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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL October 38 Thirtythird Thirty day Harlem Jockey Club Autumn Meeting Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Eichard Richard Dwyer Timer J E Gushing 2378 FIEST FIST BACE ACE 34 Mile Purse 400 All ages Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vz M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 22692UDAH 92 2 2 2K 23 12 T Burns H W Pitcher 1 1 710910 23322MAEY WILL H I 12 28 Kitley Kirtle BensonArthrCo7 12 7 12 23323ALVAS PET 51 42 42 3 C Clay HMulholland Multiplan 10 15 10 12 23153MON BIJOU 6 8 6K 4 Clay TW Coulter 6 10 6 10 23152HENEY OEMSBY OEMS 104 IK 4ii 53 51 52 Morrison Orison Goo McFadden 6867 2269 BOB GAENET GENET 87 6 3 33 32 6H Slack Miller Finch 12 25 12 25 2332 BEEWELL BEDEW 87 7 911 9 8 75 Knight P M Civill Civilly 20 40 20 40 2193 NANNIE NANNIES DAVIS 92 9 72 6 91 83 Lawrence D Waldo Weald 5656 2269 ME EASTIN EASTON 89 12 12 lOHlOi Lolo 95 Donaldson Donald J DeLong Belong 20 40 20 40 2332 JENNIE GOTTA GLOTTAL 87 5 8 72 71 105 v H MartinW Martin G Brion Briton Jr 20 20 12 12 1034 JESS 102 11 112 112 H41125 J Woods T Harrison 20 20 12 12 2315 WOLFGANG 105 lO 40Time 1012 12 12 Narvaez Larvae H Stover Stove 20 40 20 40 Time 241 49i 102 115 Winner 115Winner BarnesPost Barnes Br f 2 by Longfish Longish Maria Barnes Post 2 minutes Start good Won hand ridden and staggering Tho Theo others wore doing their best Mary Will had the speed of the party but used it too soon She was swerving alliojer allover the track at the finish Udah Judah was best handled Burns waited long and patiently with her and made his run in tho thou last sixteenth Mon Bijou 9ff poorly and interfered with often finished strong Nannie Nannies Davis and Jennie Cotta were obliged to pull up on the back stretch Throw their races out Bob Garnet showed considerable speed under light weight Morrison Orison punished Henry Ormsby Moresby hard all the way Wolfgang was badly cut down and pulled up on three legs Ifc Ic was a bad lot lotScratched outstretched Scratched Collinsville Collins 87 Buck Moran 102 F Garner 102 Hindoo Indoor Queen 89 Poe 105 Clif Cliff ton B 96 Moline 93 Glen Terra 100 Little Treasure 102 Murat Maura 100 Beatrix Beatrice 87 Overweights Overweighs 87Overweights Henry Ormsby Moresby 2 pounds Nannie Nannies Davis 3 Mr Eastin Easton 2 Udah Judah 3 2379s SECOND EACE ACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Vz 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2318BANNOCKBUEN 106 6 5 5 31 11 Morris 2358 ST ALFONSES ALFONSO D 95 4 2 1 23 23 Kitley Kirtle 23583JUDGE 412360PLANTAIN WAEDELL WADDELL 100 I 11 25 1 31 j Jackson E Bradley 4 5 4 41 2360PLANTAIN 94 2 33 43 42 42 Slack E Bradley 4 5 4 4 2318 ELSIE BEAMBLE BRAMBLE 88 3 4u 3 5 5 Donaldson Donald W H Boiler 12 25 12 30 2212 EITHOLIN WITHHOLDING 95 5 Fell J Woods G C Bennett 5858 Cpupled Coupled 5858Cpupled in betting Time 25 3648 1 00i 1 07 07Winner Winner BlaisePost Bloodspot Br c by Hayden Edwards Bettie Betties Blaise Blains Post 2 minutes Start good Won driving but with something left second and third under full pressure Bannockburn Bannock outclassed the field Morrisonlaid Orison far out of it thofirsthalf hogfish and did all his riding in the stretch Tho Theo colt is very game and likes a route St Alfonses Alfonso D ran an honest race He is more than an ordinary colt Judge Wardell Waddell shot his bolt early His forte is speed It was a nasty fall Eitholin Withholding got The colt stumbled shortly after passing the half mile pole and turned a complete somersault Woods escape was lucky Plantain was jambed jabbed into the fence 9n the stretch turn and Slacks leg was badly bruised The youngster hung on gamely until passing the wire then ho fell off Elsie Bramble ran a fair race as far as she went Scratched wentScratched Fred Broens Barons 90 Empress Josephine 93 2380 THIED TIED EACE ACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Ji V Si StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 2357GAELAND BAE BADE 102 4n 6U 4 2 12 Campbell T H Eyan Yean 1152 1 65 2293 LAUEEATE LAUREATE 115 1 42 31 3 21 Wilhite Iolite G C Bennett 65 2 65 85 2333 HELEN WEEN WEN 93 3 2H 71 5 31 T Burns T Hums 10 15 10 15 2337 LEW LE HOPPEE HOPPER 111 2 811 81 41 411 C Sloan John Bronock Brook 4 10 4 8 2333 LITTLE SADIE 93 8 5 6 6 5 C Clay John Krepper Keeper 400 100 100 100 2333 GOLIGHTLY GHOULISHLY 88 91 1 11 1 6 WHMartin Wharton Mrs A Hankins Hawkins 20 60 20 40 2110 WINSLOW 93 7 95 93 71 72 Donaldson Donald T E Barrett Barrette 40 10040 100 2054 ELSIE FEEGUSQN FERGUSON 98 51 31 2 9 8H Narvaez Larvae H Stover Stove 10 15 10 15 2246 TEEN 93 6 7 5H 8 9 Stits Tits Gardner Sibley Smiley 40 100 40 100 2356 M WOODLANDS 93 10 10 10 10 10 Kitley Kirtle Wm Dickson Dicks 50 100 50 75 75Time 141Winner Time 24 491 1 01i 1 141 Winner B g 4 by Deceiver Billetta Billet BillettaOlf Billet Olf Rolf first break Start good Won cleverly after an early drive second third and fourth driving to the limit Garland Bar was much the best The ride on him was frightful He was in every pocket available on the back stretch and had to run around the field on the turn Gar ¬ land Bar must have been the best with such handling Laureate is a coward He was a length to the good at the eighth pole He went all to pieces though when pinched Golightly Ghoulishly showed a rare turn of speed She likes weight off and should win soon in her own class Helen Wren was shut off on the far turn Elsie Ferguson showed a lot of speed but was short Lew Blew Hopper ran a game race Garland Bar was entered for 200 and run up to 1000 by G C Bennett and bought in inScratched unscratched Scratched Virgio Virgo Dixon 93 Annie Teuton Teutonic 93 Pitfall 93 93Overweights Overweights Overweighs Garland Bar 4 pounds O Q 1 FQUETH QUEST EACE ACE 1 11G Miles 600 added 3yearolds and upward O O JL Finale Stakes Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St 2 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2334BOANEEGES 107 I 2K 21 4 11 11 Morrison Orison W A McGuigan Michigan 2 2 9595 23172MACY 104 4 4 3 3 21 22 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Sonl Sonly 651 1 2317PAUL GEIGGS GIGS 107 31 31 4 li 32 310 Narvaez Larvae B J Johnston 6666 2296 DONNA EITA ETA 102 2 m 11 21 4 4 Wilhite Iolite T Licalzi Laical 8 10 8 10 Time 10Time 25 50 1 02f 1 15 1 401 1 46 46Winner Winner Ch c 3 by Spendthrift Llandrino Landing LlandrinoPost Post 3 minutes Start good Won cleverly second eased up after a hard early drive Boan Ban ¬ erges merges ran a grand race He was none too well handled and won on his class Ho is real good right now and can beat almost anything at the track Burns rode a queer race on Macy Marcy Ho was shut oil often and went wide on tho thou turns Its a rare thing for Burns to take a wide stretch turn consequently it looked bad Paul Griggs Rigs tired after going a mile Donna Eita Keita was eased up in the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Dr Shoppard Sheppard 113j Counter Tenor 97 Serena 93 Milwaukee 100 Moncroith Noncredit 103 Laureate 101 Meadowthorpe Meadow 115 Berclair Berlin 103 Continued on 2nd Pago Ago FIFTH RACE 13 Mile Purse 400 All ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2295 GATH GARTH 119 3 321972BILLY 35 35 11 Wilhite Iolite G C Bennett 1 651 1 21972BILLY MASON 99 4 422943DAVE 21 22 21 Donaldson Donald M A Walden 2 21 2 115 22943DAVE WALDO WEALD 104 51 15 12 35 Nostrand Unstrained Wyman Wynn Co 4746 2333 ELLA PENZANCE PENANCE 119 21 2123793JUDGE 58 41 45 C Sloan J R Hand HandJ Hand 40 75 40 60 23793JUDGE WARDELL WADDELL J 96 6 4H 52 512 Kitley Kirtle R Bradley 12 20 12 20 2197 TOM COLLINS 99 IN INDisqualified Individualized INK 666 T Burns SimmsAndei Insane SimmsAnderson Insiders 6 6 Disqualified for foul 1 Time 11 231 351 48 Winner B g 5 by Donald A Mollie Merrill MerrillPost Merrill Post 4 minutes Start poor Won well in hand second and third under full sail Gath Garth was the class of the lot He galloped in behind Dave Waldo Weald and Billy Mason and then went to the front when ready Billy Mason Tom Collins Gath Garth and Ella Penzance Penance were badly cut off by Dave Waldo Weald on the far turn Gath Garth fell to his knees Dave Waldo Weald wasdisqualified Billy Mason ran gamer than usual today Ella Penzance Penance did well under her weight The effect of Judge Wardells Waddell first performance told on him himScratched hemstitched Scratched Fred Broens Barons 99 Graziella Grazie 96 96Overweights Overweights Overweighs Dave Waldo Weald 5 pounds RACEA RACE V Q Q Q SIXTH RACE I 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 400 3yearolds and upward A O O O Allowances t St U Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2293MILWAUKEE 99 2 3K 4NK 61 21 HI T Burns Thomas Hums 35 35 12 12 2337 GOOSE LIVER 95 41 2i 21 23 1 211 Knight J B Respass Trespass Co 5 7 5 6 23193MUSKALONGE 73 6 51 6NK 3 Morrison Orison F M Arthur 23373SWORDSMAN 95 INK 621 74 81 52 43 C Clay WAMcConnell 10 40 10 30 22133HARRY McCOUCH McCoy 103 SNK SANK m ill INK 31 5H Wilhite Iolite J W SchorrSon Scorers 8866 2297 LA MOORE 51 52 SNK SANK 41 65 Lawrence M T Danaher 100 200 100 150 23372GOLD BAND 100 61 41 78 Narvaez Larvae G W Curtis 8 10 8 8 2060 MILLIE M 99 9 10 8K 72 71 811 Clay W H Roller 30 75 SO 60 2172 DEJURE ADJURE 100 71 83 10 95 91 92 Freshman T E Barrett Barrette 100 200 100 200 2355 BUCKEYE 99 10 91 91 10 10 10 J Jackson Mrs R Bradley 75 200 75 200 Time 200Time 25 50 1 021 J 16 1 4H 1 45 Winner 45Winner Br c 3 by Free Knight Fantress Fatness Post 2 minutes Start good Won with something left after early punishment second and third were driving hard Milwaukee was much the best He was sharply cut off and dropped back next to last on the far turn Burns persevered with him after that and riding a desperate race bumped his way through Better handled Goose Liver should have Won Knight wabbled warbled all over him at the finish Muskalonge Muskellunge slow to begin finished strong Harry McCouch McCoy is a quitter Watch La Moore She ran a real good race Gold Band was shut off on the stretch turn turnScratched turncoat Scratched Sir Dilke Dike 102 Nero 103 Gaston 95 Overweights Overweighs 95Overweights Dejure Adjure 3 pounds