New Orleans Pooling., Daily Racing Form, 1898-03-16

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NEW ORLEANS POOLING POOLINGLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE KY March 15 Tonights Tonight pool ¬ ing King on Wednesdays New Orleans fields is isFirst misfires First Race Nannie Nannies Dunn 25 Easter Eve 18 Adowa Dow 15 Harry Lee 12 Hano Hanoi Belle 8 Minnie Weldpn Weldon S His Brother 5 field 5 5Second Second Race Crystalline 20 Tole Stole Simmons 15 Sir Dick 12 Bertha Nell 8 Douster Ouster swivel 8 Aunt Bird 6 Laurel Leaf 5 field 6 Third Race Robert Bonner Boner 20 Necedah Necked 17 High Testf Test 15 Tranby Tabby 10 Headlight 8 Alva 8 Weils Wells Street 5 field 5 5Fourth Fourth Race Albert S and Ella Penzance Penance 25 David 20 Tabouret Tambour 15 Pat Morrissey 12 Cherry Leaf 10 Globe II 8 field 5 Fifth Race Kingstone Kingston 15 Carrie Ly le 12 Arian 8 Jack of Hearts 7 Babe Fields 6 L W 6 Russella Russell 5 field 7 7Sixth Sixth RaceColonel Raccoon Gay 20 Lorrania Loran 15 Elyria 10 Dagjo Dagon 8 Bob Clampett Clamped 7 Clara Bauer 6 Nover Mover 6 Alamo 6 Convention 5 Little Bramble 5 field 5

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Local Identifier: drf1898031601_2_2
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