Oakland Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-03-16


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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND CAL March 15 Fiftysixth Fifty day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter J B Ferguson The recall flag is used Racing starts at 2 15 p m A P Q ty FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 14 Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6932 MISTRAL II 108 4 11 12 12 13 Conley Coney George Rose 5544 3198 JUSTINE 103 2 4 62 52 21 Euos Euros L H Ezell Bezel 15 15 10 12 2659 FIGARO FRIAR 111 3 3MERRY 31 31 4 3 Spencer H E Rowell Roswell 4 5 4 41 MERRY BOY 105 11 9 10 73 43 G Wilson H Stevens 10 15 10 12 4531 JACK ATKINS WATKINS 108 8 61 7 81 51 Powell J Mangan Meagan 15 50 15 40 3807 CAPTAIN REES 108 5 5 5 61 61 Romero McAvoy Cavy Dale 40 40 40 40 4436 JAY WHEELER 105 18 10 9 9 73 Kelly Ledgett Leggett Parker 40 100 40 75 2760 ZAMLOCH 108 6 2H 21 31 82 Macklin Mackinaw G Howson Towson 15 15 15 15 4220 CARTER D 105 10 11 11 10 91 McElhanonT Melanin Brandon 20 30 20 25 4544 REBEKAH REBECCA 10612 12 12 12 103 W Taylor L M Appleby Apple 20 100 20 75 3717 EL VENADO VENDOR 108 15 8 8 11 Hi VanKuren Anuran E J Baldwin 6 15 6 12 4170 EAKINS AKIN 10516 10516OLIVIA 7 41 22 122 H Martin D Gideon 21 21 2J 21 OLIVIA 106 5 562303CLAUDIUS 14 13 13 132 McDonald J Williams 20 40 20 40 62303CLAUDIUS 111 1 13 15 15 14 Paget Page W Boots Son 15 15 15 15 69 IDA H 10613 16 16 16 15 J Woods B Schreiber 12 60 12 50 4436 SANTA CLARA 103 9 15 17 17 16 H Brown E A Shean Sean 15 20 15 15 4531 EUREKA 111 19 19 19 18 17 RNarvaez Ravage E F McDonald 20 50 20 40 4056 MOUNT AIR 108 20 20 20 19 18 McNichols Conchoids D J Boland Borland 15 50 15 40 4421 ROY CARRUTHERS105 14 17 14 14 19 Reidy Reid Coleman Jones 8 15 8 12 3908 RAFAELA RAFAEL 103 17 17First 18 18 20 20 Clawson Lawson W Wilson 5858 First 5858First series Time 251 51i 1 16i 1 31 Winner 31Winner Ch c 4 by Florentine Close the Door DoorStart Dorsa Start good Won easily There was a drive of three horses for second place Mistral was best lucky and well ridden Justine was closing stoutly at end is fit and can be tabbed Figaro Friar pulled up very lame The Boy closed a lot of ground and was a good colt at end Eakins Akin showed a world of speed He is only a sprinter and is a coward too Claudius ran short Tab him for early action at a distance Atkins Watkins and Rees with fair racing luck had no excuses They are of no account accountScratched accounts Scratched Durwad Dread 105 Scorcher 105 4593 SE SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 1A X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 45172ODDS ON 92 2 11 1H 12 12 li Clawson Lawson BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 3 4 3 185 4565 VINCTOR VICTOR 110 1 2 21 21 23 2 Conley Coney W Boots Son 12 Iv2 25 12 4566 LOST GIRL 101 3 3 41 41 36 36 E Jones E G McConnell 8 25 8 20 4511 LOS PRIETOS PRESTOS 89 6 61 61 7 41 48 Holmes J O Reis Regis 6867 3954 DONATION 107 4 41 8 8 62 53 VanKuren Anuran C C OFallon Fallen 30 80 30 50 4562 BONNIE IONE ONE 89 8 8 3 31 51 ° 63 OConnor O'Connor J Cochran 60 60 60 60 4526 DR MIZNER MINER 81 5 5 5 6 7 7 J Woods J Neil 30 100 30 75 4519 IRR1TATOR 89 7 7 7 7 8 8 Beaton Eaton FarrrTuberville75 200 75 150 4169 PESCADOR ESCUDO 110 9 9 9 9 9 9 Burck Buck F Dickey 100 100 100 100 Time 100Time 25f 50J 1 01 1 161 1 42h 42hWinner Winner Ch c 3 by Torso Trellis TrellisStart Trellises Start good Won in a hard drive The first two were far the best Vinctor Victor should have won Odds On was lucky He ran his race and was a lion at the end Vinctor Victor was most un ¬ lucky poorly handled and cut off on first and stretch turns He finished strong The Girl ran her race and can win when correctly placed So can Prietos Prestos He favors a route and was badly ridden Donation was not ready and favors a route lone was badly used and outclassed Pes Pees cador candor is as insane as of old oldScratched Scratched Mordecai Mordacity 92 imperious 98 Mount Roy 107 4594 THIRD RACE 3 13 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4546 LEO VERTNER VERNE 98 5 3 3 IH Gray L H Ezell Bezel 4 4 2 21 1564 GOLD SCRATCH 106 1 11 12 21 Thorpe BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 2 2 7595 4546 464643593OCORONA ZACATOSA ACTORS 101 2 2 2 31 H Martin D A Honig Hong 4646 43593OCORONA 101 9 7 41 43 McGinn McKinney E J Baldwin 20 20 20 20 45463MASTER 2045463MASTER BUCK 101 8 51 51 5 Spencer W P Magrane Marianne 8 10 8 8 4204 ANCHORED 10110 8 62 65 McDonald G Ferguson 12 15 10 12 4509 UHLER HALER 104 7 10 7 7 t G Wilson Mrs T Kiley Kelley 30 10030 75 4546 LOYALIE LOYALTIES 9811 11 8 McNichols Conchoids TimmonsMarks60 10060 75 75ST ST FRANCIS 109 3 61 10 91 VanKuren Anuran Z Abrahams Abraham 50 60 30 40 4546 LA PARASSEUSE PARNASSUS 98 6 42 9 10 Clawson Lawson AtkinLottridgelO 15 10 12 RIO 12RIO CHICO CHIC 106 4 9 11 11 H Brown W B Sink Jr 15 15 10 10 Time 10Time 12 241 37i 431 Winner B g by Leonatus Lents Rosa Vertner Verne VertnerStart Vertebrata Start good The first six were as busy as Chicago politicians at the end Vertner Verne was hard ¬ est driven and best ridden was lucky too Scratch was cut off sharply in the stretch It cost him the race He weakened in the closing contention and is a coward Watch Ocorona Octoroon She closed stoutly under a bad ride Bucks forte is mud He is fit Anchored will win soon was cut off on first and stretch turns today Francis ran short Parasseuse Parnassus is a speedy coward cowardScratched cowards Scratched Racivan Radian 101 i ff CK FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 500 3yearolds and upward 4tO 4tOLO LO Free Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4385NAPAMAX 103 1 4 4 31 12 13 1 4475 DR BERNAYS BETRAYS 84 3 11 H IH 2 22 45653 FLASH LIGHT HO 2 2 21 4 4 38 Tuberville Tubercle FarrrTubrville 4 433 3900 DON ATOR ASTOR 80 4 3 31 21 31 4 OConnor O'Connor W Boots Son 40 10040 75 Time 75Time 25 50i 1 03 1 16 1 42t 1 55i Winner NapaStart Apostate 55iWinner B f 3 by Maxim Napa Start good Won easily Napamax Napalm outclassed her field She is cherry ripe Bernays Betrays was well ridden ran his race and is fit Watch him Flashlight Wag overweighted overweighed and less than well ridden He ran his race So did Donator outclassed He is ready OsaUweights Safelight readyOsaUweights Dr Bernays Betrays 4 pounds Cnangefc Change poundsCnangefc pounds in weight Napamax Napalm 1 pound off Continued on 2nd Page FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yi Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1 45112L1NSTOCK 107 1 11 li 12 13 15 Conley Coney W Applegate Appellate 35 35 12 3 4562 ROSORMONDE 105 4 51 41 4 23 22 H Martin J N Burk Burke 4645 464545102SUSCOL 45102SUSCOL 107 6 31 2 21 31 33 Spencer W D Randall 8 12 8 12 1245492DUKE 45492DUKE OF YORK II 110 3 4 5 5 5 4 Thorpe Mrs L Appleby Apple 4 4 3 31 45082TOWANDA 105 8 8 61 61 4 515 Clawson Lawson Mrs T Kiley Kelley 15 60 15 50 4526BALLISTER 504526BALLISTER 112 2 2 31 SH 6 63 Hennessy Hennas D Gideon 6 20 6 15 4114 SOCIALIST 107 5 61 8 8 7 71 H Brown J MacManua Madman 15 80 15 75 3375 MORA N A 105 7 7 7 7 8 8 Ruiz Ritz W G Sylvester 100 100 100 100 Time 100Time 25 50i 1 03i 1 16i 1 29 StockingStart Stockings Winner Br c by Logic Blue Stocking Start fair Won easily Linstock Flintlock outclassed his field He favors a route and needs strong handling Rosormonde Roomed ran her race She is fit and game and closed strong Tab her Suscol Subsoil had all the bad luck of racing and riding Throw race out He is good Was cut off on first and stretch turns and not ridden out Duke of York is uncertain He sulked today Towanda Town is good for what she can do She ran about her race today Ballister Blister ran a shocking race He was cut off early and late Throw the performance out Others of no account 4 4 7 SIXTH RACE 3 3Ind 34 Mile Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses 3 Wt St Vi Y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4567 YEMEN 102 3 345473CHAPPIE 21 2 IH IH H Martin W B Sink 4433 45473CHAPPIE 3 99 8 IH 11 24 21 Gray HERowell Hero 8 10 8 10 4S30AMELIA FONSO FONTS 103 9 41 31 32 33 Spencer W P Magrane Marianne 6867 4567 MISS ROSS SS 6867SS 103 12 1245673PEIXOTTO 8 81 71 4 McNichols Conchoids W R Griffin 20 20 12 15 45673PEIXOTTO X 15X 108 10 1044952MAJOR 61 52 41 54 McDonald J J Coulter 3 5 3 41 44952MAJOR COOK OOK OK 102 11 114563ROBAIR SH 41 81 61 J Weber G T Bertolacci Barstool 20 30 20 25 4563ROBAIR 105 4 9 9 61 71 Conley Coney T H Ryan 21 8 21 5 4567 SEA SPRAY AY 102 7 11 10 10 83 R Narvaez Larvae P Siebenthaler Segmental 20 40 20 30 4563 SCHNITZ SCHNITZEL 105 6 7 62 51 9io Stevens C F Sanders Co 20 60 20 50 4333 DISTINCTION TION ION 50TION 97 1 144773KOENIGEN 12 11 11 10 OConnor O'Connor M J Daly Dally 15 20 15 20 44773KOENIGEN 2044773KOENIGEN 97 13 1345633SANTA 13 13 12 11 J Woods Caesar Young 20 30 15 30 45633SANTA 3045633SANTA PAULA 97 14 14 14 13 12 Ruiz Ritz C J Thacker Hacker 15 40 15 30 4567 68671709SLOULOU SAN MATEO 108 5 51709SLOULOU 10 12 14 13 Hennessy Hennas Miller Blazer 6867 1709SLOULOU R 97 2 3 71 9 14 Clawson Lawson W B Sink Jr 12 15 12 12 Time 12Time 2414911 02i 115 Winner Ch g 9 by Alarm Hira Hiram HiraStart Thirst Start fair Won in a hard drive of three horses Yemen was gamest at the end He is a crazy horse but got away well The recall flag saved him Chappies Happiest race was a bit above th notch He is ready Watch Fonso Fonts She was not well managed Will win soon Poixotto Polio was killed off by bad riding Miss Ross closed a lot of ground Robair Roar has moods Ho sulked to ¬ day Spray was badly ridden Schnitz Schnitzel was outclassed in the going Mud is his forte Paula was himScratched hemstitched away badly Mateo fell to his knees and was keenly cut off Watch him Scratched Ricardo 99 Spry Lark 100 Emma D 100 Tim Murphy 102 Sutton102 Lode Star 102 King William II 105 Howard 105 2arro 105 Don Fulano Fulani 108

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898031601/drf1898031601_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1898031601_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800