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LEXINGTON FORM CHART CHARTLEXINGTON CHARTERING LEXINGTON KYM KM Nov 15 Eleventh day Kentucky Racing Association Fall Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Milton M Young Starter C C Chinn Chin OTJ OCT I FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Va Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 26942McFARLAND II 105 4 22 11 12 12 l J Mathews V Cromwell 1 651 65 26632MASTERPIECE 6526632MASTERPIECE 110 1 42 45 45 34 2 H Williams Hickey Bros Brows 2 2 2 2 2718 ROBERT BONNER BONER 99 5 SH 2 22 21 3 Thompson J E Madden 2 2 85 95 2637 THE NAVY 105 3 1 32 3n 43 42 R Jones R H BronaughColO 15 10 10 26902 WE KNOW IT 1044 7 7 64 54 55 53 R Clayton H G Owsley Wesley 12 15 10 15 2720 FESSY ESSAY F 102 6 51 5 61 65 6 Bayless Payless W Fields Co 8 10 8 10 26903REBECCA B 90 9 8 8 7 7 73 Huston Houston H L Stevens 10 10 8 10 2665 ROYAL DANCE 99 2 6 7 8 8 8 Dickerson Dickers J R Hughes Co 12 15 10 15 2465 JOHN CABOT 107 8 9 9 9 9 9 R Clark N R Perkins 30 30 20 30 30Time l294Winner Time 244 49 1 02J 1 154 l294 Winner ElizabethPost Elizabeth Ch c by Whistle Jacket Queen Elizabeth KnowIt Know Post 3 minutes Start good Won eased up The next three were driving hard We Know It closed a big gap McFarland tiptoed Robert Bonner Boner early and all the way It was a very close thing placeScratched spacecraft between Bonner Boner and Masterpiece for second place Scratched King Esher Esther 99 Argus 105 Overweights Overweighs 105Overweights The Navy 3 pounds Wo Know It 24 2745 SECOND RACE58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yz 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 27162DAD STEELE 1104 1 12 12 12 INK Overtoil Overtook F B Harper 1 651 65 2636 RANDAZZO RWANDA 112 6 21 22 23 210 J Mathews T P Hayes 85 85 65 65 2636 STANHOPE TAHOE 112 4 32 32 34 34 J Perkins M M Young 10 10 10 10 2691 BETHLEHEM STAR104 7 61 64 52 42 Bayless Payless W Fields Co 10 10 10 10 2322 GUILDER 99 11 10 8 61 54 Dickerson Dickers P P ONeill O'Neill 40 50 40 50 2716 STUMPY 102 2 7 7 7 62 Huston Houston Baker Gentry 8 10 6 8 3027163SNAKE 2469 CONGOLA CONGO 109 9 9 9 9 74 R Jones H L Stevens 20 30 20 30 27163SNAKE 107 3 4n 44 8 8 C MDonaldH McDonald R Ward 8866 2716 MARKLEIN MARLIN 109 1 54 54 44 9 H Williams L NeWman Co 6 6 5 6 2664 GLADIUS GLADES 109 8 8 10 10 10 R Clark N R Perkins 50 50 40 50 2561 WL IN THE HEAD 99 10 11 11 11 11 Chenault Health J W Hayden 50 50 50 50 102JWinner Time 50Time 25 49i 102J Winner Ch g by Rossington Crossing Inez Cine Post 5 minutes Start good The first two were driving hard The boy on Dad Steele was the best in such a finish Snake showed early speed but did not run up to the mark Guilder finished speedScratched speeds strong Markloin Marlin blew up in the stretch after showing speed Scratched Allerton Aileron 102 Equira Esquire 112 Overweights Overweighs 112Overweights Dad Steele 14 pounds 2746 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H V StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C 26652KITTIE 45452665LOYALTY B 106 3 35 21 21 14 IH J Mathews R HBronaughCol 1 4545 242692LOCKHART 2665LOYALTY 105 2 22412 Hi 23 25 Randall JSiebert Sidebar 2i 24 24 24 2692LOCKHART 101 1 14 32 32 32 38 Higgins WoodfdEvermnS 434 43427183LAKE 27183LAKE V PALACE 99 5 5JO 4 410 42 44 Thompson W MWallace Wallace 3 34 3 3 26923DOCKSTADER 152638ROCKWOOD 100 4 4H 510 510 53 510 J Hicks J F Davis 15 15 15 15 2638ROCKWOOD 101 6 15Time 6 6 6 6 6 J Barr R Congdon Condom Jr 15 15 15 15 Time 25 49J 116 1294 l42i Winner MayPost Mayors Ch f 4 by The Minstrel Minnie May Post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Kittie Kitties B came away with ease when called on in the stretch Rockwood Rockweed had a most funereal appearance Lake View Palace stumbled to his knees at the start Dockstader Dockside finished strong Scratched strongScratched Performance 110 2747 FOURTH RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 y2 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 26912ADA RUSSELL 108 1 14 21 H 11 HlWilliams Hillbillies Holloway Hollow Bros Brows 75 85 75 75 2589ESSONITE 752589ESSONITE 108 5 34 42 31 23 J Mathews S S Brown 65 65 45 4 5 2693 HIGHLAND PCESSIOS CESSIONS 4 2 li 24 3 Higgins W S Barnes 8 10 8 10 26933ANNIE 1026933ANNIE TAYLOR 105 2 44 54 44 44 Randall RHBronaughCo 4444 2693 PCESS CESS REVENUE 108 8 51 32 54 55 Huston Houston B Adams 5656 2693 LENA MEYERS MEYER 100 7 61 75 61 62 F Cooper W M Carroll 15 20 15 20 2666 FROSTY 105 3 7 8 8 7 R Clark W L R K Lewis 15 20 12 20 2666 DAYO DAY 105 9 8 61 7 8 H Hill R E M Porter 7868 2664 FANNIE W FONSO FONTS 1044 6 9999 R Clayton H G Owsley Wesley 40 50 40 50 Time 50Time 25t 504 1 03K 1 10 Winner 10Winner Ch f by Kosciusko Elise B BPost Post Post 10 minutes Start fair Won handily second easily It seemed to be a little too far for Hrincess Princess Ada Adam Russell was vigorously ridden throughout Essonite finished strong The others were outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Miss Evelyn 108 108Overweights Overweights Overweighs Fannie W Fonso Fonts 44 pounds O 2748 T I Q FIFTH FIFTB RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 All ages Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners O H L C 2694THREE BARS 110 1 42 6 24 12 H WilliamsW Williams P Givens 2323 26943ETON 232326943ETON JACKET 107 2 IH 3i 34 23 J Mathews StantonTucker Stanton 71045 3 5 35 2592 DECAPO DECAPODS 90 6 2 41 61 35 Dickerson Dickers Gil Gail Curry 15 20 15 20 2027172BILL 27172BILL ARNETT BARNETT 110 3 62 12 12 44 J Hicks J F Davis 8 10 8 10 2592AMATEUR 102592AMATEUR 90 4 33 24 44 52 Thompson W M Wallace 3 3 24 2 23873ASPASIA II 87 5 51 54 51 65 H Hill W L R K Lewis 4544 2693 VALLE VALE 87 7 7777 Chenault Health T F Kelly 12 15 10 15 25893TALLI 1525893TALLI WANDA 87 8 8888 Higgins J Bauer Co 8 12 8 10 Time 10Time 244 494 1 03 1 16 Winner 16Winner Ch c 3 by Wagner Vollie Collie VollieStart Oiliest Start good Won easily second cleverly Bill Arnett Barnett was raced off his feet the first part of it Eton Jacket did not run her race Amateur tired badly Three Bars quit and came again He is good right now nowScratched cowcatcher Scratched Gooding Goading 100 Momus Moms 109