Latonia Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1897-10-29


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LATONIA ANTONIA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 58 Mile Mile2yoarolds 2yoarolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2115 Q of Hurstbne Hurst 100 2115 Favena Ravenna 100 Morvona Moron 100 86 Clairette Claire 100 2220 Armorel Marmoreal 100 2361 NellieMiDonaldlOO 783 Brougham fdb db T2342Happy Ten 100 2361 Spaldy Paddy opaiay copaiba Y 1 100 iuu Isuzu 113Dunster iiouunscer 100 iw iw23612BaJ 23612BaJ Masque 110 23613Keelona 23613Keel9na 110 2361 Lena Meyers Meyer 110 J Bauer entry entrySecond Etruscan Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 2362 Timorah Timor 3 103 2321 Kathie May 3 103 2236 Russella3 103 2252 Bonnie Belle3103 2340 LovejoyS Overjoyed 103 2276 KihgEsherS Kingfishers 103 2340 HolyNumber3106 2054 The Planet 3 106 10623663Lex 23663Lex Pirate 3 106 23403Belzara 3 108 2200 Birmingham 5 108 2362 Pallas Paellas 7 108 2277 Miss Frances 4108 2384 Dorothy III 4 108 23622 Argus 3 112 112Third Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 2384 Elano Eleanor 5 109 2339 Chagrjn5 109 2339 KingMichael5109 460 Volax Volga 3 109 2339 Valmont 3 112 2339 Hidago Hidalgo 5 112 2343 BlackSilk Blacks 5 112 2388 A B C 4 112 2277 Say On7 112 2177 Carib Crib 4 117 2088 Jamboree 6 117 2343 Old Center 4 120 120Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Allowances 2361 HighldPcess 277 22992Urarda 2 82 8223243Ardath 23243Ardath 4 97 2366 Letcher Fletcher 4 100 Troy 4 100 23393Cecil 4 104 2366 Orimar Primary 3 105 2366 Sangamon Seagram 3 105 1811 Tidiness 3 107 107Fifth Fifth Race 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 2365 Marklein Marlin 97 1066 Siam 97 2199 Aureate 97 9735 Stanhope Tahoe 100 2338 Elidad Elided 100 2338 Legerdemain 100 2199 Provolo Provolone 100 23652Conan Doyle 103 2342 Farrell 106 2365Jackanapes 106 2385 Bucksaw 106 2324 Don Quixote 112 23222Isabey

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Local Identifier: drf1897102901_2_6
Library of Congress Record: