Washington Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1897-11-16


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WASHINGTON ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track slow slowFirst loftiest First Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2593 Continental 5 115 27213QovSheehan6115 27213QovSheehan61152723MaplePrince4112 2723MaplePrince4112 2721 Bastion 3 107 Bessie 107Bessie E 3 107 Wampum 3 107 2641 TheMnxmn3107 2643 Maud Adams 3 104 2671 Vinita Initial 3 104 2671 Red Spider 3 104 2723 GHKetchm3104 2593 Ten Spot 3 104 2699 X Ray 3 102 25933Athy 3 99 2593 Squan Sequa 3 99 99First First series seriesSecond series Second Race 34 Mile Mile2yearold 2yearold maidens Allowances AllowancesFillies Allowances Fillies and Geldings 2566 Pink ChambrayllO Chambray 2750 Crayon 110 Palmy Palm 110Palmy Days 110 26962princess lndia110 2696 DuchssAnnettellO 2566 Deal 110 2616Gun 1102616Gun Metal 110 26442Charagrace 110 J 110J Hynes Haynes Co entry Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 2567 Beau Ideal 4 114 2672Lansdale 5V 107 2695 Marshall 7 106 26953Timour 3 103 2753 Summer Sea 3103 2695 Waterman 4 99 2695 Abingdon Abandon 5 99 2721 Eleanor Mac4 99 2695 Jas Jabs Munroe Monroe 4 99 2751 L B 3 95 2671 Break oDay today 3 95 2443 Convention 3 95 2721 MtWashgtn 3 94 26712Mhk Prince 3 91 2751 Her Own 3 91 2672 Detective 5 94 94Fourth Fourth Race 0 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 27242Mont dOr doer 110 2722Gala Day 110 11027223Sen 27223Sen McCarren105 2669 Brentwood Greenwood 105 2644 Hairpin 105 2642 Bardella Bordello 102 2669 Lady Ashley 102 26443Isen 102 2049 Mrs Reeves 97 17322Refide 97 2566 Pink Chambray 97 Fiftli Fifties Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 26972 Volley 4 ug 2697Albert S 4 116 2751Kmg 1162751Kmg T4 116 26703Premier 4 126 2670 JS Clicquot Aliquot 4 113 2723Kinikinck3108 2723 Bannock 3 108 27232Blue Devil3 108 2595Stray 1082595Stray Step 3 108 26173KoftheGrtV3108

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897111601/drf1897111601_3_4
Local Identifier: drf1897111601_3_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800