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WINDSOR ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track good First Race 5 12 Funoners Gunners Funoners3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses W t t14313The 14313The Diplomat 105 1431 Braxey Brae 102 1339 Booker Burns 102 15C4 Quaver 102 1339 Gew Grew Gaw Gawk H2 1507 La Princessa Princess 102 1407 Senator Quay 105 1431 Jean Bart 105 10515092Beuzetta 15092Beuzetta 105 1341 Trivoli Tripoli 102 1509 Overflow 102 1344 Winsome 102 1509 Merry Chimes 105 1407 Harry S 105 1370 Reformation 102 102Second Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt14302Spnnwell 14302Spnnwell 99 1342 Scraps 99 1505 Hazel Martyn Smarty 95 1433 Beguile 99 15053 Black Will 99 143Q3Florie 96 20 Dorothy W 103 501 Hovoler Hooker 106 1508 Nikola Nicola Tesla 91 1484 Talliwanda Italian 99 1505 Lord Farandole Farad 99 1505 Willmeter Willamette 102 1508 Tally Ho 99 15083Frosty 96 1464 Merry Glen 97 1340 Rosa Duke 99 1464 Laverna Laver 102 102Third Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 961 Wolsey Wools 6 107 1506 Miss Perkins A7i 07 1545 Blasco Blanco 5 107 1373 Tutuilla Attila flTM7 1545 Buckeye 5 107 787 Dockstader Dockside 6107 654 BaalGad4 107 1432 High Tide 114107 1463 F Jaubert Jabber 4 107 1411 Chiquita Circuital 5 107 Fourth Raca Racal 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances nd Horses W t Ind Indo Horses Wirt Wit 13712Tea Roee Roe 1113 92 1339 Glen Albyn Abby 3 85 13703Gladioli 4 95 1466 Jen Jean June6102 June61021507Midlight 1507Midlight 3 92 157 Ray B 3 92 1435 BBrowning4 95 9662 NaughtyGirl3 92 1435 Lady Juliet3 85 85First First Race 5 12 Fnrlonffs Furlongs Fnrlonffs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 1370 Nemaha Emma 5 105 15093Longbrook 6 105 1302 Gleudaga Glued 5 105 461 Narcissus 41C5 413 Pr Proverb 3 97 362 Cralo Carlo 3 97 1509 Sunshine 3 105 1407 Sieplinde Sideline 3 97 1344 St Rupert 3 97 1431 DadsDKhtr4105 139 Hollywood 6 105 1431 Muriel T4 105 15C9 Lit Bramble4105 1368 Ruthven Ruthenium 5 108 1302 Demirep Demure 4 105 1509 War Club 3 97 1368 Edith 6 105 307 Pisa 5 105 1509 Dixie Lee 4 105