Morris Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-10-29


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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART WESTCHESTER ESTHETE N Y October 38 Ninth day Westchester Esthete Racing Association Fall Meeting Weather clear track slow and improving Presiding Judge RW Simmons Starter C H Pettingill Petting k Jf FIRST RACE Last 78 of the Withers Mile 600 added 3yearolds and up upward Selling Maiden Jockeys Ind Indo Horses Wt St Ya Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 18803WORDSWORTH 90 2 21 2 1 1 IH Hill Adam Beck 6 6 31 4 2258 DOMITOR DONATOR 95 1 12 i 23 21 2 White Bromley Brome Co 10 10 8 8 2308 686723542PEAT ALBERT S 97 4 6 7 7 SNK SANK 31 Oliver Ruby Stable 6867 23542PEAT 7523533ROSSIFER 124 9 8 61 62 61 41 Searing J J McCafferty 65 75 65 75 23533ROSSIFER 95 3 31 52 41 52 52 Connelly Connell G F Johnson 15 20 15 15 2095K 152095K OF THE GRTR GARTER 104 7 42 SNK SANK 3 41 68 Rogers R T Wilson 6867 68671824ABINGDON 2023513LA 1824ABINGDON 97 5 7 8 8 8 7 Lawrence George Home Jr 20 20 15 20 23513LA FONTERA FRONTIER 92 11 10 9 9 9 8 Cameron E J Baldwin 10 40 10 30 2227 2522823TANIS DETECTIVE 94 6 51 41 52 7 9 H Hewitt R G Tower 15 30 15 25 22823TANIS 104 8 9 10 10 10 10 Peck H Patterson 8 15 8 12 2353 ROBERT BONNER BONER 89 14 12 12 11 11 11 Michael J E Madden 20 40 20 40 1933 SLOW POKE 94 10 11 11 12 12 12 Swan J H Kearns 20 40 20 SO 20542COLLATERAL SO20542COLLATERAL 101 12 13 13 13 13 13 Binger Bringer J F Warner 15 30 15 25 22583NANA H 104 15 15 14 14 14 14 Baldwin W Hayward 5655 2349MASTER JAMES 11213 14 15 15 15 15 Hyland Holland C Kerb Kern W100 20 SO Time SOTime Softie 251 501 1 03 1 161 1 291 Winner 291Winner B g 3 by The Bard Loyalty Start bad Won easily Wordsworth was handled best Domitor Dormitory was best but used too much in the early stages of the race Albert S off poorly came fast at the end on his o n cour court ¬ age Peat was in a pocket all the way and seemed to be comfortable The rear division never had a chance Scratched Eleanor Mac 97 Break oDay today 95 Overweights Overweighs Abingdon Abandon 3 pounds Slow Poke 2 2891 SECOND RACE Eclipse Course 600 added 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Y K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2305 OXNARD 100 4 7 7 3 21 1 OLeary O'Leary J E Madden 10 12 10 10 22613SARATOGA 412305K 92 5 21 21 INK i 23 Thompson J J McCafferty 5 5 4 41 2305K RTOLAN ROLAND 105 2 11 INK 51 3 3 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 5 5 4 4 2305 HINDOONET HIMONT 95 6 8 8 51 61 41 Maher H T Griffin 8 15 8 12 2352 LADY DISDAIN 102 7 6 6 41 41 53 Hirsch J S Wadsworth Adsorb 15 30 15 30 23053HARDLY 87 3 51 52 2K 52 62 Hill M F Dwyer 85 85 65 75 2305 BANISHED 105 8 41 41 8 7 7 BeauchampW Beach M Wallace 8 158 12 2305 WOODRANGER WOODLANDER 97 1 SNK SANK SNK SANK 73 8 Neville W Jennings 20 20 12 15 Time 15Time 24 36 48 1 001 1 12 Winner 12Winner B c by Strathmore Stratford Eloise EloiseStart Eloise Start good Won driving Oxnard was the best He was all but left at the post Saratoga had speed but quit under punishment Ortolan Portland stumbled near the half Hindoonet Himont finished strong and was claimed by M F Dwyer H T Griffin claimed Hardly in retaliation She looked bad earlyScratched Woodranper Woodlander shot his bolt early Scratched Flax Spinner 105 Zeila Zelda 97 6 O O O THIRD RACE 58 Mile Eclipse Course 2yearolds Selling O i Hurricana Hurricane Stakes 1500 Guaranteed i Ind Indo Horses Wt St V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 23092HANDSEL 100 3 INK INK INK n n Maher J A Bennett 4 5 3 31 2370DECANTER 1QO 1 4 5 5 2 21 OLeary O'Leary F R T Hitchcock4 10 4 7 72261JMISS 2261JMISS TENNY TENANCY 109 2 2NK 2NK 22 31 31 Garrigan Arian PulsiferKarrick 85 21 85 21 2181 HIGH JINKS 106 5 31 32 31 4 43 BeauchampW Beach M Wallace 135 3 21 3 323052HANDPRESS 23052HANDPRESS 95 4 5 4 4 5 5 Thompson P J Dwyer 8845 8845Time Time 12 231 351 47i 59 Winner 59Winner B c by Hanover Tarantella TarantellaStart Tarantellas Start good Won easily Handsel Handel outclassed his field Decanter was outpaced first part but came strong at the finish Miss Tenny Teeny is fainthearted She looked promising to the stretch Handpress Handless was practically left SellingA Selling 6 O O O FOURTH RACE 1 110 Miles Over the Hill 3yearolds Selling A O J O Fairview Stakes 1500 guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St St X 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 22632ESTACA 102 4 4 4 4 4 31 li H Martin P Dunne 1 851 75 7522252BANNOCK 22252BANNOCK 108 1 1 11 2 2 1 21 Irving G Anderson 2 2 71045 2185 MANASSAS MANTISSAS 106 3 3 311 311 31 21 31 Hewitt P S P Randolph 6 10 6 8 2283 ORION 98 2 21 21 HI 11 4 4 Garrigan Arian Bromley Brome Co 10 15 10 12 12Time Time 25 50J 1 03 1 16 1 411 1 48 Winner CienegaStart 48Winner B c by Emperor of Norfolk La Cienega Science Start bad Won easily Estaca Staccato came on easily under good handling The going suited him Too much use was made of Bannock early He had nothing left when challenged Manassas Mantissas got an easy ride Orion seems to be of no present worth worthScratched Scratched Cleophus Cloths 113 113Overweights Overweights Overweighs Manassas Mantissas 2 pounds Estaca Staccato 1 I 2894 6 k A FIFT FIT FIFTH RACE The Withers Mile 600 added 3yearolds Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St 14 Y2 34 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2306 DON DORO DORA 117 3 32 22 22 li 13 Taral Aral August Belmont 3 3 21 21 2283 THOMAS CAT 100 7 7 7 3 31 2 Songer Sponger G Anderson SO 75 SO 50 502226JDR 2226JDR CATLETT CATTLE 126 6 61 41 41 4i SN R WilliamsTurney Williams Bros Brows 2 2 75 95 2225HMPERATOR 111 5 12 12 li 2 48 Simms Sims Jas Jabs Galway 4 5 4 41 2282 HER OWN 90 1 SNK SANK 52 7 61 52 OConnor O'Connor Mrs W C Daly Dally 100 100 75 75 2372 CA VALERO 115 221 31 52 51 6 Clayton J E Seagram 4645 464523532QOOD 23532QOOD TIMES 110 4 41 61 61 7 7 Bergen P Dunne 10 12 8 10 1411Winner Time 25 501 1021 116 1411 Winner Ch c by Rayon dOr doer Belladonna Start poor Won pulled up Don dOro Dora ran kindly and truly Thomas Cat had several lengths the worst of the start He ran a great race The weight Va too much for Dr Catlett Cattle Good Times blinkers slipped and he bolted Imperator had a lot of speed OQQpT SIXTH HACE ACE 1 316 Miles Over Withers Course 750 added 3yearolds I J CJ J ij and upward Handicap Horses Wt St S y2 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2284SIR WALTER 117 2 li H 12 14 1 RWilliams Williams Onepk One Stable 6 64 4 2307 HASTINGS 122 1 3 3 314 26 2 Taral Aral A Belmont 1 75 1 65 2306VB 6VB HOLLADAY HOLLAND 126 3 44 41 42 31 Sio Sino Clayton Eastin Easton Larabie Laramie 34 4 3 3 252PEEP HOWARD S 90 5 5 5 5 5 4 42 Maher Bromley Brome Co 10 30 10 25 2PEEP ODAY DAY 113 4 21 21 22 21 5 5 Simms Sims J H McCormick 3 6 3 4 01JWinner Time 25 51 1 034 1 17 1 43 1 55 2 01J Winner B h7 by Midlothian Militia La Scala Scalar Start good Won driving Sir Walter outgamed untamed Hastings The latters clatters nose was in front ten yards from the wire but he hung in the last stride Peep oDay today tired and was pulled up Scratched The Winner 114 BenEdor113

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Local Identifier: drf1897102901_2_8
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