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NASHVILLE ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather cloudy track fast First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2523 Reuben Rowett Rowe 112 2754 Doc Tuberville Tubercle 112 2543 Bonnie Bess Bests 122 24292fieuzetta 122 2700 Redena Redden 122 2499 Annie Duncan 122 2677 Steve Ciolinil22 2726 Trivoli Tripoli 122 2726 McMillan Macmillan 122 2621 Can I See Em 122 2700 Animosa Animas 122 2543 Tin Cup 122 2726 Vanessa 109 109Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling 1750 Katie H 112 2647 Tole Stole Simmons 107 2338 Legerdemain 106 2701 Lady Chance 106 2757 Laverna Laver 106 26473Azucena 103 25213Farondelle 10325213Farondelle 101 27012Katie Rthrfrd Rutherford 98 98Third Third Race34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances26752Enchanter 26752Enchanter 3 112 2366 Balk Line 6 102 2545Takanasseo 1022545Takanasseo 3102 2704 Pouting 3 102 10224123Shuttlecock 24123Shuttlecock 4 99 2646 MWoodlnds5 99 2702 Russella Russell 3 97 27562Miss Verne 3 92 26753Panchita 9226753Panchita II 3 92 2704 Sierra Gorda3 92 92Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling 7786 Miss Hattiel06 8846 Helvetia Helvetica 103 2727 Deerfoot Beetroot 101 2701 Spaldy Paddy Y 101 2701 Skink 101 2727 Holy Land 98 2601 Mike Haverty Avery 98 2701 John VMcCrthy98 2755 AllieB Sallie 97 97Fiftli Fiftli Fifties Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 27282 Alamo 5 110 2646Hidago 5 107 2728 Nover Mover 4 107 27022peto Kitchn4104 27302Sister Kitchn410427302Sister Stella 3 104 2189 Gladioli 4 104 2602 310127563Stockholm Wolsey Wools 6 104 2756 ConReagan Congregant 3101 27563Stockholm 3 98 2543 Sackville Backfilled 3 98 2600 Rockwall Rockwell 3 95 2702 GRLonghurst 395