Nashville Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-11-16


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NASHVILLE FORM CHART CHARTNASHVILLE NASHVILLE TENN TEN November 15 Eighteenth Day Tennessee Breeders Association Fall Meeting Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge Robert Raines Rapines Starter H D Brown 6 f7 Kt FIRST RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 54 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O 1 26212SHIELDBEARER 112 1 IH 1H 12 11 T Murphy F W Gerhardy Gerhard 3 3 3 3 2648 MAGGIE S 109 4 2 31 2 21 1 Turner W W Lister Blister 22852 2650 BOMBARDON 107 7 6 52 51 3s Gatewood Atwood Mrs W W Lyles Lyle 10 10 8 8 2702 FORSYTHE FORSYTHIA 104 5 8 6 4 42 Barrett Barrette Bishop Co 22 85 95 952146VPCE 2146VPCE PROVERB 104 3 3 21 31 5 Powers A J Smith 4645 2702 HUSH 109 6 5 4 61 63 Gilmore W A Kirwan Iran 8 8 3 31 2700 DOC TUBERVILLE TUBERCLE 107 9 10 9 8 7 Hoyt Hot L Hoyt Hot 25 40 25 30 2574 PARAMOUNT 109 8 7 7 7 8 C James J W Cramer Crammer 20 30 20 25 2543 DAISY MAREE MARE 104 10 9 10 10 9 Cassidy J C Ferris Jr 6 10 6 8 826463MISS 26463MISS KITTIE KITTIES 109 2 41 8 9 10 Lynch Steve Ciolini Colin 6 12 6 10 2480 DOMINICA 104 11 11 11 11 11 Casteel Caste F W Joplin 25 25 15 15 9597 LONGEVAL LINEAL 104 12 12 12 12 12 Tabor C H Smith 6 10 6 12 12Time Time 231481 108 108Winner Winner Ch h 5 by Wagner Mamie Mammies Cole ColePost Oleos Post 13 minutes Start good Won driving Shieldbearor Shielded was far the best and tiptoed his field Bombardon showed improvement Prince Proverb tired on the end Maggie S ran a good race Forsythe Forsythia had a rough journey journeyScratched journeys Scratched Patsy 109 Nobilis Mobiles 107 O rr K K SECOND RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 200 2yearolds Selling slnd Island Horses Wt St U V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 27272BEAU MONDE 110 4 23 21 12 Powers John Huffman 1 1 451 2673 SISTER MAMIE MAMMIES 109 1 12 11 22 R Jones R F Meyers Meyer 4 5 31 4 2701 GYPSY PRINCE 107 5 42 36 33 Sullivan L B Haile Hale 5656 2676 MONK WAYMAN ARYAN 110 3 62 51 42 Aker Baker Gates Elliott 6867 2621 AUCTIONEER 107 7 8 72 51 Gilmore H C Breimeyer Reindeer 4544 2500 NEMO NEO 110 10 10 9 62 Barrett Barrette T P Hayes 5856 2601 W D HAMILTON 107 6 787 Cassidy B A Castleman Cattleman 6868 1556 TIDIDES TIDIES 107 2 3 4 8 Lynch M Maguire Co 20 25 12 20 2727 HUSE HOUSE HOPKINS 109 8 52 61 9 Troxler Stroller Mrs M Mack ColO Colon 25 10 15 2599 ALLIE SALLIE B 107 11 11 11 10 Gatewood Atwood Bishop Co 15 15 12 12 2544 NEL NEAL MDONALD DONALD 107 9 9 10 11 Hothersall Others A H E G Vivell Vive 10 20 10 15 2500 DRESSEN DRESDEN 110 12 12 12 12 Thornton Horton J Dunden Dudeen 8 12 8 10 10Time Time 23 481 55 55Winner Winner Ch c by De Beauvoir Behavior Thundercloud ThundercloudPost Thundercloud Post 18 minutes Start good Won easily Sister Mamie Mammies tired Nemo Memo closed a big gap and was coming strong Tidides Tidies ran his race at the post He showed a good turn of speed Dressen Dresden ran away five furlongs Beau Monde was run up to 350 by C E Muenshaw Mensal and sold to him himOverweights hundredweights Overweights Overweighs Sister Mamie Mammies 2 pounds Huse House Hopkins 2 2756 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 Yt H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2624 CON REAGAN 102 1 31 32 INK IH Aker Baker C De Witt Witty 4433 2704 MISS VERNE 97 2 53 53 3 2 Peterman Letterman J R Bagley Bangle 21 4 2 4 2574 STOCKHOLM 90 9 9 8 6 3 Kane J F Grefer Refer 6867 8292 MINNIE MURPHY 101 3 22 21 21 4H Thornton Horton W J Donahue Danaher 65 65 1 1 2648 DR WORK 102 7 4u 4 51 51 Dolan R Rome 4 5 4 41 2702 LADY BRITANNIC 102 5 6 6 7 6 A Barrett Barrette G W Scott 4645 2700 TAGO AGO 108 8 820782K 8997 Hoyt Hot E A Meyers Meyer Co 12 20 12 15 1520782K 20782K C 104 6 7788 Gatewood Atwood Boggs Bogs Co 6666 2545 TOMMY RUTTER UTTER 95 4 IH IH 4 9 Hothorsall Shorthorns HutchinsonCo Hutchinson 6868 6868Time Time 24i 481 1 15 15Winner Winner Ch c 3 by Fonso Fonts Restless RestlessPost Restless Post 12 minutes Start good Won easily Con Reagan drew away the last eighth Minnie Murphy and Tommy Rutter Ruttier were raced to pieces in front The latter was hurt at the post and went lame Stockholm was coming strong Watch him himScratched hemstitched Scratched Sim Siam W 109 Count Fonso Fonts 101 Alva 95 Pouting 102 Gracie C 99 Gold Drop 99 Can I See Em 90 90Overweights Overweights Overweighs Miss Verne 1 pound Dr Work 2 Lady Britannic 2 Tago Tango 4 K C 1 FOURTH RACE58 Mile Purse 200 2yearolds Allowances 2757 Ind Indo Horses Wt St V Yt H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O 2676 GUIDE ROCK 97 4 21 23 22 IH C James F W Johnson 8 12 8 10 2704 MARZELLA MARCELLO 97 1 12 16 12 2 Powers John Huffman 45 1 45 45 2703 JACKANAPES 97 2 7 8 52 32 Thornton Horton Mrs M J Reiff Riff 75 85 65 75 2649 MOUSQUETAIRE 97 3 41 32 32 4 Mason J G Ballentine Valentine 10 15 10 12 1226493OUR 26493OUR CHANCE 100 7 61 4 4H 52 Peterman Letterman John Huffman 45 1 4545 45452673LAVERNA 2673LAVERNA 97 8 8 7 6 6 Turner Wm Newman 6867 2703 SOLUTION 101 2 3 52 7 7 A Barrett Barrette B F Mclntosh McIntosh 6 12 6 10 2610 DENIAL 97 6 5 6 8 8 Lynch V D Bond 6868 6868Coupled Coupled in betting Time 23 47 1 01 01Winner Winner B c by Saracen Alala Alfalfa AlalaPost Gallops Post 20 minutes Start good Won driving Marzella Mazola was raced to pieces in front and stopped badly on the end She would have won though had Powers kept ner near next to the rail Guide Rock caused the delay at post He got up in the last jump Jackanapes was outrun the first part Mousquetaire Mosque ran her race at the post postOverweights postmodernists Overweights Overweighs Solution 4 pounds 2758 FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St S Yt Ya 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 22072OTTO H 101 2 4 42 31 1 12 12 Turner Mrs M Mack Co 2 2 2 115 2730 TRAVELER 98 6 53 55 512 4 41 22 Cassidy J C Ferris Jr 6756 675627303A 27303A B C 107 3 31 2 2H 3 2 31 Aker Baker J S Brannon Brandon 75751 65 6526743SERF 26743SERF 104 5 12 H IH 2 SNI SNIP 41 Lynch Short Bros Brows 2 21 2 115 2728 IRKSOME 104 4 2 3 42 515 512 525 Gardner RhodesMarders Homesteaders 6868 2726 GIOJA GIGO 98 7 6 612 QIO QUITO 630 630 630 Peterman Letterman M J Mclnerny Celery 12 15 10 15 1068 LE BANJO 107 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 Gilmore R S Payne 12 15 12 15 15Time25 Time25 50 1 15 1 41 1 55 55Winner Winner Ch c 3 by John Henry Faustenna Fasten FaustennaOff Fasten Off first break Start good Won easily second cleverly ABC and Serf were raced to pieces in front Otto H came away when ready He won as he pleased Le Banjo could not raise gallopScratched gallops a gallop Scratched Pete Kitchen 104 Celtic Bard 107 Lula Luella Fry 104 Anger 101 SIXTH RACE 6 18 Furlongs Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling DECLARED OFF

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Local Identifier: drf1897111601_1_2
Library of Congress Record: