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Lakeside Jockey Club ROBY ROY RACE TRACK ROBY ROY IND INDO INDOpening Indulgencing Opening Day of the Fall Meeting Monday November 1 SIX RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE BEGINNING AT 200 PM ADMISSION 75 CENTS Special Trains on Pittsburgh Fort Wayne EE leave Union Depot stopping at 22nd and 41st Streets and Englewood at 1230 1250 and 110 pm pmSpecial psychical Special Trains on Illinois Central leave Randolph Street Depot at 1250 and 115 pm Two minutes later from Van Buren Burn Street and stopping at Central Station Station22nd 22nd 39th and 63rd Streets Trains on both roads return immediately after the races Round Trip 25 Cents CentsLake Cents Lake Shore RR Van Buren Burn Street Depot Regular Trains stopping at all stations at 1205 Returning at 441 pm Arriving at Chicago at 520 pm Electrie Electric Cars connect with Alley L at 63rd Street direct to track M Lewis Clark Presiding Judge Judgei Judge M Nathanson Nathan Secretary SecretaryRichard Secretary i ° K Associate Judges Richard Dwyer Starter CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB THOS ETHOS H WILLIAMS PRESIDENT R B MILROY MILO SECRETARY Stakes of Winter and Spring fleetings fleeting 1897 = 98 TO CLOSE NOVEMBER 10TH 1897 31 THE BOENS BENS HANDICAP for all BROS BRO one and onequarter conjecturer miles 10000 I 26 THE FOLLANSBEE FALKLANDS HANDICAP for all ages seveneighths seventieths of a mile 1250 22 THB TB THOBNTON HOBNOB STAKES for threeyearolds and upward four miles 3000 27 THE MCLAUGHLIN SELLING HTAKES TAKES for all ages one and onesixteenth consistent miles 12M 1601 23 THE PALACE HOTEL HANDICAP for all asea sea one and oneeighth neigh miles 2000 123 THE PACIFICUNION PACIFICATION STAKES for all ages one and oneeighth neigh miles 1250 24 THB TB QOXST QUOS STAKES for all ages one and onesixteenth consistent miles 1500 29 THE LISSAK LISA STAKES for threayearolds treacherous threequarters treasurers of a mile 1250 35 THE BALDWIN HOTEL HANDICAP for all ages one mile 1500 I 30 THE EANOHO ENOCH DEL PASO HANDICAP for threeyearolds one mile TO CLOSE IN JANUARY 1898 81 THB TB ELMWOOD STAKES for foals of 1896 1000 34 THE WATEEHOUSB WAREHOUSE STAKES for foals of 1896 1350 82 THE FLYING STAKES for foals of 1896 1000 35 THE GENERAL ABTHUE BTU GIGAE GIGUE STAKES for foals of 1896 V 1250 1500 1000 36 CANDELAEIA CANDELA HANDICAP for foals of 1896 Ship All Horsas Horses to Oakland Gal They oan Doan ba Unloaded at tho thou Track Without Going to San Francisco For Information and Entry Blanks Address R B filLROY filler SECRETARY 204 Sutler Subtler Street San Francisco Cal October Form Books BOUND CHARTS FROM OCTOBER 1 TO OCTOBER 31 INCLUSIVE INCLUSIVEPaper Inclusive Paper Covered Books Ready for Local Delivery Monday November 1 Soft Morocco Covered Books will be Heady Wednesday November 3 REINFORCED PAPER COVERED EDITION FULLY INDEXED 100 SOFT MOROCCO COVERED EDITION INDEX OF LINEN PAPER 150 The Edition is Limited First Come First Served We pay the Freight All Orders Must be Prepaid Books sent toOut tout = of Towi Tow SubsecibeEs Subscribes by Express ExpressThere Express There are a few Books of September and October Charts in soft morocco covers linen d 3 c JJ JJt7 t7 paper lettered index Price = = FOR 1 VII SAI AI kJflLjLj P TEN VOLUriES Volutes OF BOUND RACING FORfl Forkful AT SIOa00 PER COpY FROM JANUARY 1st TO JULY 1st 1897 1897THE THE FIRST VOLUME OF A LUXURIANT EDITION OF CHARTS OF THE RACING IN SOFT MOROCCO SEASON OF 1897 FULLY INDEXED The Only depots to supply are those at Cincinnati St Louis Detroit and San Francisco FranciscoDaily Francisco Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 126 sth Seth Ave Chicago 111