bailPost bailout Winner Ch g 3 by Renown Buttei Butte bail Post 11 minutes Start fair Won easily second cleverly It was a bad lot Bill Dawdy Daddy spreadeagled prearranged his field He showed a return to the form which made him a good fast twoyear twofer old Miss Bramble was ridden none ton well She had no chance to beat the winner though Scratched Princess Nyanza Nana 103 Uncle Abb Abby 102 Overweights Overweighs Organ Pilot 5 pounds Wild West 24 1533 SECOND KACE ACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St y Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1347 SIR JOS JOSE LISTER LITER 103 1 24 3i 23 is Frost A C Ueruays Eras 20 3q 10 12 1122 KING ZELDA 100 8 811473K 7 7 5 21 Southard Southward J F Grefer Refer 6 10 5 7 11473K RUTHERFORD 103 3 IH 12 33 C Murphy HopksRthrfdlO Hoopskirt 15 5 6 1468 WHITE LEAF 100 11 1114682MEL 9 S 7 44 Snell Smell C M Barrow 10 12 10 12 14682MEL BURN HAM 108 5 51267JUDGE 64 64 43 54 Hinkey Hinkle J Cochran 4635 1267JUDGE NAPTON NATO 103 7 714433CHARLOTTE 31 22 SH 61 Jenkins D A Houig Housing 4 10 4 8 14433CHARLOTTE M ICO CO 9 912U3KINGS 10 9 9 71 Combs C Young 3 10 8 10 12U3KINGS PON PONT 103 13 11 12 10 8 Gilmore T B Watts 8 15 8 12 1468 DECAPO DECAPODS 103 10310 10 101367JALBERT 12 11 11 9 Stevens Gil Gail Curry 12 3U 12 25 251367JALBERT 1367JALBERT C 1 106 6 61470CLARA 8 10 12 10 Phillips N Lankford Sanford 4847 48471470CLARA 1470CLARA C II 104 4 51 54 64 11 Webster MahoneBrmyer5 746 412 GRIFFON 100 10012 12 1214132MYRTIE 13 13 13 12 Mitchell Marion Morgan 12 30 10 20 2014132MYRTIE 14132MYRTIE 1054 2 4u 4n 8 13 R Jones W T Cannon 6756 6756Time Time 2rt 514 1 04i 04iWinner KelleyPost Kelley Winner Ch c by Wood Moss Lady Kelley Post 4 minutes Start fair Won easily second handily Sir Joseph Lister Blister was the best He raveled in the going Katie Rutherford had no excuses King Zelda closed strong So did White Leaf LeafScratchedBlithefnl ScratchedBlithefnl Scratched 100 Lord Neville 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs Melviu Melvin Burnham Burma 2 pounds Clara C II 4 1534 THIRD RACE 1 115 Miles Purse 5300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vt Si StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 1446 CECIL 96 4 44 33 3 32 11 Combs S K Hughes Co 3 4 3 34 34131C3JOC 131C3JOC OSOT SOOT 9641 14 1 1 1 2 Gilmore C B Campbell 4 4 3 34 1471 JUDGE STEADMAN101 3 55 44 4 43 31 Snell Smell R E Meddox Maddox 24 34 24 3 1365 REUBEN ROWETT ROWE 87 2 2 24 22 24 43 Frost C E Muenshaw Mensal 4 5 4 44 44144J 144J GLADYS II 91 5 6 51 58 55 55 Stevens J R Baeley Bailey 6857 1442 AMBER GLINTS 99 6 7 7 66 610 615 Mitchell M Shields 4545 1446 QUEEN SAFIE SAFE 94 8 3 64 7 7 7 Southard Southward J D Lucas 12 15 10 12 1103 ROYAL CHOICE 104 788888 Webster G C Bennett 524Winner Barred in betting Time 25 514 1 05t 1 174 1 454 1 524 Winner Ch f 4 by Bramble Mary Conroy Cory Post i minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving Cecil was the best Combs let letReuben Entebbe Reuben Rowett Rowe and Joe OSot SOot run their heads off in front He then came on and won as he hepleased Nepalese pleased Judge Steadman Seaman hafl half no excuses Queen Sane had speed for a half milev mile Gladys II IIran Iran ran her race Scratched Al Miles 99 Helen H Gardner 99 RoyalChoice Royal Overweights Overweighs Cecil 2 pounds Joe OSot SOot 24 Judge Steadman Seaman 2 Gladys II 2 Royal Choice 2 1535 FOURTH KA Jli Julia 7H Mile Purse 30J 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1444TRUXILLO 101 3 31 33 26 INK 12 Combs I Cook 44451235 444512351497JTRAGEDY 1497JTRAGEDY 99 1 14 U IH 2i 22 Gilmore J A Johnson 2 4 95 34 341472NICK 1472NICK CARTER 106 4 4 2i 310 315 311 Snell Smell J Hatchett Hatchet 5 10 4 10 1014182ARDATH 14182ARDATH 109 2 2n 4 4 4 4 Hinkey Hinkle WRSnyder 4 7 34 5 Time 121 25i 51 1 04 1 174 1 31i 31iWinner Winner B c 3 by Aretino Retina Miss Leon LeonPost Lentos Post 1 minute Start good Won in a gallop second easily Truxillo Trujillo was much the best He is a good horse right now particularly in mellow going Tragedy hung on better than usual She was stopping at the end however Had Nick Carter been able to get through he might have been second Ardath Marathi was at sea in the going FIFTH RACE 4 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances 1536 InU In Horses Wt St U y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 1413EMP JOSEPHINE 95 3 22 28 2 IH Combs J S OBrien O'Brien 2 24 9524 95241416B 1416B OF MEMPHIS 110 2 12 13 12 Hinkey Hinkle T J McHale Chalet 45854575 1445 TEWANDA TEAMED 95 4 51043 33 3 Gilmore E A Meyers Meyer Co 12 25 10 20 2014452LY 14452LY OF THE WEST 110 5 4n 5 E 48 Snell Smell E Scott 4847 1413 BONNIE 1ONE 95 1 36 33 41 52 Frost J Cochran 12 30 10 20 1445 GUIDE ROCK 95 6 6666 Southard Southward F W Johnson 4 8 4 5 Time 25 5Ci l03i 117 117Winner Winner B f by Tenny Teeny Mattie Stanley StanleyPost Stanley Post 8 minutes Start fair The first four were driving hard It was a battle royal The weight anchored Belle of Memphis She ran her race and was well ridden Guide Rock was slow to break Lady of the West out of it the first quarter Closed like a tigress Tewanda Teamed also fin ¬ ished dished strong Bonnie lone showed some speed speedScratched speeds Scratched School Girl 95 Ismene Immense 911 Loving Cup 105 1537 SIXTH RACE a4 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling ad Horses Wt St K V4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C I 1417 JUAN1TA 93 1 1 16 15 18 Frost G W Scott 5534 1443 TERRIER 107 2 7 24 23 25 Hinkey Hinkle B Schreiber 10 30 8 30 1073 ADDIE CADDIE BUCHANAN 99 3 5 4i 33 33 Stevens W fl McLemore Clamored 10 20 8 15 1443 JOE HART 104 7 8 64 54 44 Phillips W Mulkey Mule 6766 1350 I OMM COMM Y RUTTER UTTER 101 4 23 33 4 52 Snell Smell BensnArthnrCo6 766 76614463CAN 14463CAN 1 SEE EM 93 8 9 8 7 64 C Murphy SimmsDthridge 4 5 4 44 1016 ZARINA CZARINA 93 5 64 9 62 74 Andrews A C Bernays Betrays 15 40 15 30 301469HANO 1469HANO BELLE 104 9 34 51 9 8 Gilmore Brninpbrdman2 2 952 9527713TAYA 7713TAYA HARRIS 96 6 10 10 10 9 Combs H T Batchelor Bachelor 15 25 15 20 2014432AQUARELLA 14432AQUARELLA 98 10 12Time 4 7 8 10 Southard Southward T A Gay Co 6 15 8 12 Time 244 51 1 034 1 174 174Winner Winner B f 3 by Galore Druideos Derides DruideosStart Rudest Start fair Won easily second cleverly Juanita Junta off flying was never bothered Hano Hanoi Belle was not able to keep her position Terrier liked the going Aquarella Aquarelle bolted at the head of the stretch Tommy Rutter Ruttier had some speed The winner was bid up 300 by A C Bernays Betrays Scratched BernaysScratched Queen Lab 93 Cutaway 102 Hester 104 Neutral 104 Hush 109 109Overweights Overweights Overweighs Tommy Rutter Ruttier 2 pounds Tava Cava Harris 3