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ENRIQHT ENRICH CO Commissions Accepted on ail Races Satisfaction Guaranteed DADTJOI DIATOMIC ORrAn OrAn II ADC DC FURNISHED ON APPLICATION BY LETTER OR rAn IJUULAno Julian TELEGRAPH TELEGRAPHADDRESS TELEGRAPHED ADDRESS EN RIGHT CO COCINCINNATI CINCINNATI O 15 MILES FROM ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH WABASHBARNEY WABASH BARNEY SCHREIBERS SCHREIBER MOPELFARM MOPELFARMTHE THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD BLOODr BLOOD r ri TI EJT ET VF rUUL rule VFrUUL Ferrule bflUI fluid BY MUSKETSLANDER MUSKETS Ithnriol flthuriol Thrill lothario Touchstone by Camel 3 Longbow 4 Verbena by Velociped Velocipede 3 sire of Fende Fend Joie Miss MissBowe Miss Bowe Bowen j Catton Canton by Golumpus Olympus I Tranbys Standbys dam by Orville L f Pantaloon j Castrel Wastrel by Buzzard j Buzzardj Buzzard LLogerdemam Logged Czarwitch Czarist 4 Udalia Dahlia by Peruvian 01 f Decoy Decoy FilVinrlnPrifo Kir Kirk WrOiVor Rover f Melbourne I Humphrey Humph Clinko Clink byC bC West Australian Cervantes byCCervantes mare Derby and St Leger Leer Mowerina Mower Touchstone by Camel i Emma by Whisker f Camel Whalebone by Waxy LBrownBass Brownness 33 i Selim Slim mare W ° Daughter of ofCanteen locate Canteen ftajkj Taj jrupu rumpus uy vvuxy vu Calendar Imported Castania Castaneda vvuxyCastania by Gohanna Ghana Hambletonia Hamilton j HarmonicabyHmbletnian Harmonica StamfordbyPleniptentiaryHarmonicabyHmbletnian StamfordbyPleniptentiary fTros Afros Imported Importedt Imported Priam Pram by Emilias Emilio Cassandra Ally by Partisan t Alice Grey Gray Rons Irons Emigrant by Pioneer Gulnareby Glare YonngGohanna The Colonel J Whisker by Waxy Capapie Crappie Imported Delpini Delphinium mare Sister to Cactus Sultan by Selim Slim Duchess of York by Waxy Dover Touchstone TouchstoneI Touchstone Bell Brand I VerbosaJ Verbose Verbosa Verbose veroosa versos J ciiii j Skilhinda Skirling Sallie Brass Imported BRIPGETON BRIDGETOWN MO Leighs Sleighs Portable Stalls StallsCheap Stalls Cheap 5afe Sensible Comfortable OWNERS AND TRAINERS When you Bhip Hip your horsea horse aak Pak Express Company to stall your car with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable Stall aojastabla adjustable to any car thus securing absolute safety to your horses whilo while in transit without additional cost to the shipper ae express companys company furnish them free of coat to yon They dont don't deface the car when adjusted and can be set up in thirty minutes for any number of horses to 24 in double door baggage car Express companies can procure stalls by applying to THOS ETHOS McFADDBN Mgr 80 ELM ST STCINCINNATI CINCINNATI O 51WUSTI6LE K09S STALLS FIT ASY ASHY CAR u